
bì huán
  • closed loop;closed cycle
闭环[bì huán]
  1. 全闭环CNC螺纹磨床主控方式及其原理

    Main Control Mode and Principle of Fully Closed Loop CNC Thread Grinder

  2. 介绍用变频器PID闭环控制改造的措施及效益。

    The measure and benefit of inverter PID closed loop control reformation were introduced .

  3. 直流电动机PID神经网络双闭环控制系统

    Double Closed Loop PID Neural Network Control System of DC Motors

  4. 采用PLC控制比例阀进行软件闭环控制的应用研究

    Applied research on software closed-loop control by using PLC controlled proportional valve

  5. 结果表明,一阶P型开闭环学习控制能够很好实现仿生腿对人工腿步态的跟踪。

    The result indicates that the first order P-type open-closed loop iterative learning control can implement gait tracking well .

  6. 提出了一种PID调节器的闭环测试方法。

    This paper introduces a loop-locked teSt method of the PID regulator .

  7. 用可编程控制器实现闭环PID调节功能

    Accomplishing the closed-circuit PID regulation with a programmable controller

  8. K步超前输出预报、闭环极点配置和控制信号计算。

    The computing of control signals .

  9. 利用MIS技术加强电力设备缺陷闭环管理

    Utilizing MIS Technology to Enhance the Power Equipments Defect Closed Management

  10. 单位功率因数PWM整流器双闭环PI调节器设计

    Design of Double Closed-loop PI Regulator for Unit Power Factor PWM Rectifier

  11. D型闭环迭代学习控制的2-D模型及收敛性分析

    D-type Closed-loop Iterative Learning Control 2-D model and Its Convergence Analysis

  12. 并通过变参数PI数字电流控制器构成电流闭环系统。

    The current closed-loop system is composed of current controllers that control variable parameter PI .

  13. 该模型可以方便的由MATLAB进行仿真,可用于分析开环和闭环的结构。

    The model can be conveniently simulated with MATLAB and apply to analyzing the open loop and closed loop structure .

  14. 采用变参数PI控制方法,对关节的力闭环控制进行了试验。

    Using the variable argument PI control method , the force control of joint is studied .

  15. 试验结果表明,以DSP为核心的双闭环并联控制逆变波控CO2焊机系统具有良好的控制性能,且电路简单调试方便。

    The results show that besides its simple structure and easy operation , the system has good controlling performance .

  16. 利用分段Lyapunov函数法对闭环系统的稳定性问题进行了分析。

    With the piecewise Lyapunov theory , the stability of the closed system is analyzed .

  17. PWM型开关变换器闭环系统时域分析的精细积分法

    A precise time - integration for analysis of time - domain to closed - loop PWM switched converters

  18. 通过实时网络构成的闭环反馈控制系统,被称为网络控制系统(Networkedcontrolsystems,简称NCSs)。

    Feedback control systems wherein the control loops are closed through a real-time network are called networked control systems ( NCSs ) .

  19. 研制用可编程序控制器(PC)对国产1.6米切片机实现闭环控制。

    The closed loop control of chinese & built 1 . 6 meter slicer by use of programmable controller has been developed .

  20. PWM控制节能式电火花线切割脉冲电源主电路是一个电流闭环控制系统,放电电流的动态特性是影响电火花线切割加工工艺性能的重要因素。

    The main circuit of the wire-incisory pulse power with PWM energy-controlled electric spark serves as a closed loop .

  21. 采用了PID和直流斩波控制策略对电动机目标电流进行闭环跟踪控制。

    The close-loop control strategies of PID and PWM were adopted to control the target current of the motor of the EPS system .

  22. 针对高精度定位的需要,设计了数字闭环控制系统,引入数字PID模糊控制器以提高系统的定位性能。

    To meet the need of high-precision positioning , a digital feedback controller is adopted to improve the performance of the ultra-micropositioning system .

  23. 利用内置的PID控制器调节变频器的输出,实现闭环自动调节、恒压供水。

    Use the in-built PID controller to adjust output of e frequency converter , realizing close-loop automatic adjustment and constant pressure water supply .

  24. 采用FPGA实现了线性调频连续波信号源的实时数字式闭环线性校正网络,利用SYSTEMVIEW完成了系统的仿真,并用VHDL完成了软件的设计。

    The FPGA is used to implement real-time digital closed loop linear revise network , and use System View to simulate system , then design software with VHDL language .

  25. 通过分析其开、闭环波德图,得出本系统为稳定系统,经过PID校正后,系统的响应速度提高。

    The system is stable by analyzing of open and closed bode diagram . After adjustment , the response characteristic of hydraulic AGC is enhanced .

  26. 首先,在所搭建的试验平台上,用软件设计了无刷直流电动机的全数字双闭环调速控制,验证了DSP控制器的高性能、高精度等优点。

    First , speed control of motor based on DSP is designed with this platform , which approves good performance and good precision of DSP controller .

  27. 然后,本文在传统双闭环控制的基础上,内环的控制算法不变,改变外环控制器的设计算法,主要采用IP控制方案。

    Then , this thesis applies IP control algorithm to change controller in outer loop but not in inner loop based on basic double closed loop control system .

  28. 以松香为基本原料,通过DA加成反应,合成了丙烯酸改性松香,继而与环氧氯丙烷进行酯化反应、闭环反应,合成了丙烯酸改性松香基环氧树脂。

    Acrylic modified rosin type epoxy resin was synthesized by esterification and ring closing reaction of acrylic modified rosin with excessive epichlorohydrin .

  29. 基于Delta算子界实引理,给出闭环不确定系统具有H∞范数界的充分条件和状态反馈设计。

    Based on the Delta operator bounded real lemma , sufficient condition with H ∞ norm bound on closed loop uncertain systems and state feedback design are presented .

  30. 采用富士PLC、人机界面与变频器实现了低速风洞数据采集和风速的闭环控制。

    The low speed wind tunnel data acquiring and the closed loop controlling of wind velocity are realized by PLC and human machine interface and inverter from Fuji .