
  • Unreachable;out of reach;Untouchable
  1. 人们有理由相信美元时代的终结将不再是遥不可及的事情。

    Therefore , people are convinced that the end of U.S. dollar era will not be untouchable .

  2. 在油轮的总存储表之一是不再遥不可及。

    One of the tables at the Tanker General store is no longer unreachable .

  3. 胜利现在对于她来说已遥不可及。

    Victory is now out of her reach .

  4. 现在即使是相对来说并不算多的5万英镑对他来说也是遥不可及的。

    Even the relatively modest sum of £ 50,000 now seems beyond his reach .

  5. 但随着太空变得越来越大众化,对于普通人来说,卫星也渐渐地不再那么遥不可及。

    But increasingly , as space becomes more democratized , they are coming within reach of ordinary people .

  6. 纽约城市大学、罗格斯大学和印第安纳大学都遥不可及,密西西比州立大学和阿拉巴马大学也是如此,在这两所大学我还得交州外学费。

    City University of New York ( CUNY ) , Rutgers University , and Indiana University were out of reach as were Mississippi State and the University of Alabama , where I would have to pay out-of-state fees .

  7. 鲁宾诺夫说:“如果我们能够引导更多学生进入此类学校,帮助他们了解这些学校并非遥不可及,让他们频繁申请并最终入学,成功率就会最终提高。”他还列举了大型国家机构和小型私立学校等各种学院。

    " If we can help to direct students to more of these types of campuses and help students to understand them to be realistic and accessible places , have them apply to these schools at greater frequency and ultimately get in and enroll , we are going to raise the success rate , " Rubinoff said , citing a variety of colleges ranging from large state institutions to smaller private schools .

  8. 最初,前景看似黯淡,终结之日遥不可及,最终结局悬而未决。

    At the start , the outlook seemed bleak3 , the end distant , the outcome uncertain .

  9. 有时候,他们甚至觉得不管去哪里工作都一样,大概因为在他们眼里,其他地方都跟外国一样遥不可及。

    And , in some cases , they think it will be just as bad wherever they go , partly because everywhere else seems like a foreign country that may or may not even exist .

  10. 1991年马德里的乔治·H·布什,2000年戴维营的比尔·克林顿,2007年安纳波利斯的乔治·W·布什皆难力挽狂澜,和平依然遥不可及。

    Bush at Madrid in1991 nor Bill Clinton at Camp David in2000 nor George W.Bush at Annapolis in2007 succeeded in making peace or even bringing it visibly closer .

  11. 促使我在1959年写出那篇关于苏格兰文学的作文的,是虚荣心、奖项的刺激还有斯蒂尔(Steel)先生的鼓励,不是我遥不可及的继承人得到回报的前景。

    It was my vanity , the spur of the prize , and the encouragement of Mr Steel that prompted me to write that Scottish essay in 1959 , not the prospect of rewards to my distant heirs .

  12. 云计算用于EDA工作可能仍遥不可及,但在三到五年内,云计算将在主要EDA供应商和客户之间的设计事务中占据高达20%比例。

    Cloud computing for EDA work may still be in the clouds but in three to five years it will occupy up to20 percent of design transactions between major EDA vendors and their customers .

  13. 丹尼・沙利文(DannySullivan)梦想著有一天能够空闲下来,伺弄伺弄花草,享享天伦之乐,但在可以预见的未来,这种日子对他来说仍旧遥不可及。

    Danny Sullivan dreams of gardening and spending time with his grandchildren , but that 's just a fantasy . Retirement is out of his reach , at least for the foreseeable future .

  14. 随着德国的深度衰退拖累邻国表现,欧元区任何有意义的复苏似乎仍遥不可及,摩根士丹利的埃尔加巴奇(ElgaBartsch)称。

    With Germany 's deep recession dragging down its neighbours ' performance , any meaningful recovery in the euro area still seems far away , said Elga Bartsch at Morgan Stanley .

  15. 金字塔的秘密就象遥不可及的良知。

    The mystery of the pyramids is that of unattainable conscience .

  16. 可仅管尽力了,我的目的还是那么遥不可及。

    But try as I may , my goal remains elusive .

  17. 但是在国内,对于大部分人而言,这仍然是一个陌生而遥不可及的名词。

    But in domestic , this still is one strange noun .

  18. 杰克逊一直被世人认为是最神秘而遥不可及的表演家。

    Jackson was long seen as a distant and mysterious performer .

  19. 云:偶像呢,好系遥不可及的。

    An idol is so far away , out of reach .

  20. 象月牙儿般,遥不可及地悬挂在空中。

    Like Crescent Moon-like , distant land hanging in the air .

  21. 遥不可及的目标如同干涸土地上的一首船毫无价值。

    Motivation without vision is like a boat on a dry land .

  22. 即使是现在,那本书也并非遥不可及。

    A book which even now , is never far from reach .

  23. 在那个时代,电子下单真是遥不可及啊。

    At that time , e-ordering was still a far reaching thing .

  24. 就像成功是遥不可及般的,

    like success is way too hard to ever achieve ,

  25. 也许这并没有你想的那样遥不可及。

    It may not be as far-fetched as you think .

  26. 但是经济增长似乎又遥不可及。

    But economic growth does not appear to be on the horizon .

  27. 追求一个遥不可及、四季如夏的地方

    Always chasing someplace far away where it 's always summer

  28. 我就在你的左右,无论你有多么遥不可及。

    I am with you , however far away you may be .

  29. 所有这些困难让可持续的水产养殖看起来遥不可及,

    All these obstacles can make sustainable aquaculture feel a long way off ,

  30. 那好像是遥不可及的事。

    That was , like , the furthest thing .