
  • 网络open source operating system
  1. 尽管Linux绝对是最流行的开源操作系统,但是相对于其他操作系统的漫长历史来说,Linux的历史非常短暂。

    While Linux is arguably the most popular open source operating system , its history is actually quite short considering the timeline of operating systems .

  2. 开源操作系统Linux的发明人林纳斯•托瓦兹(LinusTorvalds)一度被商界视为“眼中钉”。2001年他曾被时任微软(Microsoft)首席执行官史蒂夫•鲍尔默(SteveBallmer)称为“癌症”。

    Linus Torvalds , inventor of the Linux open source operating system , was for a time the b ê te noire of business . He was described in 2001 as " cancer " by Microsoft 's then chief Steve Ballmer .

  3. 鸿蒙是一个开源操作系统,可用于多个设备和场景。

    HarmonyOS , or Hongmeng in Chinese , is an open-source operating system designed for various devices and scenarios .

  4. 一方面Linux是性能稳定、功能强大的开源操作系统,采用这种操作系统的产品能避开专利费用,降低产品成本。

    While Linux is stable , powerful open-source operating system , patent fees could be avoided in the process of producing .

  5. 在参考资料部分,您将会找到更多关于Linux管理程序信息的链接(开源操作系统的丰富区域)。

    In the Resources section , you 'll find plenty of links to more information on hypervisors with Linux ( a rich area for the open source operating system ) .

  6. 周一微软宣布,将把自己的一款主要产品首次放置到开源操作系统Linux上,也就是说,将销售其数据库软件的Linux版。

    The company announced on Monday that it would put one of its main products on Linux for the first time , selling a version of its database software to run on the open source operating system .

  7. 本文选取了优秀的开源操作系统Linux,但基本的Linux系统没有图形界面。嵌入式Linux系统的图形架构大部分采用QT/Qtopia,这种模式比较固定,不易于定制。

    This paper selects the best open-source operating system Linux , which however does not have a graphical interface . The graphic architecture of embedded mostly adopts QT / Qtopia , the model of which yet does not have a good scalability .

  8. 由于uClinux是免费的开源操作系统,并且具有强大的网络功能,因此在中低端的嵌入式网络设备中得到了广泛应用。

    Since uClinux is a free open source operation system with powerful network functions , it has been widely applied in the low end of embedded network facilities .

  9. 在审核完代码后,OpenBSD的创建者TheodeRaadt得出如下结论:在这个开源操作系统中并不存在这种威胁。

    After auditing the code , Theo de Raadt , the founder of OpenBSD , has concluded that there are no such threats in the open source operating system .

  10. 将来随着3G和4G网络技术的发展,塔机监控终端可采用ARM处理器来代替目前的AVR单片机控制器,嵌入Linux等开源操作系统,实现塔机的图像和视频形式的实时监控。

    With future development of 3G and 4G network technologies , tower crane terminal will replace the current AVR controller with ARM processor , and embed Linux and other open-source operating system to implement the tower crane image and video forms of real-time monitoring .

  11. 它怒斥微软这家软件巨头违法,因为微软向生产使用安卓(谷歌的手机开源操作系统)移动设备的厂商收取专利使用费是反竞争行为(例如BarnesNoble的电子书阅读器Nook)。

    The software giant , it thundered , was guilty of anti-competitive behaviour in demanding royalties from makers of mobile devices ( such as the Nook , Barnes Noble 's e-reader ) that used Android , Google 's open-source mobile operating system .

  12. 它怒斥微软这家软件巨头违法,因为微软向生产使用安卓(谷歌的手机开源操作系统)移动设备的厂商收取专利使用费是“反竞争行为”(例如Barnes&Noble的电子书阅读器Nook)。

    In slide after slide , the bookseller laid into Microsoft . The software giant , it thundered , was guilty of " anti-competitive behaviour " in demanding royalties from makers of mobile devices ( such as the Nook , Barnes & Noble 's e-reader ) that used Android , Google 's open-source mobile operating system .

  13. 但是从广泛支持的角度来看(例如对其他非开源操作系统的支持),这显然是一个缺点。

    But from the perspective of wide support ( such as supporting other non-open source operating systems ), it 's a clear disadvantage .

  14. 有些人认为没有人可以“从头开始”开发开源操作系统&在没有针对基础设施工作的其他系统的情况下。

    Some people have argued that no one could have done an open source operating system " from scratch " & without the existence of other systems for the infrastructure work .

  15. 以开源操作系统为软件基础,通过简单、便携、低成本的嵌入式控制终端实现机器人的远程控制。

    Remote control system based on embedded system is initially developed . Since Linux is an open source software , we can use a simple , portable and low-cost embedded control terminals to realize the remote controller of the robot .

  16. Linux是一款性能优越的,免费开源的操作系统。

    Linux which has excellent performance is well-known as a free and open source of operation system .

  17. Android系统是基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统的名称。

    Android system is based on open source Linux platform for mobile phone operating system name .

  18. Google的开源Android操作系统并不如看起来的那样免费,微软论述,因为它侵犯了一系列专利权。

    Google 's open source Android operating system is not as free as it seems , Microsoft argues , because it infringes a number of patents .

  19. 基于Linux内核的Android开源手机操作系统的普及和应用处理器的发展使得智能手机的研发和应用得以快速发展。

    With the popularity of Linux-kernel-based Android open source mobile phone operating system and the development of application processors , smartphones develop rapidly in research and application .

  20. 开源Linux操作系统在嵌入式领域的发展,为我国扭转在嵌入式操作系统领域的落后局面提供了机遇。

    Linux & opens the source operating system in the embedded domain development , has provided the opportunity to reversed for our country in the embedded operating system domain backward aspect .

  21. 五年前,安卓作为一个开源移动操作系统平台,被提供给那些想与诺基亚、苹果(Apple)和黑莓(Blackberry)分一杯羹的手机厂商。

    Five years ago , Android was an open-source mobile OS offered to device manufacturers that wanted to take on Nokia , apple ( AAPL ) , and blackberry ( bbry ) .

  22. 基于Atom的设备既能运行Windows也能运行Moblin,这是一个面向上网本、手持设备、智能手机和汽车电脑的基于Fedora定制的开源Linux操作系统。

    Atom-based devices can run Windows but also Moblin , an open source custom Fedora-based Linux operating system targeted at netbooks , handhelds , smart phones and car computers .

  23. 2009年11月,三星推出了开源手机操作系统Bada,希望该系统可以与谷歌的安卓(Android)相较量。

    In November 2009 , Samsung launched Bada , an open-source mobile operating system that it hoped could challenge Google 's Android platform .

  24. Android是谷歌公司发布的基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统,Android以其良好的开放性受到广大移动终端开发商及软件开发爱好者的青睐。

    Android is an open source mobile operating system based on the Linux , which was released by Google . Due to the opening , Android is used by the majority of mobile terminal company and software development enthusiast .

  25. RTEMS(多处理系统实时可执行体)一个自由的为嵌入式系统而设计的开源实时操作系统。

    RTEMS ( Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems ) is a free open source real-time operating system designed for embedded systems .

  26. 随着近年来智能手机在国内的大范围推广,尤其以Google公司开发的Android为代表的开源手机操作系统已经成为了智能机的代表。

    In recent years , open source mobile phone operating system has become the representative of the smartphone with intelligent mobile phone in domestic large range promotion , especially with the emergence of the Android which developed by Google company .

  27. Mozilla今天表示初步计划将驱动Firefox的Gecko引擎打造成一个开源的操作系统,未来将工作在手机和平板电脑上。

    Mozilla revealed preliminary plans today to take the Gecko engine that drives its Firefox browser and turn it into an open-source operating system that will eventually work on phones and tablets .

  28. 此举似乎表明,Android平台可能受到谷歌撤出中国警告的连带影响。Android是谷歌设计的开源手机操作系统,能够让手机制造商和移动运营商双方的开发人员制造出定制的手机。

    The move suggests that the Android-based platform the open source mobile operating system designed by Google to allow developers from handset makers and from mobile operators to build customised handsets is likely to feel the repercussions of the company 's warning to pull out of China .

  29. NUT/OS是一个非常有特色的开源实时操作系统,该操作系统短小精悍,健壮灵活,并自身携带TCP/IP协议栈,支持PPP协议,是一个专门为嵌入式网络设备量身定做的小型操作系统。

    NUT / OS is one distinctive free real time operation system . For its succinctness , agility , having its own TCP / IP socket , supporting PPP protocol , NUT / OS has been seemed as a special OS for Embedded network devices .

  30. 开源嵌入式操作系统评测工具研究

    Investigation on Evaluation Tools of Open Source Embedded Operating System