
yù dài mǎ
  • field code
  1. 要快速显示或隐藏域代码,请在域代码上单击鼠标右键,然后单击切换域代码

    To quickly show or hide field codes , right click on a field code , and click Toggle Field Codes

  2. 在“word选项”对话框中,单击“高级”,然后在“显示文档内容”下清除“显示域代码而非域值”复选框。

    In the word options dialog box , click advanced , and then under show document content , clear the show field codes instead of their values check box .

  3. 它们要求特定容器结构被引入域代码。

    They require container-specific constructs to be introduced into domain code .

  4. 显示所选内容的域代码或域结果(切换方式)

    Shows the field codes or the results for the selection ( toggle )

  5. 将模仿对象作为参数来调用域代码

    Invoke domain code with mock objects as parameters

  6. 要同时查看域代码或域内容,可将文档窗口拆为窗格,然后分别为每一窗格设置查看选项。

    To view field codes and results at the same time , split the document window into panes , and then set view options for each pane .

  7. 默认情况下,会创建一个ProtectionDomain,并作为“特殊”情况处理,即属于这个域的代码被认为是受信任的并可以获得特殊的权限。

    One ProtectionDomain is created by default and is treated " special ," in that the code belonging to this domain is deemed trusted and can be granted special privileges .

  8. 如果单位已设置了必需的企业自定义域或代码,必须为其选择一个值。

    If your organization has set required enterprise custom fields or codes , you must select a value for them .

  9. 在有些情况下,您可能还需要生成指定给项目或者域的代码。

    In some cases , you might also need to generate code that is specific to your project or domain .

  10. 没有人喜欢编写或维护样本GUI至域模型同步代码。

    No one likes writing or maintaining boilerplate GUI to domain model synchronization code .

  11. 基于域的主动代码定位和撤销机制

    Domain-based Active Code Location and Revocation Mechanism

  12. 稍后,我们将更详细地讨论基于域的移动代码安全性。

    We ll discuss domain-based mobile code security in more detail in a later section .

  13. 例如,宿主可以定义应用程序域级别的代码访问安全策略,以确保在该域中只能运行从特定站点下载的代码。

    For example , a host could define application domain-level code-access security policy to ensure that only code downloaded from a particular site can be run in the domain .

  14. 从genmodel中,您可以为域扩展创建插件代码。

    From the genmodel , you can create the plug-in code for the domain extension .

  15. 出于安全和性能目的,应用程序域提供了隔离代码的方法。

    Application domains provide a method of isolating your code for purposes of security and performance .

  16. 关于代码库不可测试性的问题域通常在编写代码时是不明显的。

    The problem areas of your code base that are untestable often are not apparent when the code is written .

  17. 单击插入菜单中的域命令可用域代码来插入条码、计算结果和摘要信息。

    To use field codes to insert barcodes , results of calculations , and summary information , click Field on the Insert menu .

  18. 创建新应用程序域之后,宿主可以指定要应用到应用程序域中的代码的策略。

    After creating a new application domain , a host can specify the policy to apply to code within the application domain .

  19. 而在独立应用程序中,虽然作用域所指的也是可用性,但这里的作用域是由代码块来划分界限的。

    In stand-alone applications , scope also refers to availability , but the scope is demarcated by code blocks .