
  • 网络development kit;IDK;HDK
  1. 此外,IBM还提供插件开发套件,支持客户构建能够将功能扩展到产品交付范围以外的地方所需的组件。

    In addition , IBM provides a Plug-in Development Kit that allows customers to build required components that expand functionality beyond what is delivered with the product .

  2. 目前,大多数SAX解析器,包括与Sun公司的Java™软件开发套件(JDK)6绑定的SAX解析器,可以用来检测编码。

    Most current SAX parsers , including the one bundled with Sun 's Java ™ software development kit ( JDK ) 6 , enable you to inspect the encoding .

  3. 许多商业软件开发套件可用于支持J2EE应用程序的创建。

    There are several commercial software development suites available that support the creation of J2EE applications .

  4. 可用EclipseIDE插件和甚至整个开发套件的数目在不断增长。

    The number of available Eclipse IDE plug-ins and even entire development suites continues to grow .

  5. 虽然许多基于Eclipse的J2EE开发套件在商业市场上出现的时间并不长,但WTP相对而言仍是一个新来者。

    Though several Eclipse-based J2EE development suites have been available in the commercial market for a while , WTP is a relative newcomer .

  6. 本文所述系统平台使用GNU开发套件集,包括GCC编译器和GDB调试器,驱动程序由C语言编写。

    This system platform is based on GNU development tool kit , including GCC compile and GDB debug , the drive is writed in program C.

  7. Aniszczyk指出通过管理classpath和利用已有的Eclipse开发套件,PDE简化了OSGi开发。

    Aniszczyk pointed out the PDE eases OSGi development by managing the classpath and by leveraging the existing Eclipse development toolset .

  8. 这个开发套件来自谷歌,同样也是开源的,并且基于Arduino,

    So the Accessory Development Kit from Google is open-source and based on Arduino ,

  9. 微软刚刚推出一款全新的全息眼镜,并将于明天春推出价值三千美元的开发套件。

    Microsoft just released a new version of its HoloLens and will begin shipping $ 3000 HoloLens development kits this spring .

  10. 有别于使用业界现有的开发套件进行研究验证,实际上比较接近于以产品开发的方式进行整合。

    The achieving manner of our research is close to the product development and is different from the industrial verification by using the available developmental module .

  11. 此处,在C++项目中任何一个扩展名为.inc的文件都被C/C++开发套件认为是一个C++头文件。

    At this point , any file having a.inc extension in a C + + project is considered by the C / C + + development toolkit to be a C + + header file .

  12. 这一PHP开发工具套件的重要更新,使得开发人员构建和部署PHP应用更加方便。

    This brings a major upgrade to the PHP Development Toolset , which allows developers to build and deploy PHP applications .

  13. C语言开发工具套件,俗称CDT,也随之发布了8.0.1的新版本,同时,还对一系列的Bug进行了修复。

    The C Development Toolkit , or CDT , has had a service release as well which brings it to8.0.1 , fixing a number of bugs in the process .

  14. 除此之外,双方还将开发参考设计套件和丰富的光学鼠标搭售方案。

    Reference design kits and a wide range of bundled optical mouse solutions will also be developed .

  15. 作为FiveRuns开发的Rails管理套件的一部分,RM-Install是第二个将要发布的组件。

    RM-Install is the second component to be released as part of their management suite for Rails .

  16. 文章主要主要介绍了Linux开发工具平台创建套件(PCS)的开发环境,以及应用平台创建套件(PCS)进行嵌入式Linux应用开发的过程。

    In this paper , A Linux development tool-Platform Creation Suit ( PCS ) development environment is introduced , it also describes the process how to develop embedded Linux system using Platform Creation Suit ( PCS ) .

  17. 为了证明方法的正确性,文章还实现了其框架,并开发出一个套件原型来辅助基于RGPS的领域建模和需求获取与分析。

    It is based on RGPS domain assets to avoid ambiguity , inconsistency and inconsistency in the process of requirements elicitation and analysis .

  18. 参考资料中的链接包括构建完整开发环境的开发套件、工具链和操作说明。

    The links in Resources contain development kits , toolchains , and instructions for setting up full development environments .

  19. MyEclipseIDE由Genuitec开发,是大型开发套件的低成本备选项。

    MyEclipse IDE , developed by Genuitec , is a low-cost alternative to the large development suites .