
  • 网络spectrum leakage;spectral leakage
  1. 加窗插值FFT算法减小了频谱泄漏误差和降低了谐波之间的相互干扰的影响。

    The algorithm of interpolation of hanning windows FFT reduce the spectral leakage error and the interference between harmonics .

  2. FFT是谐波测量中使用最广的方法之一,但利用其进行测量时存在着频谱泄漏,影响测量结果准确性。

    Although FFT is the efficient approach in harmonic measurement fields , it results in spectral leakage , which affects the accuracy of measurement .

  3. 基于对称延拓的DFT频谱泄漏抑制方法

    Restrain Method on DFT Frequency Spectrum Leakage Base on Symmetry Extension

  4. 首先分析了非同步采样时FFT算法频谱泄漏的主要原因。

    The main factor of spectral leakage is conducted when the sampling is non-synchronous .

  5. 首先简要分析了频谱泄漏的成因和其对频率分析中DFT算法的影响。

    First , the reason for spectrum leakage and its influence to DFT used in frequency analysis is introduced .

  6. 该算法通过对FFT算法做简单变换,减小了频谱泄漏误差,降低了谐波之间的相互干扰。

    Through simple transforms of FFT algorithm , the amending algorithm can reduce satisfactorily the leakage error , and obtain accurate analysis results .

  7. 通过分析FFT算法的有限记录长度效应,从理论上揭示了传统谱估计算法产生频谱泄漏的本质原因。

    The analysis of the FFT arithmetic for short signal serials posts the essential reasons of spectrum leakage for traditional methods of spectral analysis .

  8. 基于FFT的倍频程CPB谱实现算法中,由于FFT变换时频谱泄漏的影响,导致倍频程CPB谱许多频段出现较大的计算误差。

    In the FFT based algorithm for octave CPB spectrum , the frequency leakage causes big calculation errors in each frequency band .

  9. 采用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)进行电力系统谐波分析时,需要对采样信号截断并离散化,从而导致频谱泄漏和栅栏效应。

    Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) is inevitable to cause the spectrum leakage and fence effect because of truncation and discreteness in signal collection .

  10. 在非同步采样中由FFT引入的频谱泄漏在谐波测量中会造成很大误差。

    The leakage effect is introduced by Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) in nonsynchronous sampling , which may cause great errors in measuring harmonic components .

  11. 通过只在窄带内密集抽样的方法,和传统方法比较,线性调频Z变换算法可以减少由于不足点采样而造成的频谱泄漏,改善计算精度并减少运算时间。

    Compared with the traditional method , Chirp-Z algorithm eliminates the leakage error caused by not-enough-point sampling , improves the precision of calculation and decreases the computing time .

  12. 为精确估计噪声环境中的信号频率和幅值,数学证明了全相位DFT优良的抑制频谱泄漏的性质。

    To estimate signal frequency and amplitude exactly under noisy circumstances , the excellent property of all-phase DFT restraining spectral leakage is mathematically proved .

  13. 为了消除FFT频谱泄漏采用数字锁相同步方法进行误差修正,并实施仿真验证;

    In order to correct errors , the method of digital phase - locked synchronization is used to eliminate FFT leakage of frequency spectrum , with validating it through simulation ;

  14. 本文从理论上分析了频谱泄漏产生的原因,并设计了基于FPGA的128倍频系统,利用精确的频率跟踪技术实现了对周期信号整数点的采样,从而减小频谱泄漏。

    This paper analyses firstly the reason of spectrum leakage in theory , then design a 128-multiple frequency system based on FPGA that obtain integer sampling points in a cycle and reduce spectrum leakage through accurate frequency pursuit .

  15. 对电机的实测信号进行谐波分析时,由于难以保证信号同步采样和存在测量噪声,采用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)方法进行谐波分析会出现栅栏效应和频谱泄漏现象,不能获得信号准确的谐波参数。

    Due to non-synchronous sampling and noise in electric machine harmonic measurement , the picket-fence and leakage effect is introduced by fast Fourier transform , so that the accurate electric harmonic parameters can 't be achieved .

  16. 在异步采样的情况下,离散傅里叶变换(DFT)由于频谱泄漏及栅栏效应,计算结果不够精确,不能满足同步相量测量精度的要求。

    The result of Discrete Fourier Transform ( DFT ) in asynchronous sampling is not accurate and can not satisfy the requirement of synchronized phasor measurements , due to spectral leakage and barrier effect .

  17. EMD分解具有比小波变换更高的时频分辨率且不会发生频谱泄漏,将其与广义特征值盲分离算法结合,对非平稳混合信号有更好的分离效果。

    In comparison to wavelet transform , EMD has more predominance about time-frequency resolution and will not cause spectrum-leakage influences , so better separation results to non-stationary signals are obtained by the new algorithm .

  18. 传统的FFT算法只能分解出整数次谐波,而微网中间谐波的存在及基波频率变动,使得传统的FFT算法很难实现同步采样,从而导致频谱泄漏和栅栏效应。

    Traditional FFT algorithm only can decompose integer harmonics . Because the presence of inter-harmonics and the changes of fundamental frequency , traditional FFT algorithm is difficult to achieve simultaneous sampling which will lead to spectral leakage and fence effect .

  19. 针对采用傅立叶算法在非同步采样下进行谐波分析容易出现的频谱泄漏与栅栏效应问题,本文采用了加窗分析的FFT算法。

    Aimed at the problem that it is easy to bring the frequency spectrum leaks and fence effect when Fourier algorithm is adopted to analyse harmonic in non-synchronous sampling , this paper presents the method of window spectrum with FFT algorithm .

  20. 它结合改进的时域插值算法,通过在频域加窗函数来减少时域信道冲激响应的扩散,减少DFT运算所造成的频谱泄漏对信道估计的影响。

    Combing with the improved time-domain interpolation , it reduces the proliferation of channel impulse response on time-domain by adding window function on frequency-domain . And then it can reduce the impact of channel estimation caused by spectral leakage .

  21. 本文提出用全相位数字滤波器这种新型滤波器滤波白噪声产生有色噪声的方法,这种方法比用传统FIR滤波器产生的有色噪声频谱泄漏少,阻带衰减功率大等优点。

    This paper puts forward to a new way of generating colored noise using a novel all-filter phase digital filter . Compared to traditional FIR filter , the colored noise generated by using this filter has fewer spectrum leak , higher stop band attenuation .

  22. 利用DCT的能量压缩特性,能有效消除传统基于离散傅立叶变换(DFT)估计算法在信道延时不是采样周期整数倍,或系统子载波数不等于有用子载波数时产生的频谱泄漏。

    Due to the energy compaction properties of DCT , spectral lea-kage of conventional Discrete-time Fourier Transform ( DFT ) - based estimation could be mitigated when the path delays aren 't integer multiples of sampling period , or when not all sub-carriers are used .

  23. 采用加窗方式有效提高了计算精度,较之于递推DFT的测频方法,加窗以后能较好的排除频谱泄漏、谐波等给测量带来的干扰,能精确测量电力系统的基波频率。

    The computational accuracy is improved by using the windowed mode . Comparing to the recursive DFT frequency measurement method , the added windowed can exclude the interference brought by the spectral leakage and harmonic waves and measure the fundamental frequency of the electric power system .

  24. 采用同步锁相环控制,避免了频谱泄漏现象,使用FAFT算法分析采样数据,不仅速度快精度高,而且抗混叠。

    In-phase luck-phase-loop can avoid spectrum leakage . And it can reach high precision and can anti-alias by adopting FAFT algorithm to analyse sampling .

  25. 加窗插值傅立叶变换是抑制频谱泄漏和消除栅栏效应的有效方法,本文在分析Hanning窗和Blackman窗插值FFT算法的基础上,推导了三项Nuttall窗插值FFT算法。

    The windowed interpolating Fourier transform is the effective method to restrain spectral leakage and eliminate fence effect . On the basis of analyzing the Hanning window and Blackman window interpolation FFT algorithm , the three Nuttall window interpolation FFT algorithm is derived in this paper .

  26. 随机振动法是检测桥梁信号中常用的一种方法,首先采用经典功率谱估计的方法对高速静态应变采集系统DH3817得到的数据进行处理,但频谱泄漏是不可避免的。

    The classical spectrum estimation was used to process the data ; which were gotten from high-speed strain sample system DH3817 ; but the spectrum leakage can 't be avoided .

  27. 一种减小频谱泄漏的采样频率自适应算法仿真研究

    Simulation of software sampling frequency adaptive algorithm for reducing spectrum leakage

  28. 基于插值同步算法的频谱泄漏分析与仿真

    The Analysis and Simulation of Spectrum Leakage Based on Interpolated Synchronous Algorithm

  29. 减小非同步取样中频谱泄漏的迭代算法

    An Iterative Algorithm for Reducing Spectrum Leakage in Asynchronous Sampling

  30. 傅里叶变换轮廓术中频谱泄漏的讨论

    Discussion on Phase Errors Caused by Frequency Leakage in FTP