
kāi fā zhě
  • developer;builder;pioneer
  1. 游戏开发者可以踩在盛大的肩膀上,共同造就世界级的不朽之作。

    Game developer can walk on royal shoulder , bring up class jointly make immortally .

  2. 例句这些开发者们在新游戏里留下了一个“彩蛋”,这个小惊喜与开发者此前推出的一款游戏有关。

    The developer left an Easter egg in their new game , which was a reference to their previous game .

  3. 国家保护开发者的合法权益。

    The State protects the legitimate rights and interests of developers .

  4. 谷歌和苹果公给调整这些设置增加了很多难度,所以我们决定是否自己动手来确保这些提示符合我们自已的需要,而不是符合软件开发者的需要。

    Google and Apple have made it far too difficult to adjust these settings so it 's up to us to take steps ensure we set these triggers to suit our own needs , not the needs of the app makers ' .

  5. 向Web开发者提供的另一个特性是“缩略图工具栏”。

    Another feature available to web developers is the " thumbnail toolbar " .

  6. 这种多层的体系结构向开发者提供了一种基于组件的设计和开发Web应用的模块化方法。

    Web applications developed by this architecture are built on component-based design and modular implementation .

  7. 构建RIA的Flash开发者需要简单快捷地与WebService通信。

    Flash developers creating RIAs need fast and easy communication to Web Services .

  8. 开发者使用Web服务工具箱和单元测试环境来创建和测试Web服务。

    A developer uses a Web services toolkit and unit test environment to create and test the Web service .

  9. 关于属性的用法在XML开发者之间有不同的考虑。

    There are different schools of thought among XML developers about the use of attributes .

  10. NET开发者工具、ASP。

    NET explorer tool , ASP .

  11. 使用C接口并不自动意味一个开发者应该应该放弃面向对象的开发方式。

    Using the C interface does not automatically mean that a developer should give up object oriented approach .

  12. 应用该工具类可以为Java开发者提供更方便易用的数据加密服务。

    This utility class can provide the information encryption service easily and conveniently for the Java developer .

  13. 例如,不能使用熟悉的Javanew构造创建新的Element,开发者必须使用工厂构造器方法。

    For example , instead of being able to create new Elements using the familiar Java new construct , developers must use factory constructor methods .

  14. 软件危机一直是软件开发者的噩梦,而随着Web技术的推广和应用,软件危机在Web应用系统开发中也表现的愈加明显。

    Software crisis , which has been being the nightmare to software developer , goes worse with the promotion and application of Web technology .

  15. 开发者们纷纷抱怨Android生态系统的“碎片化”。

    Developers complain about " fragmentation " of the Android ecosystem .

  16. 该角色提供者使开发者能够简单、有效地利用MySQL数据库开发自己的角色管理Web应用。

    This provider makes developers to develop role management Web-application easily and effectively based on MySQL .

  17. 作为一个.NET开发者,如果想要开发原生应用,则可以选择学习ObjectiveC和Java。

    As a.NET developer , I have some options for writing a native application on a device . I can learn ObjectiveC / Java .

  18. GoogleAppEngine简称GAE,是Google提供给开发者的网络应用程序解决方案。

    Google App Engine Short GAE , is available to developers Google web applications solutions .

  19. 幸运的是,RationalApplicationDeveloper提供了一些为开发者执行创建一个EJB实例任务的代码片段。

    Fortunately , Rational Application Developer provides code snippets that perform the task of creating an EJB instance for the developer .

  20. 对于开发者和架构师来说,平台即服务(PaaS,PlatformAsAService)的一个优点就是可以直接开发出适合云端的应用。

    An advantage of a Platform-as-a-Service for developers and architects is the ability to directly develop applications for the cloud .

  21. 这两个模型对SOA设计进行了全面说明,开发者可以据此明白无误地执行这一实现。

    These two models fully specify the SOA design and are enough for developers to unambiguously perform implementation .

  22. Ajax应用开发者可以使用该注册

    Ajax application developers can use the Registry to

  23. 要访问标准提要的完整列表,请参考参考资料中提供的YouTubeDataAPI开发者指南。

    For a complete list of standard feeds , refer to the YouTube Data API Developer 's Guide in Resources .

  24. 系统开发者需要对构件进行一定程度的修改以满足系统的需要,即构件适配(Adaptation)。

    That system developers need to adapt components to meet the system requirements is called " component adaptation " .

  25. 它们都拥有强大的工具集,能让基于Eclipse的开发者对设计工件进行图形化的工作。

    They all have the strong tool sets that let Eclipse-based developers work with design artifacts graphically .

  26. 他在6个月前的Google开发者日也进行过类似演讲[YouTube]。

    ( A similar presentation , Tim gave six months ago at the Google Developer Days is available here ) .

  27. WebSpherePortal为开发者及终端用户提供了定制门户结构和外观的功能。

    WebSphere Portal offers both developers and end-users the ability to customize the structure and appearance of a portal .

  28. 在2003年以前,Eclipse的第一个主要发行版本被开发者很好的接受并被有力地使用。

    By2003 , the first major releases of Eclipse were well-received and were getting strong adoption by developers .

  29. RationalApplicationDeveloper,即RAD,提供一些新的技术,以帮助开发者精确地查找运行时性能和内存相关问题的根源。

    Rational Application Developer , or RAD , offers several new technologies to help developers pinpoint the source of runtime performance-and memory-related problems .

  30. EchoNest的首席执行官吉姆•卢切斯于2007年加盟这家公司,帮助他们把这个创意推销给广大开发者和企业。

    CEO Jim LUCCHESE joined the company in 2007 to help market the idea to developers and businesses .