
  • 网络Notifications;notification center
  1. Yosemite还包括升级版的通知中心以及速度更快的简化版Spotlight功能,后者能用于搜索Mac上的应用程序和在线查询。

    Yosemite also includes an updated Notification Center and a faster , simplified Spotlight feature for searching for apps on your Mac and for searching online .

  2. 为了示好安卓阵营的用户,苹果最新的iOS8系统也开始在通知中心添加小部件了。

    In a bid to woo those coveted Android users , the latest version of Apple 's mobile operating system , iOS 8 , incorporates widgets - the term used for miniature applications that draw on information from larger ones - in its Notification Center .

  3. 出于各种原因,我无法想象他会写出这样的台词:“你看起来真美,我几乎无法盯着ApplePay的通知中心看了。”

    For a variety of reasons , I can 't see him ever writing the line : " You look so beautiful I can hardly keep my eyes on the Apple Pay notification centre . "

  4. 这些动作也可以用来进行其它操作,比如调节音量,开启通知中心等。

    These movements can also be used to perform other tasks , like adjust volume or open the notifications center .

  5. 通知消防中心对报警系统进行复位。

    Inform CCTV to reset the M & E system back to normal .

  6. 现通知贵中心“

    This is to inform you to stay ... "

  7. 应设立一个由秘书处负责的通知登记中心。

    A central registry of notifications shall be established under the responsibility of the Secretariat .

  8. 当参数超过设定阈值时,启动报警,通知监控中心人员。

    When the parameter exceeds the threshold value is setto start the alarm . Notify the monitoring center staff .

  9. 如果有变化,请务必提前通知考试中心或英国使馆文化处,否则您会被禁止参加考试。

    If you can not , you must contact either the local test center or British Council in advance .

  10. 为定期收到支援网络的最新资讯,如本人的个人资料有变,本人会以书面通知本中心职员。

    In order to ensure the latest information received periodically , I will inform HBFDCC in writing whenever my personal data has been changed .

  11. 如预计有关巴士未能在预约日期接受检验,便须尽快通知验车中心取消验车的预约。

    If you anticipate that you cannot make the bus available for the examination on the appointment date , notify the centre to cancel the appointment as soon as possible .

  12. 目前国内电梯维护服务模式简单,通常是故障电梯的现场人员通知维修中心,维修中心派专人到现场进行检查以排除故障。

    At present , the elevator maintenance service model is simple , usually a scene of the elevator malfunction notification service center , service center to send someone to the site to check to troubleshooting .

  13. 我会通知强暴危机中心的。

    I will notify a rape crisis center .

  14. 所有注册医生若发现怀疑或证实属须呈报的传染病,均须通知生防护中心。

    All registered medical practitioners are required to notify the centre for health protection all suspected or confirmed cases of these diseases .

  15. 我们非常抱歉门店参观通知时间与评估中心之间间隔较短。

    I have to apologize for the short period of time between the store visit and the assessment centre .

  16. 如贵子弟证实染上人类猪型流感,请家长即时通知本校,以便校方决定应变措施及通知衞生防护中心和教育局。

    If your child is confirmed with having contracted HSI , you are requested to notify us immediately to facilitate our prompt action in taking contingency measures and notifying the CHP and the EDB .