
  1. 岷江上游干旱河谷区龙洞沟泥石流及其防治

    Prevention and control of debris flow in dry valley of the upper Minjiang River : A case study of Longdong Gully

  2. 泥石流流域生态经济分区及关键调控措施&以岷江上游干旱河谷区龙洞沟为例

    Ecological and Economic Zoning of Debris-flow Basin and Regulating Measures & A Case Study of Longdong Gully on the Upper Reach of Minjiang River

  3. 岷江上游干旱河谷带山地灾害对水质影响研究&以茂县龙洞沟流域为例

    The Research on Mountain Disasters ' Impact on Water Quality in Drought Valley Areas of Minjiang River 's Upper Stream & A Case Study of Longdong Gou Valley in Mao County

  4. 近年来,由于对后山森林植被破坏,加之灌渠渗漏,致使龙洞沟两岸发生多处崩塌滑坡,在暴雨季节曾多次发生大规模泥石流。

    In recent years the destruction of vegetation and water leakage from irrigation channels have caused rock falls and sliding on slopes in many places and in raining period the large scale debris flows happened for many times .