
  • 网络open platform
  1. Internet、AIN和CTI技术的集成促使原先自成体系的服务平台融合成一个统一的开放式平台。

    The integration of Internet , AIN and CTI technologies enables the separated service platforms to converge into a unified open platform .

  2. 与目前流行VoIP应用的相比,WebVox平台提供了一种开放式平台以全新方式将VoIP与互联网技术结合在一起,方便网页开发者在网页上快速开发富有创意的新型语音应用与服务。

    Compared with popular VoIP application , Web Vox platform provides an open platform for new ways to combine VoIP and Internet technologies to facilitate Web developers to quickly develop web pages of new and innovative voice applications and services .

  3. 从而解放PC总线,将运动控制平台做成一个外接的开放式平台。

    Thus liberate PC bus , will move and control the platform to make into an outer open platform .

  4. 文中提出的可视化CAI软件采用了基于通用开放式平台的电子电路仿真软件PSPICE。

    The simulation software of PSpice is adopted to develop visualized simulation CAI .

  5. 本文介绍了开放式平台的结构、平台选择方案,对基于UNIX和WINDOWSnt的平台进行了比较。

    The constructure of the open platform and the solution options are introduced in this paper , as well as the comparison between the platforms based on UNIX and Windows NT .

  6. 这款手机是索爱首款基于Android的UX开放式平台系统的智能手机。

    The smartphone is promised to be the first of many devices built upon the company 's Android-based UX " Open OS " platform .

  7. 本文提出的基于UML的短信息开放式平台,能够解决现有短信息服务开发中的重复开发、成本高和开发周期长的问题,具有较强的应用价值和推广前景。

    This dissertation proposes the UML-based short message open authoring system , which can solve the development problem of redundant development , high cost and time-consuming . This research has its applicative value and brilliant prospect .

  8. 尽管开发的过程任务繁重,但Mac和PC系统一样都是优秀的开放式平台,这些破平台拉近了游戏玩家和开发者的距离。

    It 's been a ton of work , but the Mac is great for the same reason the PC is great-they are both open systems that let gamers and game developers be as close as possible .

  9. MediaMath首席执行官乔•扎瓦德兹基称,AppNexus有望在谷歌擅长的开放式平台领域实现赶超。

    Mediamath CEO Joe Zawadzki says that appnexus might be beating Google at its own open-platform game .

  10. 本文的主要研究成果:(1)西北材料工业EMIS是一个基于开放式平台的网络型计算机信息系统,把与环境监测业务、监测管理工作等相关方面有机地集合在一起。

    Main research results of this paper : ( 1 ) Northwestern area material industry EMIS is an information management system through a computer network based on an open platform , combining with environmental monitoring business and management .

  11. 这个开放式平台改进了面向服务的模型以便开发设备应用程序。

    This open platform promotes a service-oriented model for developing device applications .

  12. 数字化学习港开放式平台的理念和设计

    The Concept and Design of Open Platform in E-learning Hub

  13. 对于授课者和学习者来说,万门大学是一个开放式平台。

    The online college is an open platform for both lecturers and receivers .

  14. 开放式平台设计〔第三代调派系统〕

    Open platform design [ Third Generation Mobilizing System ]

  15. 实际上,开放式平台是中国的热点话题之一。

    Indeed the Open Platform is now one of the hottest topics in China .

  16. 该系统的开放式平台使水泥生产商可以使用最佳的过程优化包来增加工厂的生产量和生产力。

    The open platform of the system enables cement producers to use the best process optimization packages to increase plant throughput and productivity .

  17. 而封闭式平台中软件开发商对终端用户的定价会随着开放式平台厂商的介入而提高。

    However , in the Proprietary platform , the software developer would improve the price charged to end users with the intervention of the manufacturers .

  18. 当前的研究趋势是构建图像引导神经外科的开放式平台,并在此基础上进行各种新治疗技术的应用研究,最终整合到临床图像引导神经外科系统中。

    The current trend is to construct an open platform for image-guided neurosurgery , to make applied researches of various new therapeutic techniques , and finally to integrate them into the clinical image-guided neurosurgery system .

  19. 然后,分别构建平台初期竞争模型和平台稳定期竞争模型进行理论阐述,并对封闭式平台和开放式平台进行对比分析。

    Then , this paper through the models of the early-stage of platform and the stable-stage of platform elaborates the theory , and Carries on the comparative analysis to the Proprietary platform and the open platform .

  20. 对此,中资银行也应通过开放式平台的建设,为满足客户风险管理、收益提高及增值服务三类较高层次的金融需要,构建起全方位、综合化的金融产品服务池。

    In this regard , Chinese banks should also construct an open platform to meet customers ' risk management , revenue enhancement and value-added services , and finally form a pool of comprehensive , integrated financial products and services .

  21. 完成了实时人脸识别系统的实现,完全使用C++算法实现,具有很高的可移植性,使用模块化设计,所以整个系统是开放式平台,可以方便的进行算法的替换和改进。

    Completed the implementation of real-time face recognition system , entirely in C + + algorithms , highly portable , modular design , so the whole system is an open platform , can easily replace and improve the algorithm .

  22. 基于DSP和FPGA的开放式伺服平台设计

    Design of an Open Servo Platform Based on DSP and FPGA

  23. 介绍了超声波切割机床的数控系统,系统采用开放式PC平台结构。

    S : The CNC system for ultrasonic cutting machine is PC based open controller .

  24. 基于ASP技术的开放式教学平台建设研究

    On Construction of On-limits Teaching Platform Based on ASP Technology

  25. 基于PCI总线开放式数控平台的研制

    Development of the Open NC System Platform Based on PCI Bus

  26. NET平台下的组件相关技术,实现了粮情测控开放式软件平台的开发。

    NET development platform was discussed , the open software platform for measuring and controlling system of grain circumstances was realized .

  27. 基于LEON2微处理器的开放式SOC平台设计

    The Design of SOC Platform Based on LEON 2

  28. 考虑机械手的动力学特性,设计了单神经元自适应PID控制器,在开放式控制平台上实现了机械手的精确轨迹跟踪。

    The dynamic model of the manipulator was deduced , the neuron adaptive PID controller was designed , and servo control with high accuracy was achieved .

  29. 开放式控制平台(OCP)是软件激活控制(SEC)的一个主要软件组件。

    Open control platform ( OCP ) is an important software component of software enabled control ( SEC ) .

  30. 像Twilio这样的开放式API平台就通过让开发者在应用中加入语音和短信功能丰富了移动体验。

    Open-api platforms like twilio help to enrich the mobile experience by letting developers add voice and messaging functionality to their applications .