
  • 网络Intelligent Life;SMART LIFE;Smart Living;SmartLife;Smarter Life
  1. “知足”是一个可以学习的有智慧生活的技巧。

    III. " Contentment " is a learned skill of wise living .

  2. 他缺乏正规的教育,但却通过他的智慧生活得很好。

    He lacks formal education but is adept at living by his wits .

  3. 我们也许无法再拥有婴儿的纯真,但我们可以带着幼年时的智慧生活。

    We may not be able to have the innocence of an infant anymore , but we can live with the wisdom of the very young .

  4. 那些追求高等的智慧生活的人,那些寻求依据精神原则生活的人,一定要作好遭受嘲笑与诅咒的心理准备。

    Those who pursue the higher life of wisdom , who seek to live by spiritual principles , must be prepared to be laughed at and condemned .

  5. 纸上谈兵&真正的智慧来自生活的一手经验。

    Wisdom without Experience – True wisdom is the product of many life experiences .

  6. 我们在这里展示给您的不是一件件家具的表象,而是一种智慧的生活方式。

    What we show here are not only the extrinsic view of furniture , but a kind of wise life style .

  7. 最普通的脸变得美丽的人在背后,是充满信心的智慧和生活的快乐。

    The most ordinary face becomes beautiful when the person behind it is filled with confidence , wisdom and the joy of life .

  8. 装饰是人类的本能,是悠远的,透露着人类原始的艺术智慧和生活情趣,几乎所有的设计领域都离不开装饰。

    Adornment is a human instinct , is human , disclosing stretches of primitive art wisdom and life interest , almost all the design domain without " adornment " .

  9. 在这个具有破坏性和堕落的世界上,建设一个这样的场所、一个生命的绿洲人们可以在其中学习一种完整、健全和智慧的生活方式这显得越来越重要。

    It is becoming more and more important in a world that is destructive and degenerating that there should be a place , an oasis , where one can learn a way of living that is whole , sane and intelligent .

  10. 她也能将自己的新智慧转移到生活的其他方面。

    She was able to transfer her new wisdom to other parts of her life as well .

  11. 虽然这听起来离你有点遥远,但在这样一个“智慧”城市生活的进程可能会比你想象的更快。

    Although   it   might   sound   a   lttle   far   from   you ,   living   in   a   " smart "   city like   this   could   happen   sooner   than   you   think .

  12. 智慧是社会生活中的阳光。

    Intelligence is the sunshine of social life .

  13. 有智慧地计划生活能减少试探。

    Wise planning reduces temptation .

  14. 你的心会领导你运用一个正确的方法让你更加智慧地来生活。

    Your heart will lead you to use a right way to make you wiser to live .

  15. 这种智慧可能来自生活经历的增长,但也许更是从死亡的逼迫感而来的。

    This wisdom may come from increased life experience , but perhaps even more so from a sense of the proximity of death .

  16. 我们可以用智慧,对生活作出正确的抉择,使我们的父母满心喜悦。

    By being wise , which means to make the right decisions in life , we may make the heart of our parent rejoice .

  17. 马云说太极是一种关于如何保持平衡的哲学,他将这种哲学智慧运用在生活及市场竞争中。

    Ma said that Tai Chi is a philosophy about how you balance and he applies it to his professional and business life , using it to draw inspiration about how to compete in the market .

  18. 凸显历史唯物主义社会分析方法的本性,让这一智慧在现实生活中发挥作用并得以深化和拓展,这是时代给马克思哲学提出的两大课题。

    To expose the nature of method of social analysis of historical materialism , to let the wisdom play a role in actual life and to deepen and expand it are two great tasks that our era presents to Marxism philosophy .

  19. 对现代人而言,诗性智慧的思维和生活方式,朴素的人本观念仍有极大地吸引力。

    The poetic wisdom and humanistic thoughts are still attractive to contemporaries .

  20. 物联网技术是实现智慧城市、智慧生活的基础。

    The IOT Technology is the basis for realization of wise city and wise life .

  21. 要在文化实在整体性的架构中考察人类的智慧以及其他精神生活。

    We should examine human wisdom and other mental life in the framework of cultural wholeness .

  22. 女人们用自己的智慧竭尽全力使家庭生活丰富多彩。

    Women , with their own intelligence , do their best to make family life colorful .

  23. 俗语是人类智慧与生产、生活经验的总结与结晶。

    Proverbs are the crystallization and precious treasure of the peoples ' wisdom and work , life and experience .

  24. 这位4岁被加冕,之后就无缘皇冠的皇储,以他的智慧和人格魅力生活了九十多年。

    The four-year-old - first crown prince and then uncrowned pretender - served nine decades longer , with brains and charm .

  25. 智慧给予我们使生活变的完美幸福的所有那些东西当中,最重要的是拥有友谊。

    Of all the things which wisdom provides to make life entirely happy , much the greatest is the possession of friendship .

  26. 我认为如果你能够传达你的观念显示你的智慧,那么在生活的舞台上你是成功的。

    I believe if you are able to communicate your ideas and display your intellect orally you will be successful in your life .

  27. 目前人类正处在新千年的起点,过去的20世纪给人类文明带来了极大的进步,科技高度发展,智慧突飞猛进,人民生活极大提高。

    Now human race is at the beginning of the new millenary , the past 20th century gave us tremendous progress in human civilization .

  28. 信息化社会的人才要具备的“实践智慧”包括共同生活、生存、做事、在实践中学习的能力。

    " phronesis " that the talent of the information-based society wants to have includes to live together , exist , work , ability study in the fulfillment .

  29. 构建以具体的人为基础的教育学意在追求教育实践智慧,重视教育生活体验,珍视师生生命创造。

    On the basis of the concrete person , the constructed pedagogy aims at pursuing the wisdom of educational practice , the experience of educational life , and the life creation of teachers and students .

  30. 我坚信,中国有着13亿勤劳、智慧和追求幸福生活的人民,注定要成为一个强盛的国家,但是,中国不会成为霸权。

    I firmly believe that , China , a country with 1.3 billion , smart , hard working and happy , is destined to be a strong country in the world . But China will not become hegemony .