
  • 网络Central Stimulants;central nervous system stimulants;stimulant
  1. 精神药物,包括中枢兴奋药与中枢抑制药,对现代军事斗争中军人的心理状态有深远的影响。

    In modern war , psychotropic drugs , including central stimulants and central depressants , have profound influence on the mental states of soldiers .

  2. 得出结果为:人参对小白鼠自发活动的镇静效应非常显著(P<0.001),对士的宁、戊四唑等中枢兴奋药引起的惊厥也有显著性不等的拮抗效应。

    Panax exhibited a highly significant ( P < 0.001 ) sedative effect on the spontaneous activity and also against the convulsion provoked by a number of central stimulants .

  3. 中枢兴奋药是治疗ADHD最常用的药物,作用快、疗效好,且不良反应较少。

    Central nervous system stimulants constitute an effective and quick action mainly used to treat ADHD with slight adverse reactions .

  4. StevenNissen,同时也是一名药物安全性监督者,认为心脏病学会显示正在打消关于中枢兴奋药在没有长期风险相关依据的情况下正被滥用于儿童的顾虑。

    Steven Nissen , a drug safety watchdog , said the academy appears to be dismissing concerns that stimulants are used excessively in children with insufficient evidence about long-term risks .

  5. 镇静抗惊厥方面:观察了药物对小鼠自发活动、协同戊巴比妥钠睡眠实验及电惊厥、注射中枢兴奋药等小鼠惊厥模型的作用;

    Sedation and anticonvulsant action : we observed the autonomic activity and improving sleep in combination with Pentobarbital-sodium in mice .

  6. 本论文旨在研究士的宁对神经元动作电位及钾离子通道动力学的调节作用,揭示其作为中枢兴奋药的可能通道药理学机制。

    This paper aimed to investigate the effects of strychnine on action potential and potassium channel dynamics in neurons , in order to reveal its underlying channel pharmacology mechanisms .

  7. 中华鹅绒藤是对大脑机能有兴奋作用甚至可引发惊厥的中枢兴奋药,但它对癫痫惊厥有较高疗效。

    China Erong rattan role of brain function and even excitement can lead to eclampsia is the central excited medicine , but it depends eclampsia have a higher efficacy .

  8. 褪黑素改善吗啡依赖大鼠的戒断症状,这一报道为褪黑素作为用于治疗中枢兴奋药依赖的潜在性治疗药物而加以开发利用带来了可能。

    The report that melatonin improved morphine induced-abstinent symptom in rats , which brought it possible that development of melatonin as potential medicine for treatment of disorder induced by psychostimulants .