
  1. 中国奥林匹克域名的法律保护

    Legal Protection for the Domain Name of Olympic Games in China

  2. 比如说,此列表包含一些中国的域名,但芬兰的国民就并不一定会去查询这些网站。

    For example , this list contains many domains in China that someone who lives in Finland is unlikely to query for .

  3. 中国万网是中国域名注册服务的先行者、中国虚拟主机服务的开创者、中国企业邮箱服务的领先者和中国网站建设服务的创新者。

    HiChina is the pioneer of domain name registration services , hosting services in China pioneer , a leading Chinese business mail services and website construction services in China innovator .

  4. 中国互联网络信息中心表示,截至2015年年底,中国国家网络域名“.cn”保有量已达1636万,超过德国国家域名“.de”,成为全球最常用的国家(地区)域名。

    China 's country code domain . " cn " is now the world 's most commonly used . It had 16.36m users by the end of last year , topping Germany 's . " de , " according to the China Internet Network Information Center ( CNNIC ) .