
  1. 结果表明:一年之中,土壤中K素的含量对树木的生长不产生限制性影响,且变幅不大,而N、P两素含量偏低,并随树木的生长而减少;

    The yearly content of N and P in soil was lower and was decreasing along with the tree growth .

  2. Fe(Ⅱ)-转运蛋白基因在根中的转录也受到缺铁胁迫的诱导,并随缺铁胁迫处理天数的增加而加强。

    The transcription of Irt gene can be induced and strengthened by iron stress in roots .

  3. a-C:F薄膜的介电常数取决于电子极化并随R的增大而上升。

    The dielectric constant of a-C : F films is composed mainly of electron polarization and increases with increasing R.

  4. 缺氧暴露可显著抑制心肌线粒体ANT活性,并随时间呈双相效应。

    Acute hypoxic exposure could lead to decrease significantly of ANT transport activity in mitochondria .

  5. CT表现为絮状阴影,并随炎症的消散而消失,但肿瘤阴影不再增大。

    Wadding shadows appeared in CT images after the treatment and disappeared with the inflammation vanished , but the tumor shadows ceased to increase .

  6. 大部分青瓷釉中均含有少量P2O5,并随CaO含量成比例增长。

    Small amounts of P_2O_5 had been found in most celadon glazes in proportion to the con-tents of CaO .

  7. 高浓度ATP抑制通道开放概率并随浓度增大而增强;

    With addition of ATP , inhibition of open probability by ATP was increased .

  8. 固结不排水条件下,常规三轴压缩试验和等p试验保持为正孔压,并随固结压力的增加而提高;减压三轴压缩试验观察到负孔压,呈现剪胀特性。

    Under consolidated undrained condition , pore pressure keeps positive in conventional triaxial compression tests and triaxial compression tests , and rose with the increase of confining pressure .

  9. 结果多系统器官功能衰竭组血清TNF含量较正常对照组明显增高,并随病情恶化而升高、病情好转而降低。

    Results The average TNF content in sera from those patients was significantally higher than that from normal people .

  10. 结果表明:死亡有逐年增高趋势(P<0.01),并随年龄增长而增加(P<0.05);

    The results skowed that the death showed an increasing trend every yfar ( P0 . 01 ) and increased as the age increases ( P0 . 05 ) .

  11. 学术期刊之退稿率向来为学术界采具同侪评阅(PeerReview)要求下,所并随产生与要求呈具的资料。它通常亦被用作证明期刊品质控制良窳之标准之一。

    The rejection rate of scholarly journals has usually been used and accompanied with the evidence of peer review for the quality control .

  12. 兔颅骨植入材料X射线片观察结果:X射线可见生物材料周围有明显骨痂形成,并随时间延长,骨痂越来越多。

    X-ray observation results : There were obvious formation of callus around the biological material , which became much more as time went on .

  13. 五种作物根际pH相对于土体土均有所下降,并随生育进程明显降低。

    The rhizosphere soil pH of five kinds of crops were lower compared to bulk soil pH , and significantly decreased with the growth process .

  14. 添加磷显著提高了氨态氮、瘤胃液蛋白质、乙酸浓度及乙酸/丙酸(P<0.05),并随磷添加水平的升高而升高。

    The pH , Concentration of NHs-N , rumen liquid protein , Ace and Ace / Prop were increased significantly with the level of the added phosphorus ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 水稻幼苗株高在较低的Cd浓度胁迫条件下即表现显著下降,并随Cd处理浓度的增加其胁迫指数明显加大。

    The seedling height decreased significantly at a lower Cd concentration , and with the increase in Cd concentration , the stress index increased significantly .

  16. 但在干旱胁迫下,转基因糖橙叶片内Pro迅速积累,并随胁迫程度的加深累积量不断增加。

    But under drought stress , the Pro in transgenic sugar orange leaves accumulated quickly and the amount increased with the stress increased .

  17. 我们的病例报告是一个弥漫型大B细胞淋巴癌的患者,其一开始的影像学呈现是个不寻常的巨大向外凸出型病灶并随著中央的坏死区域和直接的肝脏侵犯。

    We present a case of primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the stomach that had the unusual appearance of a large exophytic mass with central necrosis and direct invasion to the liver .

  18. 要求提供相关的认证证明副本,并随附供应商质量保证手册(QA)的非受控副本。

    Copies of relevant accreditation certification will be requested together with an uncontrolled copy of the vendors QA Manual .

  19. AP脾胃实热证的血糖水平较其他两个证型明显增高,并随证型演变而变化。

    AP spleen and stomach Heat permit glucose levels than the other two cards-increased significantly , and with the certification of evolution and change .

  20. 采用基于DSP和CPLD的数字化伺服控制技术解决光电传感器的机载应用问题:隔离机体的高频振动并随动于驾驶员头盔。

    Digital servo-control technology based on DSP and CPLD is used to solve airborne application problems of optical-electronic sensor : isolating vibration of airplane and tracking pilot helm .

  21. Northern杂交结果表明,在根中,irt的转录受缺铁胁迫诱导,并随缺铁胁迫处理天数的增加而加强;

    Northern blot suggested that the transcription of Fe ( II ) - transporter gene was induced and strengthened by iron stress in roots ;

  22. 结果63例脑胶质瘤中,bcl-2阳性表达率53.97%,其表达率并随肿瘤恶性程度增加而增加。

    Results Of the 63 patients , 34 had bcl-2 positive expression ( 53.97 % ) and the bcl-2 positive expression rate increased with the degree of malignancy .

  23. 结果:经H2O2处理后细胞生存率明显降低,细胞内DNA单链损伤及羰基蛋白含量明显升高,并随H2O2浓度的增加而加重。

    Results : The cell viability was decreased obviously , DNA damage and the protein carbonyl formation were increased and aggravated along with the enhancement of H2O2 concentration .

  24. 急性局限性细菌性肾炎(AFBN)的CT延时增强扫描以及动态观察显示楔形病灶以及条纹征,并随治疗逐渐消退。

    Acute focal bacterial nephritis ( AFBN ) shows wedge lesion and stripe sign on delayed enhanced CT images .

  25. 抓捕应激使血清中CPK活性显著升高,并随应激次数的增加而呈上升趋势,这与肝脏中的Se成正相关,而与血液中的Se呈近似负相关。

    And with the increase of stress amount , it is direct proportion with the content of Cu Mn in blood and Se in liver .

  26. 内锈层中有高含量的FeS,并随暴露时间的延长而增加。

    Content of FeS in internal rust layer is high , and it increased with the increase of exposure time .

  27. 该关系式表明伪湍动与空泡率成正比,并随颗粒Reynolds数的增大而趋近势流结果。

    The result shows that the pseudo turbulence level is directly proportional to the void fraction and approaches the potential formula result with increasing particle Reynolds numbers .

  28. 结论:AL发病过程中存在血管内皮细胞损伤、血小板活化以及凝血、抗凝、纤溶系统的激活,并随病情的好转而逐渐改善;

    Conclusion : There existed the injury of vascular endothelium , the consumption of platelets as well as the activation of coagulant , anticoagulant and fibrinolytic system in AL , which can be greatly improved after CR.

  29. RT~PCR和免疫组织化学方法检测:对照组的大鼠胃粘膜COX一2表达极低,而在溃疡自愈过程中其表达显著增加,并随自愈时间而减弱;

    COX-2 expressed in gastric mucosa of control group much low . It is expressed and increased notably during the healing course after termination of WRS ;

  30. 对照组与干预组孕妇不同孕期的Fe、Ca、Mg元素的浓度差异均有统计学意义,并随孕期进展逐渐下降,而Cu浓度逐渐上升。

    The concentration of Fe , Ca , Mg in different pregnant stages had showed significant differences between control and intervention group , and also decreased with the pregnant period . Cu in blood increased .