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  1. 所有的司法行为,誓言,并翻耕,也不准在这一天。

    All judicial acts , vows , and tilling were also prohibited on that day Bez .

  2. 这种措施既能发挥保护性耕作带残茬降风速、保水土、抗风蚀的作用,并对翻耕带形成保护;

    Stubble strip of conservation tillage can lower wind velocity , conserve water and soil , resist wind erosion and protect strip ploughed land .

  3. 为此,介绍了国外耕作机械的发展趋势以及我国耕作机械的现状和存在的问题,并就我国耕整机械的发展趋势和对策进行了探讨,为农业机械化的发展提供参考依据。

    Therefore , the development tendency of overseas farm machinery as well as the present situation and existence question of our country farm machinery are introduced , and the development tendency and the countermeasure of the farming machinery on our country has carried on the discussion .