
  • 网络The Number of Concurrent Users
  1. 负载的数量和类型可以通过改变请求速率、并发用户数,以及随机生成的wiki图片大小来改变。

    The amount and type of load can be varied by changing the request rate , the number of concurrent users , and the size of the randomly generated wiki image files .

  2. 性能测试结果表明,当RSS爬虫服务从中心服务器中分离出去之后,系统支持的并发用户数增加了50%,服务响应时间减少了51.08%。

    The result of performance tests indicates that the number of concurrent users supported will increase 50 % and the response time will reduce 51.08 % after separating RSS crawler from center server .

  3. 措施2.在SaaS用户许可证中规定并发用户数、这些用户的资源实例数和每个用户可以处理的数据请求数的最大限制。

    Action # 2.Indicate in a SaaS user license the maximum limit on concurrent users , resource instances for those users and data requests each user can handle .

  4. 验证了在用户量为10000的并发用户数为3000的情况下,该数据接口在IPTV多业务运营支撑系统与多业务系统间数据交换的有效性。

    When the number of users is 10000 and the number of concurrent users is 3000 , verified the effectiveness of data exchange between IPTV multi-businesses operation support system and a variety of IPTV business systems .

  5. 并发用户数限制下的数据库利用效率分析

    Analysis of the Utilization Efficiency of Database Restricted by the Number of Concurrent Users

  6. 随着并发用户数的增长,这将变成巨大的瓶颈。

    Depending on the number of concurrent users , this can become a significant bottleneck .

  7. 并发用户数的限制与数据库的开发利用

    Research into the Restriction of " the Number of Concurrent Users " and the Development and Utilization of Databases

  8. 真实环境中的结果可能会受硬件、并发用户数、服务器场配置以及用户操作所影响。

    Real-world results may vary depending on hardware , number of concurrent users , farm configuration , and user operations being performed .

  9. 根据最佳判决门限值,得到了多波长光码分多址系统误码率与并发用户数的关系。

    Relationship between simultaneous users and bit error rate ( BER ) of MW OCDMA system was achieved according to the optimum threshold value .

  10. 并发用户数:一个评价和使用数据库的重要参量&兼对当前数据库评价研究的综述

    The Customer Total of Erupting : An Important Parameter of Evaluating and Using Database & And summarizing the researches about the evaluation of the present databases

  11. 论文最后对系统的并发用户数、吞吐量、存储容量及响应时间等主要指标进行了测试评价。

    Finally the thesis put forward testing evaluation on some main parameters such as system concurrent user numbers , throughout , storage capacity and response duration .

  12. 如果并发用户数等于或小于程序,那么在资源消耗和数据请求低于预期临界值时,应用程序可以持续保持可用性。

    If the number of concurrent users is at or below the application , the application is continuously available assuming that resource consumption and data requests are below at their respective threshold level .

  13. 当并发用户数超过一定值后,最佳判决门限值将随并发用户数量变化,相应地改变接收机的判决门限值。

    When MW OCDMA system had large number of simultaneous users on channel , optimum threshold value would vary with the number of simultaneous users , and the receiver would adjust the optimum threshold accordingly .

  14. 然而,数据维数过大严重地影响了规则和案例的提取以及基于知识推理系统的响应速度和并发用户数。

    But the high dimension of data still remains as a big obstacle for deducing rules and generating cases , and users must wait long for a output and the number of user that can work concurrently is limited .

  15. 同时通过适当选择码长和码重,系统满足1×10-9的误码率要求,并发用户数可以高达200以上。

    At the same time , by selecting appropriate code length and code weight , the customer numbers of the system can reach up to more than 200 , while BER is less than 1 × 10 ~ ( - 9 ) .

  16. 并对当前几种数据库的评价研究进行了归纳和分析,指出数据库评价体系缺失并发用户数、用户不活动时限这两项指标,有失其健全性和权威性;

    And the thesis induces and analyses the researches about the evaluation of the present several kinds of database , pointing out that database evaluation system tacks the index , that is the customer total of erupting , customer inaction deadline , it will lose sound and authoritative .

  17. 系统能够支持的并发的用户数,显示了当用户数增加时应答次数是怎样变化的。

    The number of concurrent users the system can support , showing how response times vary as users are added .

  18. 该软件从2007年推出第一版以来,由于其高质量的流媒体服务以及灵活丰富的互动性,创造了最高并发在线用户数近40万的记录。

    Since the software launched the first edition in 2007 , due to its high-quality streaming media service , flexible and rich interactive , it has created the maximum record with nearly 40 million concurrent online users .

  19. 传统的视频点播系统为每个点播用户分配单独的静态通信通道,其系统资源利用率低的缺点使得总体时间段上能并发的点播用户数少。

    The previous VoD system allocated static channel for every request , and can admit less concurrent on-de-mand user due to the low utility factor of system resource .