
  • 网络contemporary capitalism
  1. 整整90年前的1919年3月,正面对另一场经济危机的弗拉基米尔列宁(vladimirlenin)论述了当代资本主义所遭遇的困境。

    Exactly 90 years ago , in March 1919 , faced with another economic crisis , Vladimir Lenin discussed the dire straits of contemporary capitalism .

  2. 艾伦·沃尔夫的当代资本主义的政治矛盾理论

    Allen Woolf 's Theory of " Political Contradiction of Contemporary Capitalism "

  3. 当代资本主义发生新变化的主要原因探析

    Explorations on the Main Reasons of New Changes of Modern Capitalist

  4. 当代资本主义经济同经济全球化趋势并非完全相融。

    Contemporary capitalist economy isn 't completely combined with economic globalization .

  5. 关于当代资本主义的新变化,不同的研究者进行了不同的概括总结。

    Different researchers have different summaries to the new changes .

  6. 浅析当代资本主义经济持续发展原因

    On the Causes for the Lasting Growing of Capitalist Economy

  7. 世界历史理论视野中的当代资本主义

    Contemporary Capitalism in the Field of Vision of World History

  8. 从经济全球化看当代资本主义的新变化和发展趋势

    Looking present capitalism 's new change and development trend from economy globalization

  9. 当代资本主义通货膨胀与失业之关系的再考察

    More Observations on the Relations between Inflation and Unemployment of Contemporary Capitalism

  10. 当代资本主义新变化的原因及其实质

    The Root Cause and Essence of the New Changes of Contemporary Capitalism

  11. 新变化与旧表现:对当代资本主义及其命运的思考

    New Changes and Old Behavior : Thinking of Contemporary Capitalist and Destiny

  12. 当代资本主义是一个孕育着许多新的社会因素的社会制度;

    It is a social system which contains many new social factors .

  13. 资本主义的合理性与合理性危机&兼议当代资本主义社会结构

    Capitalistic Rationality and Rationality Crisis-Concurrently on the structure of contemporary capitalist societies

  14. 精神生产在当代资本主义社会的表现

    Manifestation of " Spirit Production " in Modern Capitalist Society

  15. 当代资本主义基本矛盾发展趋势刍议

    On the Developing Trend of Principal Contradictions of Capitalism

  16. 略述当代资本主义生产力发展的特点

    On features of productive forces development of modern capitalism

  17. 当代资本主义经济周期再认识

    A further understanding on the contemporary capitalist business cycle

  18. 论当代资本主义与现实社会主义的关系

    On the Relations between Contemporary Capitalism and Realistic Socialism

  19. 论私人资本主义向社会资本主义的转变&对当代资本主义的分析

    Review on Transition from Private Capitalism to Social Capitalism

  20. 当代资本主义的救世主&约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯

    The saviour of Modern Capitalism & John Maynard keynes

  21. 力图把马克思主义与当代资本主义社会中占统治地位的哲学相结合。

    Secondly , it attempts to marry Marxism with the dominant bourgeois philosophy .

  22. 当代资本主义的变化与工会的作用

    Transformation of contemporary Capitalism and Functions of Trade Unions

  23. 当代资本主义究竟发生了哪些变化?

    What changes have taken place to the capitalism ?

  24. 当代资本主义经济的特点和发展趋势

    Characteristics and Trend of Development of Contemporary Capitalist Economy

  25. 在关于现当代资本主义问题上,早期西方马克思主义与晚期马克思主义之间并不存在断裂。

    There is no rupture between the early-stage and the late-stage western Marxism .

  26. 当代资本主义迅速发展的原因探析

    Analysis of Cause of Quick Development of Contemporary Capitalism

  27. 当代资本主义:变化、原因、趋势

    Contemporary Capitalism : Change , Cause and Trend

  28. 首先,不能回避当代资本主义的发展变化问题;

    First , we can 't avoid the changing and development of Modern Capitalism ;

  29. 对当代资本主义社会发展的几点认识

    Thoughts about the Development of Contemporary Capitalist Society

  30. 第三条道路:当代资本主义发展的新模式

    A Third Road : New Model of Development of Capitalism in the Contemporary Era