
  • 网络group theory;colonial theory;theory of reference group;crowdtheory;cohort theory
  1. 群体理论在提高学习动机与效果中的应用

    The application of Improving Learning Motivation and Effects by Group Theory

  2. 对与偶像崇拜相关的消费行为的解释,营销理论中的相关群体理论、消费流行现象都有所涉及,但是有针对性的描述崇拜性的消费行为在理论上仍有待丰富。

    Of idol worship to explain consumer behavior related to marketing theory , group theory related , consumer pop phenomenon are covered , but worship of the description of the targeted consumer behavior remains to be rich in theory .

  3. 企业非正式群体理论及作用研究

    Investigation into Theory and Functions of Informal Organizations in Enterprises

  4. 农村老年人家庭代际支持研究&运用指数混合模型验证合作群体理论

    A Study on Intergenerational Support of the Elderly in Rural Chinese Families

  5. 文章引入有关冲突理论、群体理论及阶层理论,以便建立本文的解释框架,寻找冲突背后的深层原因。

    This thesis establishes interpretative frame and searches deep-rooted reasons about conflicts after introducing theories of social conflict , group and estate .

  6. 主要结合弱势群体理论、金融创新理论、利益与利益机制理论、金融发展权理论等方面进行阐述,以此奠定村镇银行发展的理论基础。

    This study combined with the theory of the vulnerable groups , financial innovation theory , the interests and the interests of mechanism theory , theory of financial development and so on to elaborate .

  7. 同时,随着现代通信技术、计算机技术和群体决策理论的发展日新月异,群体决策支持系统(groupdecisionsupportsystem,简称GDSS)应运而生。

    At the same time , with the continuous changes and improvements of communication , computer technology and group decision theory , Group Decision Support System ( GDSS ) appears .

  8. 随着创新活动日益复杂,Internet迅速深入人们经济活动和日常生活的各个领域,网络群体创新理论应运而生。

    With the innovation from complex to complex and the Internet going deep into every domain of people 's economic activity and living rapidly , Theory of Networked Team Innovation ( NTI ) emerges as the times require .

  9. 对群体思维理论的发展过程进行了简要回顾。

    Prove on convergence of group thought under the given distribution ;

  10. 利用群体动力理论开展企业安全工作

    Carry out enterprise safety work by adopting mass driving force theory

  11. 基于群体智能理论的聚类模型及优化算法

    A Clustering Model and Optimized Algorithm Based on Swarm Intelligent Theory

  12. 基于Internet/Intranet的群体创新理论及其关键技术的研究

    The Research of Team Innovation and Key-technical Based on Internet / Intranet

  13. 它是基于群体智能理论的优化算法,是一种种群的全局搜索策略。

    It is an optimization algorithm based on the theory of swarm intelligence .

  14. 群体思维理论的发展及其实证研究综述

    Groupthink theory : Model development and empirical research review

  15. 水稻群体育种理论与实践

    Rice Colony Breeding ` s Theory and Practice

  16. 故障诊断群体决策理论的研究

    Research on Group Decision Theory in Fault Diagnosis

  17. 群体决策理论在电子商务中的应用

    The Application of Group Decision-making Theory in E-business

  18. 动态群体决策理论及其应用研究

    Dynamic Group Decision Making and It 's Application

  19. 寻找保护弱势群体的理论依据

    Searching for Theoretical Basis for Protecting Vulnerable Groups

  20. 研究了群体智能理论在最短路径搜索中的应用。

    The applications of the swarm intelligence for the shortest route searching are studied .

  21. 提出了一种树型语言变量模糊量化方法和符合故障诊断特点的数据分析方法。最后举例说明了群体决策理论在故障诊断工作中的实施步骤。

    Propose Tree-shape Lingual Variable Fuzzy Score Method and data-analyzing method fitted for fault diagnosis .

  22. 再论矛盾群体及其理论的实践意义

    My Second Discussion on the Contradiction Group and This Theory ′ s Significance of Practice

  23. 基于智能技术的群体决策理论和方法的研究成为当前一个热点研究领域。

    Research on intelligent group decision theory and methods nowadays become an active research area .

  24. 遗传资源保存的群体遗传理论

    The colony-genetic theory of genetic resource reservation

  25. 港口群的群体效应理论及其运量分配模型的研究

    A Research on Group Effect of the Harbour Group and the Distribution Model of the Transportation Capacity

  26. 柯尔伯格的道德认知发展理论主要包括道德发展论、道德教育论和公正群体途径理论。

    The Cognitive Moral Development Mode of Lawrence Kohlberg includes stages of moral development , moral education and just community .

  27. 本文的理论依据有群体动力理论、选择理论、动机理论、发展理论、认知精致理论。

    This article is based on group dynamics theory , choice theory , motivation theory , development theory and cognitive theory .

  28. 首先介绍了网络群体创新理论的定义、特点、意义和体系结构;

    Firstly , definition , characteristics , meaning and framework of the theory of Networked Group Innovation ( NGI ) are presented .

  29. 介绍了在粗糙集理论和群体智能理论的基础上提出的一种优化的用于文本挖掘的蚁群聚类算法。

    An optimized ant colony clustering algorithm based on the rough set and colony intelligence is provided to use in text mining .

  30. 群体动力理论和动机理论为合作教学的提出,提供了心理学基础。

    As a popular knowing , it was colony / group driven theory and motivation theory that build the basis of psychology .