
  • 网络Open Educational Resources;Open Education Resources;OER;OERS
  1. 总部位于巴黎的经合组织(OECD)去年发布了一份报告,对“开放教育资源”10年来在全球的使用情况进行评估,并为那些希望鼓励这项运动的政府提出建议。

    The Paris-based OECD published a report last year , reviewing a decade of OER use around the world and making recommendations for governments seeking to encourage it .

  2. 根据巴布森集团(BabsonSurveyResearchGroup)最近的一份报告,在教授大型本科课程的教职员工中,只有10%使用了“开放教育资源”,尽管有31%称他们愿意未来使用开放资源。

    Only 10 per cent of the staff teaching large undergraduate courses have adopted OER , according to a recent report by Babson Survey Research Group , although 31 per cent reported that they are open to using open resources in the future .

  3. 2002年,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)召集了一个全球论坛,推出“开放教育资源”(OpenEducationalResources)运动。

    In 2002 Unesco convened a global forum that launched the Open Educational Resourcesmovement .

  4. 在美国,教育组织“实现梦想”(AchievingtheDream)今年宣布了一项1000万美元的“开放教育资源”计划。

    In the US , Achieving the Dream , the education organisation , this year announced a $ 10m OER initiative .

  5. MITOCW是开放教育资源运动的开拓者和带动者,其成功经验值得我国国家精品课程借鉴。

    MIT OCW Project is the pioneer of Open Educational Resources Movement , from which our Chinese Quality Open Courseware can learn the successful experience .

  6. 论远程开放教育资源库的编辑

    Discussing the Compilation Work for Resource Warehouse of Distance Open Education

  7. 认证和采纳过程应当给予开放教育资源优先权。

    Accreditation and adoption processes should give preference to open educational resources .

  8. 对“开放教育资源”的认识需要花费时间在教职员工中传播。

    Awareness of OER will take time to spread among faculty members .

  9. 远程开放教育资源种类繁多,形态各异。

    There are a great variety of distance educational resources .

  10. 回顾与展望:开放教育资源的七年之痒

    Review and Prospect : Seven-year Itch of Open Educational Resources

  11. 统筹规划优化组合加强远程开放教育资源建设

    Overall planning & combinational optimization to enhance resources construction of open distance education

  12. 开放教育资源的版权与访问许可研究

    Research on Copyright and License of Open Educational Resources

  13. 参加方式包括:开放教育资源的创造、使用、改编和改进;

    Participating includes : creating , using , adapting and improving open educational resources ;

  14. 它将支持38所社区大学利用“开放教育资源”发展两年期学位课程。

    This will support 38 community colleges as they develop two-year degree programmes using OER .

  15. 全球开放教育资源的不断扩张,已为这种努力创造了肥沃土壤。

    The expanding global collection of open educational resources has created fertile ground for this effort .

  16. 现代远程开放教育资源建设面对的问题与选择

    Issues in Developing Materials for Modern Open and Distance Education and the Effective Measures to Take

  17. 开放教育资源正在尝试实现人们一直以来的理想:为所有人提供高质量的学习资源。

    OER has been trying to achieve the ideal of the people : quality learning resources for all .

  18. 本论文的研究主题是国际开放教育资源共建共享的现状、挑战及哈萨克斯坦的对策。

    The researching subjects of the paper are open sharing current situation of international open educational resources , challenges and strategies .

  19. 网络上有还上百万个开放教育资源,可以帮助学生们学习包括从外语到语法在内的所有知识。

    But there are millions of Open Education Resources on the web that will help students learn anything from a foreign language to grammar .

  20. 如今,世界开放教育资源运动的发展如火如荼,教育资源开放共享趋势越来越明显。

    Today , with the world Open Educational Resources Movement in full swing , the trend of open sharing of educational resources is becoming more and more obvious .

  21. 如何有效地整合远程开放教育资源为教育和教学所用,已经成为远程开放教育研究领域的一个重要课题。

    How to integrate these resources effectively ? How can we make them into full use ? It has become an important subject in the present distance research area .

  22. 同时,本研究还就开放教育资源应用于教育技术学专业英语中内容的选择、教学目标的定位以及教学组织等方面进行了讨论和反思。

    At the same time , the study gives out the discussion and consideration about the content , teaching target and organization of the opening educational resources ' application .

  23. “开放教育资源”更适用于基础课程,这些课程涵盖广泛领域,能够确定公认的知识体系和学生必须掌握的技能。

    OER applies more readily to introductory courses covering a wide area in which it is possible to identify an agreed body of knowledge and set of skills that students must master .

  24. 我们有机会来培育下一代学习者,他们适用开放教育资源,通过学习获得力量并与其他人一起共享他们的知识和见解。

    We have a chance to nurture a new generation of learners who engage with open educational materials , are empowered by their learning and share their new knowledge and insights with others .

  25. 开放教育资源在我国不仅能够提高高等教育质量,并对普及高等教育,均衡教育发展的地区间不平衡,推动教育公平有重要意义。

    OER in China can not only improve the quality of higher education , but also can to universal access to higher education , make a balanced development between areas and promote fair of education .

  26. 信息技术的发展对技术支撑的课程尤其是开放教育资源课程的开发和开放推波助澜,改变过去的学习模式,促进知识共享,重塑学习环境,使互动、合作学习和学习社区成为可能。

    Information technology and technology-enhanced learning facilitate the development of OER , change the modes of learning , promote knowledge sharing , reshape the learning environment , enable the interactive , collaborative learning and learning communities .

  27. 文章在分析技术应用对成本影响的基础上,认为技术升级和共享开放教育资源并不意味着教育和学习成本一定会降低。

    Based on the analysis of the influence of technology application on DE cost , the author points out that technology upgrade and the sharing of open education resources do not necessarily mean a decline of learning costs .

  28. 最后,在其他学者研究的基础上,结合本次教学实践提出了开放教育资源的再应用模式,希望为以后的研究提供借鉴和参考。

    In the end , based on the previous study , this investigation points out the reuse model of Open Educational Resources , combining this experiment , and it is hopeful to give the help to the after research .

  29. 充分利用多种媒体优化远程开放教育资源是发展现代远程开放教育、扩大教育规模、提高教育质量、增强办学效益的重要途径和方法。

    To fully make use of the multimedia , optimize the source of long-distance open education is to expand the scale of education , to improve the quality of education and strengthen one of the important ways of the efficiency in school management .

  30. 关于电大远程开放教育教学资源建设管理组织体系研究

    On Building Management Organization System of Long Distance Open-education Teaching Resources