
  1. 有个武士名叫公卢望,他身上穿着恺甲,手里拿着锐利的兵器,一看到赵简子就放声大笑。

    A warrior and holding a sharp weapon in his hand , laughed loudly the moment he saw Zhao Jianzi .

  2. 晋国名将赵简子准备出兵进攻齐国。

    Zhao Jianzi , the famous general of the State of Jin , prepared to attack the State of Qi .

  3. 赵简子听完公卢望的故事,像做梦刚醒过来一样,说:“现在,我去进攻别国,有可能失败,那我不就反而成了亡国的主将。”

    After Zhao Jianzi heard Gong Luwang 's story , he looked as if he had just wakened from a dream . He said : " Now , if I attack other states , I may possibly fail , then I 'll become the subject of a subjugated state . "

  4. 赵简子说:‘我让他专门为你驾车吧。’

    Jian said , " I will make him always drive your chariot for you . "

  5. 那奚回去后向赵简子报告说:‘王良真是天下最不会驾车的人了!’

    The favourite Xi reported this result , saying , " he is the poorest charioteer in the world . "

  6. 同时,我们还认为春秋时期的史官非常看重德的作用;其三,分析了鲁昭公三十二年中史墨为赵简子论天道和史官论星象的记载。

    At the same time , we also considered that the historiographer of Spring and Autumn Period gave more attention to the role ofethics ; Thirdly , we analyzed the statement of Heaven and astrology records which are stated by Shi Mo for Zhao jian zi .