
  • 网络Diodes;Switching Diode;Switch diode
  1. 半超结SiGe高压快速软恢复开关二极管

    Semi-super junction SiGe high voltage fast and soft recovery switching diodes

  2. 波导腔体用微波开关二极管封焊工艺的改进

    Improvement on Packaging Process of High Speed Switching Diodes Applied to Wave-guide

  3. 通过杂质扩散工艺实验,试制了不同p区扩散深度和不同基区宽度的半导体断路开关二极管,利用高能电子束辐照方法改变器件中的少子寿命。

    The diffusion technology is used to fabricate the SOS device with different p-well depth and different base region width , and the irradiation method is used to shorten the minority carrier lifetime .

  4. 银点微电极生长技术主要用于ISS181系列高压超高速开关二极管的电极成型,是一项制约ISS181封装国产化的瓶颈技术。

    Growth technique of Ag boss is mainly used for forming microelectrodes of ISS181 series high voltage and cache switching diode .

  5. 关于缩短大电流开关二极管反向恢复时间的研究

    The Study on How to Abbreviate Diode Reversed Resuming Hours About Large Electric Volume Switch

  6. 延迟击穿半导体开关二极管最佳参数确定

    Best parameters for delayed breakdown diode

  7. 硅大电流肖特基开关二极管

    Silicon high-current Schottky barrier switching diode

  8. 高速开关二极管阵列。

    High-speed switching diode array .

  9. 一种新型n~-区多层渐变掺杂SiGe/Si功率开关二极管

    A Novel SiGe / Si Power Diode with Multilayer Gradual Changing Doping in the n ~ - Region

  10. 采用扩铂工艺制造二极管能够有效地减小开关二极管的反向恢复时间,提高其开关速度。

    Using the technology of Pt diffusion to produce diodes can shorten the reverse recovery time and increase the velocity of switching .

  11. 本文介绍了几种新型复合二极管,包括变容二极管、开关二极管、二极管阵列、阻尼二极管、调制二极管和肖特基二极管等。

    In this paper , some new multiple diode , such as varicap diode , switching diode , diode array , damper diode , modulation diode and Schottky diode are discussed .

  12. SiGe开关功率二极管的计算机模拟及优化设计

    The Optimal Design and Dynamic Characteristics Simulation of SiGe Switching Power Diodes

  13. 提出了一种新型SiGe/Si异质结PiN开关功率二极管结构,在分析器件结构机理的基础上,用Medici模拟了该器件的特性。

    In this paper a novel structure of SiGe power switching diodes is presented . On the basis of analyzing the structure mechanism , we simulated the device characteristics using Medici and carried out the optimal design .

  14. 本文报导了基于周期性极化铌酸锂(PPLN)波长调谐准相位匹配(QPM)的光学参量振荡器,该光学振荡器是由一个声光Q开关连续二极管泵浦的Nd:YVO4激光器所泵浦。

    We report wavelength tunable quasi-phase-matching ( QPM ) optical parametric oscillators ( OPOs ) based on periodically poled lithium niobate ( PPLN ) pumped by an acousto-optically Q-switched CW-diode-end-pumped Nd : YVO_4 laser .

  15. 电感,开关和二极管的另一种安排。

    Another arrangement of the inductor , switch and diode .

  16. 与降压类似,但是电感、开关和二极管重新安排。

    Like the buck , but inductor , switch and diode are rearranged .

  17. 在Boost变换器的主开关和升压二极管之间串入1个谐振电感,由有源开关和箝位电容组成的箝位支路并联在谐振电感两端。

    A resonant inductor in series with main switch and boost diode is added to the boost converter . An active-clamping branch composed of an auxiliary switch and a clamping capacitor is added in parallel with the resonant inductor .

  18. 本文以三电平NPC变流器的工作原理为基础,分析了开关管和二极管的主要损耗,同时还对缓冲回路和RC吸收回路的损耗也进行了详尽的计算。

    Based on the three-level NPC working principle , analysis of the main switch and diode losses , the detailed calculation of the loss of the snubber circuit and the RC absorb loop at the same time .

  19. IGBT(MOSFET或BJT)的零电压开关和整流二极管的零电流开关能够降低逆变器和整流器中的损耗。

    Zero-Voltage Switching ( ZVS ) of the IGBT ( MOSFET or BJT ) and Zero-Current Switching ( ZCS ) of the rectifier diode can reduce the switching losses in both the inverter and the rectifier .

  20. 在此基础上,提出利用开关管与二极管电路连接光伏模块,实现小型光伏阵列的宏观与微观结构布局电气重构。

    The circuit composed of switch and diode is applied to connect photovoltaic modules for the electrical reconfiguration of small-size photo-voltaic array in macro and micro layouts .

  21. 在实验上,研究了开关时间对激光二极管泵浦的调Q掺镱光纤激光器的影响。

    Laser-diode pumped Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser is studied experimentally by controlling the switching time of acoustooptic modulator ( AOM ) .

  22. 对大功率应用条件下收发开关组件中PIN二极管的选择展开讨论,推导出减少收发开关开通通道损耗和提高关断通道隔离度,以及提高开关工作带宽的设计方法。

    Discussing how to select PIN diodes which work on High power conditions , inferred reduces the insert losses T / R switch open channel and increases switching channel isolation , as well as improved bandwidth . 2 .

  23. GB/T6571-1995半导体器件分立器件第3部分:信号(包括开关)和调整二极管

    Semiconductor devices Discrete devices Part 3 : Signal ( including switching ) and regulator diodes

  24. 该逆变器克服了传统逆变器的直通问题,功率开关管和功率二极管可分别得到最优设计。

    This topology overcomes the shoot-through problem in conventional inverters , and can realized optimum design of all power device .

  25. 该方法考虑了变换器的寄生元件,由理想功率开关管、理想二极管和理想变压器组成的理想开关部分用受控电流源和电压源替代。

    The ideal switching part consisted of ideal switches , ideal diodes , and an ideal transformer is modeled by dependent current and voltage sources .

  26. 改进后的变流器,其滤波电路及高频变压器的体积明显减少,开关功率管及二极管的工作条件,以及变流器的负载调整特性等均得到明显的改善。

    As a result , the size and volume of the filtering circuit and transformer are obviously reduced , as well as operating conditions of the main switches and load regulation characteristics are greatly improved .

  27. 开关电源中开关管及二极管EMI抑制方法分析研究(水管、煤气管的)总开关

    Research on the Methods of Restraining EMI Generated by the Switch and Diode of the Switch Power Supply

  28. 在此基础上,通过仿真研究了使用不同开关(理想开关、PIN二极管开关和RFMEMS开关)时天线的性能。

    Next , the antenna performance using different switches is investigated by simulation , such as ideal switches , PIN switches and RF MEMS switches .

  29. 该拓扑具有所有功率开关均为软开关,输出二极管电压应力低和输入输出滤波器小的特点。

    There are soft switching conditions of all switches , low voltage stresses on the output diodes , and smaller input and output filters in this topology .

  30. 该电路具有结构简单,实现软开关效果好,开关管和整流二极管的工作应力小,效率高,工作可靠等优点。

    The converter is characterized by simple structure , ZVS , low switch voltage stress , high efficiency and high reliability .