
  • 网络Frequency constant;Hz.m
  1. 而这些缺陷对振子频率常数没有影响。

    However , these defects have no influences on frequency constants .

  2. 并在浮频率N为常数时,求得非传统地转近似条件下的海洋内波频散关系。上述得到的方程退化后与无流条件方程一致,进而验证了方程的正确性。

    At the same time , dispersion relation on oceanic internal wave : obtained under the non-traditional approximation when the buoyancy frequency N is constant .

  3. 通过进行理论计算和拟合,得到GaN中的等离子体激元的频率及阻尼常数,并由此计算得到GaN中的载流子浓度和迁移率。

    The two branches in each spectrum were independently lineshape-fitted based on scattering analysis , and plasmon frequency and damping constant were obtained , thus the free carrier concentration and mobility could be deduced .

  4. 结果证明,对于二维阶跃边缘,在Gabor滤波器的频率和空间常数乘积接近于1.8,且滤波器方向垂直于边缘方向的情况下,可以得到最佳的边缘检测效果;

    The results proved that for step edge in two dimension , Gabor filter was optimized when the product of the frequency and the spatial constant was close to 1.8 and the filter direction was perpendicular to the edge ;

  5. 用有限差分法计算等腰直角三角形波导和五边形波导的截止频率和衰减常数,用Fortran进行编程,计算结果与参考值非常吻合。

    This paper describes the application of finite difference method and Fortran program to obtaining the cutoff frequency and attenuation coefficient in isosceles right triangular waveguide and pentagonal waveguide . The result of calculation agrees very well with the reference value .

  6. 求出了扭结的迁移率、共振频率和扩散常数的表示式。

    The expressions of the mobility , the resonant frequency and the diffusion constant of kinks are found .

  7. 理论分析表明频移幅度与调制频率、时间常数和半导体激光器的偏置电流等物理量有关。

    It is made clear through the theoretical analysis that the frequency shift is dependent on the modulation frequency , thermal time constant , bias current of the laser diode and so on .

  8. 系统的相移可以改变输入信号中各分量之间的相对相位关系,因此即使系统的增益对所有频率都为常数的情况下,也有可能在输入的时域特性上产生很大的变化。

    The phase moving of the system can change the relative phase relation between the components in the inputed signal , so there can be a great change of the feature in time domain of inputed signal .

  9. 非金属二元氢化物分子振动固有频率与pKa常数的定量关系

    A Quantitative Relationship Between pK_a and Molecular Vibration Intrinsic Frequency of Nonmetal Binary Hydrides

  10. 本文详细讨论了折射率中心凹陷对W型单模光纤的归一化截止频率、归一化传输常数、色散特性和功率分布的影响。

    Effects of central dip in refractive index on the normalized cut-off frequency , normalized propagation constant , dispersion and power distribution of W-type single-mode fibers have been studied in detail .

  11. 由于相量测量装置(PMU)对相量测量同步性的要求,其采样频率应保持为常数,当系统频率变化时,相量的计算会出现误差。

    The sampling frequency of PMU is constant because of the synchronization of its phasor measuring . As system frequency changes , the error of measuring phasor is avoidless .

  12. 该算法采用Z变换技术利用Lorentz-Drude模型、Drude模型和理想导体模型描述了金膜在红外频率的介电常数,模拟了红外带通滤波器的透射性能,同测量结果进行了比较。

    This algorithm incorporates the Lorentz-Drude models and Drude models and perfect electrical conductor ( PEC ) models to characterize the electrical properties of thin gold film in IR frequencies , and simulates the transmission properties of infrared bandpass filters , then compares with measured data .

  13. 频率级别,时间常数,速度级别。

    Frequency level , time level , speed level .

  14. 本章主要研究了晶粒尺寸效应,外加交变电场幅值及频率对介电常数的影响。

    The effect of grain size , amplitude and frequency of the applied electric field on the dielectric susceptibility has been investigated .

  15. 聚酰亚胺复合材料在所有测试频率下介电常数和介电损耗随着铝氧化物掺杂量的增加呈现上升趋势。

    At all test frequencies , the dielectric constant and the dielectric loss of the PI composite growed with the amout of alumina increased .

  16. 阐述了用实时测频加频率改正取代乘常数改正的观点;

    Here it sets forth the viewpoint of using the measuring frequency at real time plus the frequency correction instead of the multiplication constant correction .

  17. 本文对具有介质电极的高频放电进行了讨论,对频率、介电常数对放电的影响,阻抗匹配等基本问题进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses high frequency discharge with dielectric electrode , emphasizing on the basic issues relating to the influence of frequency , dielectric constant on discharge and impedance match .

  18. 本文详细分析了双包层三角形单模光纤的归一化截止频率、归一化传输常数、色散以及功率分布等传输特性与内包层参数的变化关系,给出了它们之间的一般关系曲线。

    The relationship among the normalized cut-off frequency , normalized propagation constant , dispersion and power distribution of triangular-core doubly clad single-mode fibers and the inner cladding parameters has been studied in detail . And the universal curves for their general relations are given .

  19. 加载介质的厚度和介电常数都影响中心频率,但中心频率对介电常数的变化更为敏感;

    The center frequency is influenced by the dielectric thickness and dielectric permittivity , but the latter does much more .