
  • 网络open-circuit test;OLT
  1. 本文基于上述模型开发了可供实验室开路试验用的浮选指标预测系统。

    The Flotation Process Intelligent Index Prediction System has been developed .

  2. 高压直流输电开路试验原理的探讨

    Investigation on open line test principle of HVDC

  3. 单一磨矿和组合磨矿的开路试验表明,组合磨矿对选别指标的提高效果显著。

    The results of single grinding and combined grinding tests were showed that the effect of the combined grinding was better than that of single grinding .

  4. 新工艺开路试验使镍精矿品位达到3.24%(3.14%),回收率达65.74%(67.96%)。

    The final result is that , the grade of Ni concentrate is 3.24 % ( 3.14 % ) and the recovery of Ni is 65.74 % ( 67.96 % ) .

  5. 开路试验充电电流在触发角小于60°时约为常数,主要与直流线路的结构参数及电晕放电大小有关;

    The energization current under the OLT will be constant while the firing angle of the converter is less than 60 ° and this current mainly depends on the structural parameters of DC transmission line and the intensity of the corona discharge ;

  6. 试验首先采用常规的浮选方法对此次改性高炉渣进行了探索性试验,其中包括捕收剂选择试验、调整剂选择试验、粗选条件试验、精选试验、扫选试验、开路试验及闭路试验。

    First , the conventional flotation method was used in the test , and pilot studies about the smelting iron slag included selective test of collectors , selective test of regulators , condition test of roughing , tests of concentrating , scavenging , open circuit and closed circuit .

  7. 进行电机测试试验的试验项目包括:电阻试验、转子开路电压试验(绕线电机)、空载试验、堵转试验、负载试验、温升试验、MS曲线试验等项目。

    The items that will be experimented in the motor trial include : resistance trial , rotor open voltage trial ( round motor ), unload trial , load trial , temperature promotion trial , and MS curve trial .

  8. SLIM相对旋转异步电机(RIM)存在气隙大、边缘效应等,若采用RIM开路和短路试验方法,会给参数测量带来较大误差。

    The SLIM parameters have clear errors to the real values on the base of the RIM parameter measurement method because there are larger air gap and edge effect .

  9. 未知放射性核素最大容许浓度许多开路机器在动态试验时,加载速度和刚度之间只有单值关系。

    In many open-loop machines , there is single-valued relationship between loading rate and stiffness during dynamic testing .