
  • 网络distant past
  1. 那个秘密的答案埋藏在遥远的过去

    The key to that secret lies in the distant past

  2. 在遥远的过去,我们的祖先主要是依靠手工工具。表示时间的距离。

    In the long distant past , our ancestors depended on handmade tools mostly .

  3. 许多民间故事是从遥远的过去流传下来的。

    Many folk-tales have come down from a very remote past .

  4. 这个传说可以追溯到遥远的过去。

    The legend goes ( or can be traced ) back to remote antiquity .

  5. 亲爱的,你,你是如此遥远的过去。

    Honey , you , you are so yesterday .

  6. 他们曾经有过一段暧昧关系,但现在那已成为遥远的过去了。

    They had an affair once , but that 's ancient history now .

  7. 在并不遥远的过去,单身是种失败的象征。

    In the not-so-distant past , being single was often a sign of failure .

  8. 这件事发生在遥远的过去。

    The thing happened in the remote past .

  9. 上星期二好像已经是遥远的过去了。

    Last Tuesday seemed several light-years away already .

  10. 在遥远的过去,人们生活十分艰难。

    In the old days life was difficult .

  11. 在遥远的过去[未来]

    In the remote past [ future ]

  12. 此事发生在遥远的过去。

    It happened in the distant past .

  13. 这是科学家所能观测到的最遥远的过去的景象。

    It was the farthest that scientist had been able to look into the past .

  14. 那种风俗在遥远的过去曾经流行。

    That custom prevailed in faraway times .

  15. 阿佛莱会堂已经成为十分遥远的过去,他既不会去回想,也记不清楚了。

    Avery Hall was too far away for him to look back and sharply remember .

  16. 意大利语当中有个不常使用的时态,叫(遥远的过去)。

    In Italian there is a seldom-used tense called the Passato remoto , the remote past .

  17. 重聚时,她认出一两张面孔,是在已模糊的遥远的过去见过的。

    At the reunion she recognised one or two faces from the dim and distant past .

  18. 久远的事件;遥远的过去或者未来;距离现代十个世纪的久远文明。

    Distant events ; the remote past or future ; a civilization ten centuries removed from modern times .

  19. 在遥远的过去,美国人侵略了阿兹特克人的众多部落。

    We leave in the distant past , when America dominated the powerful and numerous tribe of the Aztecs .

  20. 即使是发生在遥远的过去,你的潜意识心态仍然有一个理由,不喜欢自己。

    Even if that happened in distant past , your subconscious mind still has a reason not to like yourself .

  21. 你能够看到今晚、明天、遥远的过去或未来的天空。

    You can see how the sky will look tonight , tomorrow , or far into the past or future .

  22. 遥远的过去;深入敌占区;森林极远处;外层空间探测器。

    Deep in the past ; deep in enemy territory ; deep in the woods ; a deep space probe .

  23. 后来这些石块证实,在遥远的过去,南极洲曾经被植被覆盖。

    Later , these rocks proved that at one time in the distant past the Antarctic was covered by plants .

  24. 这些本土饮料勾起了人们对并不遥远的过去的回忆,那时全球化还没有对印度人的生活产生如此巨大的影响,人们的生活节奏更慢。

    The indigenous beverages are reminders of a not-so-distant time when life in India was slower and less affected by globalisation .

  25. 敲响当下的钟,你会听到遥远的过去和未来的回声。

    Ring the bell of the present , and you will hear the distant echoes of the infinite past and future .

  26. 因为自行车会把你的思绪带回到遥远的过去,也会把你的性灵引入到灿烂的未来。

    Because his bicycle would bring the feeling back to the past , and introduce the spirituality to the splendid future .

  27. 我祖父母的父母是我的曾祖父母在遥远的过去,我们的祖先主要是依靠手工工具。表示时间的距离。

    My grandparent 's parents are my great-grandparents . In the long distant past , our ancestors depended on handmade tools mostly .

  28. 但在中国,这种爱国主义言论也让人们想起了并不遥远的过去,当时不同看法的公开言论几乎都受到了禁止。

    But in China , such patriotic verbiage is also a reminder of times not entirely departed when little other public speech was permitted .

  29. 难道我们大家不曾有过这种潜意识吗?在并不遥远的过去,天气更加阳光明媚、电视节目更加有趣、面包店的小圆面包更圆。

    Don 't we all have a sneaking feeling that the weather was sunnier , TV shows funnier and cake-shop buns bonnier in the not-very-distant past ?

  30. 那些事件发生在遥远的过去,隐藏在原始人类历史的黑暗之中,对于我们今天已经没有任何关系了。

    Those events in a far-distant past , hidden in the darkness of primitive mankind 's history , are no longer of any concern for our day .