
  • 网络Dragon's Lore;Dragon Tales;Legend Of The Dragon
  1. 西方国家也有龙的传说。

    There are also legends about dragons in Western countries .

  2. 规划体现了东方文化特别是中原文化特色,根据龙的传说及湖的形态,把规划中的人工湖取名为龙湖;

    Planning reflects the oriental culture , especially the Central Plains cultural characteristics , according to the legend and the long form of the lake , put the planned artificial lake named Longhu ;

  3. 云南少数民族的迁徙以及相互之间的交往,中原文化的浸染,外来异国文化的渗透等多重文化因素共同造就了云南少数民族中独有的关于龙的神话传说和故事。

    It is the migration and communication , the influence of the mainland culture , and the penetration of foreign cultures that altogether contribute to the unique myths , legends and stories about dragons Yunnan minority folk literature .

  4. 本文首先考察了西域乃至印度各地与龙有关的传说,指出龙崇拜是流行于中土、西域及印度的一种普遍信仰,但三地对龙具有不同的观念。

    The author studies the legends of dragon in West Regions and India and points out that though the worship of dragon was a common part of belief in inland China , West regions and India , the ideas of dragon were different .

  5. 龙是中华民族的图腾,龙的传说可追溯到5千年前或更早的时期。

    Chinese dragon is the totem , the dragon of the legend can be traced back to 5 or even earlier period of the Millennium .