
  1. 周二(10月29日)晚间HBO宣布已为“龙家”预定了“10集连续剧”。这部以坦格利安家族为中心的前传剧的时间背景大概设定在《权游》故事300年前。

    HBO announced Tuesday evening that it 's " given a 10-episode , straight-to-series order " for " House of the Dragon " - a Targaryen-centric prequel set about 300 years before the events of " Game of Thrones . "

  2. 你应该成为我的妻子,为我怀上银发紫瞳的孩子,以保证龙家血脉的纯正。

    You were supposed to be my wife , to bear me children with silver hair and purple eyes , to keep the blood of the dragon pure .

  3. 根据化石组合,龙家沟盆地的地层可划分为中侏罗统龙家沟组,上白垩统及上中新统保德组。

    The strata of Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the basin can be divided into three parts , Middle Jurassic ( Longjiagou Formation ), Lower Cretaceous and Upper Miocene ( Baode Formation ) .

  4. 我们在龙家和葛雷乔伊家的船队里看到多恩的船,说明从瓦里斯与两人在多恩会谈到龙母出征,其间已经过去了很长一段时间。

    Because we see Dorne 's ships among her Targaryen fleet and the Greyjoy ships , it 's clear that a significant amount of time passed between Varys scene with the women of Dorne and Daenerys ' departure .

  5. 康道尔将和著名的《权力的游戏》导演米格尔·萨普什尼克共同担任“龙家”这部剧的制片人。萨普什尼克执导了《艰难堡》、《私生子之战》和《凛冬的寒风》这几集,这也是原剧最受喜爱的三集。

    Condal will serve as showrunner of " House of the Dragon " alongside Miguel Sapochnik - the famed " Game of Thrones " director who helmed " Hardhome , " " Battle of the Bastards , " and " The Winds of Winter " ( three of the original show 's most beloved episodes ) .

  6. 无论黑龙每天飞的再怎么远,到了傍晚他也会凭着本能回到在龙石山的家。

    And no matter how far the dragon flew each day , come nightfall some instinct drew him home to Dragonstone .

  7. 孩子们在学习中生代时期知识时,可以将虚拟的暴龙和迅猛龙放在家中或教室,甚至可以和这些恐龙自拍合影。

    Kids studying the Mesozoic Era would be able to place a virtual Tyrannosaurus or Velociraptor in their home or classroom - and even take selfies with one .

  8. 龙瑞一家三口,每个人都有一个中国名字,他自己叫龙瑞,他的妻子叫龙佩,儿子叫龙宝。

    All three members in Long 's family have a Chinese name each , himself called Duane Long , his wife Pei Long and their son Bao Long .

  9. 现在仅剩下两家:高龙公司和一家美国公司。

    Today , only two are left : Golden Dragon and a fragile US supplier .

  10. 根据该慈善组织透露,一位慈善人士计划连续五年每月为龙张欢一家提供2000元的捐助,这样一来他们就可以雇人帮忙从而减轻孩子们身上的负担。

    According to the group , a philanthropist offered to donate 2,000 yuan a month for five years to Long ` s family so they could hire a helper and ease the children ` s burden .