
qún tǐ ɡōnɡ nénɡ
  • group functions
  1. 该实验人员说:这种行为从某种程度上说是一种有用的群体功能。

    He said : ' This sort of serves a useful group function .

  2. 通过发挥网络中节点群体功能,有效提高网络的稳定性和通信效率。

    The stability , reliability and communication efficiency could grow by bringing the node colony function into play .

  3. 因此保证其稳定并继续履行初级群体功能对于个人及社会是至关重要的。

    Therefore pledging that it is kept and continues performing the elementary function can be utmost importance as for individual and society .

  4. 本文就其中的常规功能与特定功能、外界功能与内隐功能、个体功能与群体功能等,进行探析。

    The present paper expounds and discusses the general and special function , the externally-shown and internally-hidden functions , as well as individual and mass functions .

  5. 教授:他们找到的是有两种生物群体功能的微生物、细菌-废物循环及能源再生。

    Professor : What they discovered was that microorganisms , bacteria , had taken over both functions of the biological community-the recycling of waste materials and the production of energy .

  6. 印染废水处理系统中的主要细菌群体和功能

    Major Bacterial Populations and Their Function in Printing-Dyeing Wastewater Treatment System

  7. 目的研究大学生群体大脑功能基本特征。

    Objective Researching university students ′ basic character of brain function .

  8. 近代组织传媒与晚清公共舆论的扩张&以学堂生群体和功能性社团为中心

    Communication in Modern Organization and Diffusion of Public Opinion During Later Qing Dynasty

  9. 江苏省长江沿岸港口群体的功能、格局与发展研究

    The function , pattern and development of the lower Changjiang River ports system in Jiangsu Province

  10. 我们按照标语的目标群体、功能、主题对标语进行了分类。

    Then the slogan is classified according to its audience , the function , its topic and so on .

  11. 从武术活动的群体、功能上来看,武当山武术活动主要有:军事武术、民间武术和道教武术等活动。

    In the perspective of function and collectivism , the Wushu activities can be divided into such groups as military , folk and religious martial arts .

  12. 它们分别是:基于C/S模式的系统整体层次结构、混合式的数据组织管理结构、以及针对群体协作功能而设计的协同与交互结构模型。

    According to the characteristics and requirement of CPDS , we propose three kinds of models : the whole hierarchy model based on C / S , the mixed model for data management , and the structural model for interaction and cooperation .

  13. 而运营商开展语音增值信息服务具有天然优势,广大的客户群体,功能强大的终端,良好的网络支持,可以提供多种信息接收方式,方便信息的获取和保存等。

    Operators have a natural advantage to carry out voice value-added information services such as the vast customer base , powerful terminal and superior network support , which can provide a variety of information receiving means to facilitate information access and preservation .

  14. 结果:两组逃逸系数、稳定水平、重力系数、2项指标的P值均<0.05,有显著差异,亚健康群体的脑功能活动不同于健康群体。

    Results : There were significant differences between the two groups in escape modulus ? steady level and gravitational modulus ( P < 0 05 ) .

  15. 这家互联网巨头还为其增加了各种新功能,包括搜索功能,面向Android用户的Hangout群体视频聊天功能,以及可将Hangout的片段转化为流媒体内容的功能,这样观看人数就不再受到限制。

    The Internet giant also added new features , including search , the ability for Android users to use the hangout group video chat feature , and the ability to turn hangout sessions into live streams with an unlimited number of viewers .

  16. 目的观察一个社区居住的老年人群体的认知功能随年龄变化的发生和发展速度,及与预后的关系。

    Objective To observe the longitudinal change of cognitive function of the elderly in Beijing .

  17. 主要探讨法律职业群体的整体功能和部分功能。

    This part mainly probes into the whole and partial function of law professional group .

  18. 其次,加强社会主义核心价值观教育,优化群体结构和功能。

    Secondly , to strengthen the education of socialist core value system , optimize the community structure and function .

  19. 相比于传统的优化算法,遗传算法具有群体搜索的功能,易于收敛到全局最优解或近似全局最优解。

    Compared with classical optimal algorithms , the colony searching characteristics of GA helps to find the global optimal solution more easily .

  20. 法律职业群体的部分功能包括:政治制约功能、.法制维护功能、社会服务功能、文化促进功能等。

    The partial function includes : political interacting function , legal maintaining function , social serving function , literal improving function , etc.

  21. 奉文试图从文化的角度来探索中国传统文化对大学生弱势群体的培养功能。

    Presents the article to attempt from the cultural angle to explore China traditional culture to the university student minority groups'raise function .

  22. 与普通的酸奶相比,功能型酸奶口味多样,营养丰富,适合更广泛的消费群体,所以功能型酸奶具有极高的研究价值。

    Compared with ordinary yogurt , functional yogurt with diversified tastes and rich nutrition is more suitable for a wide range of consumer groups .

  23. 法律职业群体的整体功能是社会整合功能,其目标是维护社会法律秩序的良好并促进社会法治状态的建立和完善。

    The whole function is the social entirely cooperative one , the aim of which is to facilitate the establishment and improvement of law order and legality .

  24. 任务信息加工要求高时,群体讨论的功能实现与决策绩效的关系更为显著。

    The main conclusions of this study include : ( 1 ) When the task information demand is higher , the functions of discussion are more significantly related to decision performance .

  25. 在此基础上,争取做到对民俗文化的群体保护、功能保护和平等保护,维护遗产主体的文化自尊和文化权利,促进对非物质文化遗产的全面保护。

    Only on that basis can we strive for collective , functional and equal protection of the non-material cultural heritages , maintaining the cultural self-esteem and rights of the heritage subjects , and promoting the overall practice of protection for the non-material cultural heritages .

  26. 野家杂交猪F1代群体8个繁殖功能基因的多态性分析

    Research on the Polymorphism of Eight Reproduction Genes in F_1 Generation of Hybrid Pig

  27. 水稻突变群体的构建及功能基因组学

    Rice Mutant Population and its Applications on Functional Genomics

  28. 结果男性、经济收入高的老年群体心理及社会功能评分较高;

    Results Psychological and social functions scored significantly higher in both male and higher-income groups than those in the others .

  29. 要发挥非正式群体的正面教育功能,需要认真分析其形成的原因、特征、影响等因素。

    In order to exert their educational influences , it is necessary to study their origins , features and influences .

  30. 氮肥主要影响冬小麦营养体个体形态特征和群体结构,对功能叶生理指标的影响程度远低于遗传因子。

    Nitrogen fertilizer mainly affected the winter wheat individual character and colony 's structure , nitrogen had less affected on functional leaves than genetic factors .