
  • 网络domain name dispute;domain dispute
  1. 经过近一年时间的运作,UDRP现已成为解决域名争议的主要手段和打击域名抢注行为的重要武器。我国企业应当善于利用UDRP,捍卫自身的合法权利。

    Now , after near one year operation , UDRP has become the main measure of domain name dispute resolution , and it is used as a powerful weapon on combating domain name cyber-squatting .

  2. 我国在充分借鉴了UDRP的基础上,同时结合本国的实际国情于2002年制定并实施了《中国互联网络信息中心域名争议解决办法》(CNDRP)及相关程序规则。

    At the same time , In china , related regulations have been drafted to deal with the disputes on the basis of UDRP & Cnnic Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy ( CNDRP ) .

  3. 目前国际上解决二者冲突的机构是ICANN,其于1999年批准实施的UDRP已成为解决域名争议的主要手段。

    ICANN adopted the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (" UDRP ") in1999 . Now , UDRP has become the main measure of domain name dispute resolution .

  4. 商标法调整域名争议的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis of Disputes Concerning Domain Names in Trademark Law

  5. 国际域名争议解决机制管辖权问题研究

    Research on the Jurisdiction of the International Domain Name Dispute Resolution Mechanism

  6. 域名争议与商标冲突的法理分析

    A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Conflicts and Disputes between Domain Names and Trademarks

  7. 在域名争议环节,应赋予域名争议解决机构的调解功能。

    Domain name dispute resolution institutions should be given to the mediation function .

  8. 统一域名争议解决政策条例

    Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy

  9. 与商标有关的域名争议问题研究

    Issues on Domain Name Disputes Related to Trademarks

  10. 司法管辖在相当长的时期内,仍是我们解决域名争议所能依赖的主要模式。

    However , judicial award is the main resolution system in the next long period .

  11. 域名争议主要因域名的注册和使用与受知识产权法律制度保护的传统商业标志之间的冲突而产生。

    The domain name dispute mainly arises from the conflict of the registry and the use of domain name with the trade marks .

  12. 政策是指被引用并插入成为注册协议中一部分的统一域名争议解决政策。

    Policy means the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy that is incorporated by reference and made a part of the Registration Agreement .

  13. 近些年来,网络域名争议以及电子商务在线纠纷解决积累了很多经验。

    In recent years , thanks to the online domain dispute resolution system and various ODR mechanisms applied by E-business competitors , a lot of experience has been accumulated .

  14. 而现行的争议解决机制&司法救济、域名争议解决中心的裁决在某些方面又存在冲突与矛盾。

    However , the present dispute settlement mechanism , such as judicial relief and adjudication by Domain Name Dispute settlement Center , conflict with each other in some aspects .

  15. 域名争议解决机构通过在线方式公布可供投诉人和被投诉人选择的专家名册。

    The List of the Panelists shall be published on line by the Dispute Resolution Service Providers , and the Complainants and the Respondents may select the Panelists there from .

  16. 国内外均有网上仲裁的相关实践,也不乏像域名争议网上仲裁这样比较成功的案例,但相关理论研究却极其贫乏。

    Both at home and abroad all have online arbitration practices . There are some successful online arbitration such as domain name dispute , but , the relevant theory research is extremely poor .

  17. 在具体论述中又采取横向、纵向的比较法,对于各主要域名争议法律规范的发展过程、世界主要国家的域名争议解决实践进行比较。

    Comparative study methods both from a vertical and a horizontal angle are adopted in addressing the development of the main domain name dispute resolution regulations and the judicial practice of resolving in the main countries of the world .

  18. 通过对世界知识产权组织的国际案例进行分析概括这一独特视角,本文旨在明确现阶段国际实践中在域名争议领域达成的共识及存在的分歧。

    This Article uniquely summarizes and analyzes the UDRP cases by the World Intellectual Property Organization , and provides clarity as to the status quo of the census views and dissents in the international practice of the domain name dispute resolution .

  19. 成功之处在于一是降低了域名争议解决的成本,二是提高了域名争议解决的速度,三是保留了域名争议解决的透明度,四是确保了域名争议裁决的执行力。

    The achievements of it are to lowered the cost of domain name dispute , to speed up the domain name dispute resolution process , to maintain the transparency of domain name dispute resolution and to ensure the enforceability of the award .

  20. 第一部分为国际域名争议专家裁决机制概述,通过对国际域名争议专家裁决机制的产生、基本特点及法律性质的阐述来分析域名争议专家裁决机制中所涉及的主要法律问题;

    The first part is the outline of panel 's solution mechanism of international domain name disputes , mainly discussing the main legal problems in panel 's solution mechanism of international domain name disputes through demonstration of derivation , basic characteristics and legal property of this mechanism .

  21. 域名抢注争议与域名权问题探讨

    Discussion on Dispute in Snatch of Domain Names and Right of Domain Names

  22. 由域名引起的争议随着互联网的发展而不断增加。

    Along with the development of Internet , domain name disputes have continuously increased .

  23. 随后文章还进行了域名与商标争议处理的比较法研究,对目前国际上和我国在处理域名与商标争议处理的做法方面进行了比较和借鉴。

    Domain name and brand disputes are comparatively analyzed , comparing and referring the methods of domain name and brand disputes in our country and international circle .

  24. 域名与驰名商标争议及其处理

    The Dispute and Settlement of Domain Name and Famous Trademark

  25. 我们保证该域名不会引起任何争议,因现所有者已拥有该域名数年。

    We guarantee that the domain is without problem as per current owner . The domain is owned already for several years by the owner .

  26. 其次针对如何处理两者的争议,先后介绍了国际社会对域名与驰名商标争议解决机制的探索以及美国对此类争议的解决政策;

    Then focusing on how to settle the disputes , it introduces the research of the settling mechanism made by the international world and America 's policy to settle the disputes .

  27. 肯定了独立设立域名权的价值,并对域名争议以及域名争议背后的权利冲突进行了探讨。

    The establishment of an independent affirmed the value of domain names , and domain name disputes and the rights of domain name disputes behind the conflict were discussed .

  28. 在对域名与商标法律关系进行分析和域名与商标争议处理的比较法研究的基础上,文章最后得出结论:禁止恶意注册他人商标为自己的域名,并对驰名商标给予更加特殊的保护。

    On the basis of analysis of relationship between domain name and brand as well as domain name and brand disputes research , the paper makes the conclusion : using other 's brand as their domain name on evil purpose and resound brand should be granted special protection .

  29. 首先考察了有关域名的国际立法,然后介绍了我国的域名争议解决机制和司法解释。

    It investigates at first world about the domain name legislates , then introduces the mechanism of settlement of disputes concerning domain names of our country .

  30. 我们是一家域名注册服务公司,是一家专业从事互联网域名注册和争议解决机构在中国。

    We are a Domain Name registration service company , which is a professional Internet Domain Name Registration and dispute resolution organization in China .