
  • 网络close book;Close-Book;closed-book exam
  1. 阐述了在《鱼类学》教学与考核过程中,分别采取课堂与实验结合、板书与多媒体结合、开卷与闭卷结合等教学与考核方式,取得了良好的教学效果。

    This article elaborated on the ideal teaching performance achieved by combining class teaching with experiment , blackboard illustration with multimedia , and open-book examination with close-book examination in the course of teaching and assessment of Ichthyography .

  2. 实验研究法:通过有计划的教育实验(如,2000年兰州市中考闭卷考试与2001年兰州市中考开卷考试的比较),对本研究课题所设定的改革效果进行了实际的验证。

    Third , the way of experiment , with the planned education experiment ( such as , compared close-book examination in 2000 with open-book examination in 2001 ), I tested and verified the subject and make a great progress in prospecting effect .

  3. 课程结束后采用教育环境评估量表(DREEM)评价两组教育环境,闭卷考试成绩评价两组的教学效果。

    Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure ( DREEM ) was applied to evaluate the education environment and examination scores were adopted to evaluate the results of the teaching after the course ended .

  4. 考试将是闭卷考试、不允许携带小抄。

    The exam will be closed-book with no notes allowed .

  5. 有书闭卷不泛读,无异是一块木头。

    A book that remains shut is but a block .

  6. 如无明确指示,测验将闭卷进行。

    The exams will be closed book unless otherwise indicated .

  7. 能问个问题吗?我们是开卷考还是闭卷?

    Tell me your name , or I can 't answer you .

  8. 我校改革临床医学专业毕业考试模式与方法,在临床实习过程中组织多站点综合性考试,采用闭卷笔试方法考核临床理论知识,占70%;

    We have reformed our patterns and methods of graduation examination of the medical majors .

  9. 好书开卷引人入胜,闭卷使人获益。

    That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit .

  10. 变知识测试的闭卷考试为职业能力测试的开卷考试;

    Changes the knowledge test the closed-book examination for the professional ability test open-book examination ;

  11. 方法采用现场观察法、询问法、闭卷答题及时收集现场所得资料,逐项归纳、整理、统计、分析。

    Observation , inquiries and questionnaires were applied to collect data on site , which was statistically analyzed .

  12. 认知发展调查由理论成绩(闭卷考试)与技能成绩(作业)综合评定,各占50%。

    Cognitive development survey results from theory scores ( test ) and skills scores ( homework ), accounting for 50 % respectively .

  13. 在期末举行闭卷笔试。

    A written final examination ( without the use of the textbook ) will be given at the end of the term .

  14. 最后的问卷调查和闭卷测试结果显示,本教学方案有效的提高了学生的学习成绩以及高阶思维能力。

    The questionnaire survey and the test results showed that It effectively improved the students ' grades and the higher thinking ability .

  15. 考试分4个半天进行,各科目的考试时间均为3小时,采用闭卷笔答方式。

    The exam falls into four half days , three hours for each subject in written form . No references are permitted .

  16. 本文从专业基础课教学特点出发,提出了多元化考试系统的构想,旨在突破传统的单一闭卷考试方法,创造一种全新的考试模式。

    This paper proposes a multi component examination new mode for basic courses of specialism in order to break through traditional examination method .

  17. 同时,改革传统考核方式,以开卷与闭卷相结合的方式及课程设计取代之。

    In addition , it presents the reform to the single traditional examine mode by adopting the combine of many kinds of means and the curriculum design .

  18. 目前在我国的高校中主要采取闭卷考试及开放考试的形式评估学生的学科能力水平。

    But the current assessment of subject ability is simple in our country . The main forms taken by some colleges are paper-pencil text and open examination .

  19. 实践表明:这一新的理论课考核方式,不仅克服了单纯闭卷考试的局限性,而且进一步促进了学生的主动学习,同时也促进了教学过程的全面改革。

    It indicates that new exam mode not only conquers limitation of simplex close-exam , but also boosts forwardly study of students and promotes the didactical reform completely .

  20. 方法采用教学与辅导相结合的方式,培训前后均以闭卷、匿名形式测试培训效果。

    Methods The combination of education and guidance , sealed and anonymous questionnaires before and after the training course were employed to evaluate the effectiveness of the training course .

  21. 测试采用闭卷形式,长达两个半小时。理论上说,妮诗的测试成绩以及由此推算出的162分智商比大名鼎鼎的物理学家爱因斯坦还要高2分。

    The controlled test takes two-and-a-half hours and , according to theories , Nishi 's score and subsequentIQ of 162 would be two points higher than famous physicist Einstein .

  22. 多样化考核方式由平时考核+闭卷考试+开卷考试+实验考试四结合的形式构成,实现对学生学习效果的综合评价。

    The diverse inspection way form of " usually inspects " + " the closed-book examination " + " the open-book examination " + " the experimental test " four unions form , appraising the effect of study .

  23. 呼伦贝尔市也于2007年在初中毕业生学业考试中实现了思想品德课的开卷考试,彻底改变了延续多年的闭卷考试形式,这是一次历史性的改革。

    The Hulunbuir city has also realized the thought personal character class open-book examination in 2007 in the junior middle school graduate studies test , completely changed has continued many year closed-book examination form , this was a historical reform .

  24. 该课程建设采取加强教材建设与实验教学、通过启发式引导型授课、增设交流研讨课培养学生学习兴趣、采用开闭卷结合的考试方式等方法,提高课程的教学效果。

    The key course construction modes are as the following : strengthening the teaching and experimental materials , arousing the students ' interests in study by lecture with introductory methods and discussing methods , and adopting new examination method in order to promote the teaching and learning results .