
  1. 因此,王昌龄的送别诗并非一般的应景之作,更非无病呻吟、舞文弄墨的文字游戏,而是诗人情感的坦诚流露、灵魂的真实写照。

    Therefore his farewell poems are not mere formality or word playing of groan but the true clear espression of feeling and the description of soul .

  2. 其次,他的政治抒情诗有配合政策的应景之作,有发自肺腑的抒发与当时政策相吻合的战歌颂歌,也有个人所思所感与主流政策相矛盾的迷茫之作。

    Second , his political lyrics with an occasional line with policy making , are from the heart of the express policy was consistent with the praise songs of war , but also individual thought and felt in the mainstream of the confusion of contradictory policies for .