
  1. 他们说,自己的目标是把龙美术馆变成一个能与纽约的现代艺术博物馆(MuseumofModernArt)和古根海姆博物馆(GuggenheimMuseum)相媲美的世界级博物馆。

    They said their goal was to transform the Long Museum into a world-class destination that could compete with the likes of the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum in New York .

  2. 这对夫妇在上海拥有两家龙美术馆,王薇是美术馆的幕后推手和总监。

    Ms. Wang is known as the driving force and general director behind the couple 's Long Museum , which has two branches in Shanghai .

  3. 这只杯子在收藏者中有中国陶瓷圣杯的美誉,刘益谦将会把这件稀世珍品收藏在自己位于上海的龙美术馆中。

    Liu will house the incredibly rare item , known in collectors ' circles as the holy grail of Chinese ceramics , in his private Long Museum in Shanghai .

  4. 2012年,刘益谦和王薇开设了龙美术馆浦东馆。它是近些年上海开始出现的诸多私人博物馆之一,因为上海市政府致力于把这座城市打造成国际文化之都。

    So in 2012 , Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang opened the Long Museum Pudong , one of many private museums that have begun in Shanghai in recent years as the local government tries to transform the city into an international cultural capital .

  5. 这些年来,他们收藏了大量中国传统和现代艺术作品,其中大部分都陈列在他们位于上海的两座美术馆里,即2012年开幕的龙美术馆浦东馆,和去年开幕的龙美术馆西岸馆。

    Over the years , they have built a vast collection of both traditional and contemporary Chinese art , much of which is displayed in their two museums in Shanghai : the Long Museum Pudong , which opened in 2012 ; and the Long Museum West Bund , which opened last year .

  6. 2014年,他们开设了第二个分馆——龙美术馆西岸馆,它是上海市政府开发的河畔文化走廊的一部分。这个文化走廊包括私人博物馆、大型娱乐中心,以及即将亮相的梦工厂新合资动画公司的总部。

    In 2014 , they opened a second branch , the Long Museum West Bund , part of a government-sponsored project to develop a waterfront cultural corridor in Shanghai that includes private museums , a large entertainment complex , and soon , the headquarters for DreamWorks " new Chinese joint venture animation studio .