
  • 网络Domain Manager;Domain Management;Domains;dns;Manage Domains
  1. 域名管理是Internet中一项重要的管理任务。

    Domain Management is one important task of Internet .

  2. 阐述了基于WWW的实时域名管理的实现技术。

    This article documents the implementation technique of real-time domain management system based on www.

  3. 基于BIND的在线域名管理及监控系统的设计

    Design and Implementation of On-line DNS Management and Monitor System Base On BIND

  4. 基于WWW的实时域名管理技术

    Real-time Domain Management System Based on WWW

  5. 本文第二部分分析域名管理体系及相关法律问题。

    Part Two analyzes the domain name system and relevant legal issues .

  6. 网络域名管理规则如何解决种种纠纷。

    How the domain - name management system solve disputes .

  7. 网络流量控制和记帐;域名管理和设置。

    Controls of network flow and keep accounts as well as management of domain name and setup .

  8. 世界知识产权组织参与域名管理体系的努力虽然已得到普遍认可,但它依然只是美国政府控制域名管理体系的一个棋子而已。

    It is recognized that the endeavor of the World Intellectual Property Organization to participate in domain name system , but WIPO is still a tool in the hand of US government to control the domain name system .

  9. 基于J2EE的DNS域名web管理开发平台

    The Management and Development Platform of DNS Domain Name Based on J2EE

  10. 邮政综合网IP地址及域名信息管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of IP Addresses and Domain Names Information Management System for Integrated Postal Services Network

  11. 电话号码映射是IETF定义的利用因特网域名系统管理E。

    Telephone number mapping ( ENUM ) is method defined by the internet engineering task force ( IETF ) to store the E.

  12. 国有域名注册管理机构&中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)的数据显示,中国3.84亿网民中,有超过三分之一的人通过移动设备上网。

    More than one-third of the country 's 384m internet users access the web from mobile devices , according to the China Internet Network Information Center , the state-owned registrar .

  13. 我们未能自动检索为域名注册管理联系人的电子邮件地址也没有。

    We have failed to automatically retrieve an email address for the domain name Registrant nor Administrative Contact .

  14. MIPQ通过扩展域名服务系统管理和跟踪移动节点的当前位置信息,省去了家乡代理;

    MIP_Q eliminates the agent of HA ( home Agent ) by extending the functions of DNS ( domain name system ) to manage and track the location database of mobile nodes .

  15. 中文域名信息资源管理与保护

    Management and Protection of Chinese Domain Name

  16. 首先是加强域名注册与管理。

    The first is about the strengthening of the registration and management of domain name .

  17. 因此,我们必须采取各种有效的措施,完善我国的域名注册与管理体制和域名争端解决机制。

    To improve the system of registration and administration of domain name , and domain name dispute settlement mechanism in our country . We must take various effective measures .

  18. 基于SUN工作站的域名服务器配置与管理

    Configuration and Management of Domain Name Server Based on SUN Workstations

  19. 基于域名的VPN策略管理系统

    Domain-name-based VPN policy management system

  20. 在此基础上,重点分析了我国的域名系统和域名管理体制。

    On this basis , it analyses the domain name systems of our country and domain name management system especially .

  21. 在域名的注册与管理机制方面,目前国际上通行的做法是先申请先注册,并不对域名注册进行实质性审查。

    As for the register and management system of domain name , the popular way in international community is " earlier application , earlier register " but not substantial review on domain name register .

  22. 从IP地址的角度,介绍IP地址的构成,IP地址与域名的对应关系和域名管理系统的作用。从而给予了每台计算机惟一定位。

    Starting from IP address , the paper analyzes the corresponding relation between IP address and domain name , the function of domain name server system and how a unique address is provided to each computer in internet .

  23. 企业要正确认识域名的商业价值,加强域名注册和管理,采取有效措施,预防、减少和解决域名摩擦和纠纷,保护企业的合法权益。

    Enterprises should attach importance to the commercial values of domain names , enhance domain name register and administration , adopt effective strategy , prevent , reduce and figure out domain name conflict and dissension , then enterprise legal rights and interests will be protected in reason .

  24. 本文简要介绍了商标、域名的概念、特征及取得,域名管理体制的演变,系统分析了域名的法律属性,阐述了域名与商标的关系、权利冲突产生原因和表现形式。

    This thesis touches upon conception , characteristics and acquisition of trademark and domain name as well as advancement of domain name management system , analyzes legal nature of domain name and illustrates relationships between trademark and domain name , reasons for and types of right conflicts between them .

  25. 如何妥善处理域名争端,如何建立一个科学统一的域名管理体系成为我们亟待解决的法律课题。

    How to solve the problems and how to reconstruct a uniform and scientific domain name system are big issues for us .

  26. 但其中有明确的被告这一受理条件与域名注册不审查政策存在冲突,致使网络域名管理组织被无休止地作为被告。

    But the stipulation of having definite defendant conflicts with the policy of no examining of domain registration , which causes the network domain management organizations to be defendants ceaselessly .

  27. 互联网中的域名是有限的重要的公共资源,域名注册的有效管理,关系到我国国家网络的安全。

    The Internet is the domain of public resources , domain name registration , related to the effective management of the national network security .

  28. 作为取得域名的前提条件,本文介绍了现行的域名注册与管理机制及规则,并针对我国的情况提出相应的几点建议。

    As the premise of obtaining the domain names , its present regulations on the system of registration and management are introduced and some suggestions are put forward according to its conditions in our country .