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  1. 主要考察《群音类选》的选剧特点。

    It mainly discusses the features of the selected drama of " Qin Yin Lei Xuan " .

  2. 摘要《群音类选》是明代万历年间的一个重要的戏曲选本。

    Classified collection of various sounds is an important Anthology of plays and operas during the wingli era of the Ming dynasty .

  3. 分析《群音类选》的刊刻及编选情况,从整体上把握《群音类选》的刊刻时间和编选体例。

    It analyzes the Inscription and compile situation of " Qin Yin Lei Xuan " . It grasps the inscription time and compile style .

  4. 在搜集、整理现有研究材料的基础上,对胡文焕的生平及创作,作了较为真实而全面的梳理。二、《群音类选》的刊刻与编选。

    Collecting and arranging on the basis of existing research materials , make more real and comprehensive analysis . Second , the inscription and compile of " Qin Yin Lei Xuan " .