
  • 网络Die Ratten
  1. 他画了《群鼠图》以讽刺日本侵略者,还写了不少抒发国破之愤的诗。

    He drew the painting Mice to satirize the Japanese invaders and wrote several poems to express his anger .

  2. 用荷兰产ISP半自动生化分析仪对不同性别四个年龄段的Wistar封闭群大鼠的14项血液生化值进行了测定。

    Hematological and biochemical values of male and female Wistar rats at different ages were determined .

  3. AMS(Wistar)封闭群大鼠的繁殖性能及季节对其影响的研究

    Investigation on Reproductive Performance of AMS ( Wistar ) Closed Colony Rat and Seasonal Effects on It

  4. 方法56只成年健康Wistar封闭群大鼠,供受体各28只,采用受体肝分步切除的三袖套法行大鼠原位肝移植术。

    Methods There are 56 Wistar rats included 28 of receptors and 28 of donators . Tri-cuff technique orthotopic liver transplantation was performed .

  5. 方法:建立封闭群大鼠角膜移植模型,用裂隙灯显微镜记录及比较各组角膜排斥反应发生时间;

    METHODS : The corneal transplantation model on the closed colony rats was established .

  6. 问题在于这群阴沟鼠现在是咱守夜人的人了

    Well , the thing is ... These gutter rats belong to the Night 's Watch now .

  7. 问题在于这群阴沟鼠现在是咱守夜人的人了国王和太后可管不到那么远

    Well , the thing is ... These gutter rats belong to the Night 's Watch . Now , that puts them beyond the reach of Kings and Queens .

  8. 建立供体封闭群SD大鼠到受体近交系Wistar大鼠的同种异体原位肝脏移植模型。

    Establishing orthotopic liver transplantation model using SD rats to Wistar rats .

  9. SPF级封闭群SD大鼠血清生化值及凝血酶原时间值的测定

    Serum Biochemical and Prothrombin Reference Rangers of SPF Closed Colony SD Rat

  10. 方法:选用吉林大学实验动物部提供的普通级封闭群KM小白鼠(合格证号:10-1023),体重15~17g,雌雄各半。饲以本校动物室提供的饲料,饮用自来水。

    Method : Choose common KM mice of animal basement in JILIN university , weigh : 15-17g , sex in half .

  11. 目的通过比较A、B、C三群Wistar大鼠的繁殖与生长情况,指导科研工作选择优质动物。

    Objective To guide research work using good quality animals through comparing the reproduction and growth of closed colony A , B and C of Wistar rats from the main providers in Beijing .

  12. 方法:选用近交系F344/N和封闭群Wistar/A大鼠建立同种异基因小肠移植模型36例,应用免疫组化检测bcl-2及bax在移植肠组织中的表达。

    Methodes : Using inbred F344 / N and Wistar / A rats allogene small intestinal transplantation model , the expression of bcl-2 and bax were detected with immunohistochemistry .

  13. CD8~+T细胞亚群在大鼠肠道各部IEL与LPL中的分布差异

    Differences of Distribution of CD8 ~ + T Lymphocyte Subgroup Between IEL and LPL in Intestines of Mature Rat

  14. 结论:封闭群SD大鼠肾被膜下和肠系膜内环境有利于同种异体牙胚的生长,可为组织工程化牙齿的体内构建提供新的发育环境。

    Conclusion : The environment under the renal capsule or in the mesenteries of closed colony rat is favorable for the growth of allogeneic rTGs and can be used as a new alternative for bioengineered tooth development in vivo .

  15. 方法将糖尿病地鼠作为实验组,昆明种封闭群正常小白鼠作为对照组,在注射胰岛素0、5、30、60及120min五个不同时间点分别测定每只小鼠的对应时间的血糖值。

    Methods The Chinese diabetic mice were selected as the experiment group , Kunming mice as the control group . Blood sugar was measured at 0,5,30,60 and , 120 minutes after insulin injection .

  16. 地衣芽孢杆菌对菌群失调大鼠肠道微生态、黏膜结构和免疫细胞的影响

    Effect of Bacillus Licheniformis on Gut Microflora , Mucosal Structure and Immunocyte in Dysbacteria Rat

  17. 电刺激终纹床核群对大鼠痛阈的影响

    Effects of electrical stimulation of bed nuclei of stria terminalis on pain threshold in the rat

  18. 自从四年前被热爱动物的家人带着见到这群土拨鼠后,这个8岁的小男孩儿便与它们建立了深厚的感情。

    The eight-year-old built up a remarkable relationship with the creatures since first being taken to see them by his nature-loving family four years ago .

  19. 肠道菌群对SD大鼠急性肝损伤及机体代谢的影响

    Effects of Gut Microflora on Hepatic Damage Following Acute Liver Injury and the Plasmic Metabolic Profiles in Rats

  20. 方法:取封闭群健康wistar大鼠作为供受体。

    Methods : Outbred wistar male rats were used as blood and pancreas donor and diabetic recipients .

  21. 目的构建封闭群动物SD大鼠骨组织工程模型,研究含孔磷酸钙陶瓷为支架复合自体成骨细胞的异位骨形成和极量骨缺损修复能力。

    Objective To investigate the ability of heterotopic osteogenesis and reconstruction of critical size calvarial defect , a bone tissue engineering Sprague Dawley rat model with autogenous osteoblasts loading on porous calcium phosphate ceramic was established .

  22. 封闭群草原兔尾鼠正常血液生化指标的测定

    Determination of Normal Blood Biochemical Parameters of a Closed Colony of Lagurus lagurus

  23. 尼群地平对肝硬化鼠门脉压力及肝硬化患者肝血流动力学的影响

    Effects of nitrendipine on cirrhotic rat 's portal pressure and cirrhotic patient 's hepatic hemodynamics

  24. 年龄和性别因素对封闭群草原兔尾鼠正常血液生化指标的影响

    The Influences of Ages and Sexes on Normal Blood Biochemical Parameters in the Lagurus lagurus Closed Colony

  25. 结论本实验中封闭群草原兔尾鼠的性别因素和年龄(1月龄-2月龄年龄段和24月龄年龄段)因素对测定的23项正常血液生化指标没有显著影响。

    Conclusion In this experiment , ages ( 1-2 monthes and 24 monthes ) and sexes showed no influences on the 23 normal blood biochemical parameters in the Lagurus lagurus closed colony .

  26. 另外,对封闭群草原兔尾鼠的心脏、肝脏、肾脏、肺、脾脏进行了组织学观察。

    In addition , we first made a histological observation on the heart , liver , kidney , lung , spleen of the Lagurus lagurus to provide references for the dissemination of Lagurus lagurus closed colony .