
  • 网络The Open Handset Alliance;oha;OMA
  1. Android市场只面向开放手机联盟的成员开放。

    Android Market is for OHA as in Open Handset Alliance members only .

  2. 谷歌也带来相似影响,上个月,它宣布成立“开放手机联盟”(openhandsetalliance),发展开放的手机标准。

    Google had a similar effect last month with its announcement of the Open Handset Alliance for open standards on mobile phones .

  3. 它也是开放手机联盟的代表系统,而这个开放手机联盟的成员则包括HTC、三星(Samsung)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等大牌厂商。

    It was the OS supporting the Open Handset Alliance , whose members included manufacturers like HTC , Samsung , and Motorola .

  4. 谷歌说,由于宏碁是谷歌主导的“开放手机联盟”(OpenHandsetAlliance)的一员,因此它不能销售搭载与安卓不相兼容的操作系统的智能手机。

    As Acer is part of the Google-led Open Handset Alliance , the U.S. firm said that the Taiwanese computer maker couldn 't work with a ' noncompatible ' version of Android .

  5. 《开放手机联盟》:你是如何表达你的欣赏之情的?

    Bilingual time : how would you show your appreciation ?

  6. 这是对开放手机联盟的发起者之一。

    Daarbij is het een van de initiatiefnemers van de Open Handset Alliance .

  7. 《开放手机联盟》:你呢,里奇?你怎么想的?

    Bilingual time : what about you richie ? What do you think ?