
  1. 农业院校应走开放式办学之路

    Adhesion to on Open Route for Agricultural Universities

  2. 利用地方教育资源实施开放式办学

    Taking Advantage of Local Educational Resources and Carrying out the Opening Policy to Run Schools

  3. 为顺应这一规律,我国应引入开放式办学机制,实现教育与职业的良性互动。

    In order to adapt to it , an opening running college mode was introduced into our country to realize the good relationship between education and profession .

  4. 同时在师资队伍建设、教材建设、专业教学改革、规范化管理和开放式办学等方面形成了鲜明的特色,取得了丰硕的成果。

    A great of achievement has got and obvious characteristic has formed on respect of teachers group construction , textbook construction , major teaching reform , standardization management and opening running colleges .

  5. 本文从高等学校开放式办学模式出发,通过对高校事业发展的基本动力的分析,探讨了在新的形势下构建高校事业发展的外部支撑体系的必要性、可行性及相关问题。

    This paper , from the perspective of an open college-running model , analyzes the essential stimuli of college development , and probes into the need , feasibility and other relevant questions of establishment of college exterior support system .

  6. 针对安全工程专业人才需求的特点,以主动适应社会需求为目标,通过专业课程内容调整、开放式办学、教学资源开发和引导学生开展研究型学习等措施,可培养安全工程专业多样性本科人才。

    Aiming at the requirements of the talent-market , many measures are adopted to meet social needs , such as adjusting the contents of special courses , opening the way of running the school , developing teaching resources and guiding the students to carry out researches , etc.

  7. 一是产、、相结合,重视实践性的教学机制和开放式的办学模式。

    First , with the combination of production , learning and research , our education system lay stress upon practice , and our running system is open .

  8. 21世纪高校综合性、研究型、开放式的办学模式,体现了以人为本的现代化大学教育思想,为高校图书馆工作提出了新的要求。

    St century , university is belonging to comprehensive , researching , opening system , this system reflects a modern university education mind of " base on human ", there are new requirement to the university library job .