
zhōnɡ jiān rén
  • middleman;intermediary;go-between;mediator;linkman
中间人 [zhōng jiān rén]
  • [middleman] 中人

  1. 听起来不褒不贬的委婉语“白手套”指充当“黑钱”漂白的中间人,或是实际从事“非法”事务的“合法”外衣,意即,隐藏在白手套中的肮脏的手。

    The innocuous-sounding euphemism1 " white gloves " generally refers to a middleman or outfit2 that launders3 dirty or corrupt4 money under a seemingly legitimate5 front - dirty hands concealed6 by a pair of white gloves .

  2. 这里没有必要将Web服务器用作中间人。

    There is no need to have the Web server act as the middleman here .

  3. 金融机构充当贷方和借方的中间人。

    Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers .

  4. 别想当然地就接受中间人推荐的诉状律师。

    Don 't automatically accept the solicitor recommended by the broker .

  5. 她想让他充当中间人来调解与莫斯科的争端。

    She wanted him to act as an intermediary in the dispute with Moscow .

  6. 我请我的老板当中间人。

    I asked my boss to act as a go-between .

  7. 一种可抵御中间人攻击的IPv6地址生成方法

    IPv6 Addresses Generating Method Defeating Man-in-the-middle Attack

  8. 一种对WLAN的IEEE802.1x认证实施中间人攻击的改进方案

    An Improving Project of Man-in-middle Attack to WLAN in the Process of IEEE 802.1x Authentication

  9. IKE协议防止中间人攻击性能分析及改进

    Capability Analysis and Improvement of IKE Protocol in Defence of Man-in-the-Middle Attack

  10. 改进了DH密钥交换模型,通过加入可信任第三方避免了中间人攻击的漏洞,使认证查询和密钥协商过程更加安全可靠。

    Improved DH key exchange model , a TTP was added to avoid middleman attack ;

  11. IKE协议中对中间人攻击的分析和改进

    Analysis and Improvement on KE Protocol against Man-in-the-Middle Attack

  12. 然而,不幸地是,当用户被诱使从中间人或可信站点下载恶意JavaScript脚本代码时,这些安全机制将无法发挥作用。

    Unfortunately , these security mechanisms fail if a user can be lured into downloading malicious JavaScript code from intermediate , trusted site .

  13. 亚马逊和苹果公司从根本上来说并不是广告公司,不过苹果公司会以中间人的身份在iPhone和iPad平板应用上安排广告空间。

    Amazon and Apple aren 't primarily advertising companies , though Apple brokers ad space on iPhones and iPad tablet apps .

  14. 非法改装的消息&伪造来自有效用户的消息,如通过使用“中间人(ManintheMiddle)”来获得一个有效的消息,然后对其进行修改并发送一个不同的消息。

    Falsified message & Faking that a message is from a valid user , such as by using Man in the Middle to gain a valid message , and then modifying it to send a different message .

  15. CoffeeCSA是一个新网站,它其实扮演的就是中间人的角色。它让你能从世界各地的种咖啡的农民手里买到咖啡。

    Coffee CSA is a new website that cuts out the middleman and lets you buy your coffee from farmers from all over the world .

  16. 一些研究者指出,RDP协议容易受到中间人攻击。

    Many researchers showed that it was vulnerable by man-in-middle attack .

  17. 另外,确认Web服务器的身份可以降低中间人攻击的风险;中间人攻击可以盗用用户的凭证或利用给定会话中存储的信息。

    Furthermore , the confirmation of the identity of the Web server reduces the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks being used to obtain and abuse a user 's credentials , or take advantage of information stored in a given session .

  18. 虽然这不是SSL标准的一部分,但是这个步骤却是高度建议的,它可以防止中间人攻击。

    This is not part of the SSL standard , but is highly recommended to prevent a man in the middle attack ( MITM ) .

  19. ESB是最终的中间人:它知道如何使用各种语言在各种协议上调解传递的消息。

    An ESB is the ultimate middle-man : it knows how to talk all languages , over all protocols , and mediate messages being passed .

  20. 认证请求利用MAC参数抵抗拒绝服务攻击,而同步数据集可以实现抵抗中间人攻击的目标。

    The authentication request uses MAC parameters to resist the denial of service attack , and the synchronous data sets can realize the target of resistance to broker attack .

  21. 处于两个通信参与者Alice和Bob之间的一个恶意的攻击者Mallary可以主动操纵协议运行过程的信息并成功实施所谓的中间人攻击(man-in-the-middleattack)。

    An adversary Mallory in the middle of the communications between two principals Alice and Bob can manipulate the protocol messages to succeed an active attack called man-in-the-middle attack .

  22. 除了作为代理/中间人之外,BankActionsPHP模块还作为一个PHPWeb服务SOAP客户机,它可以获得特定客户的投资组合中当前股票的价值。

    In addition to being a broker / mediator , the Bank Actions PHP module also acts as a PHP Web Service SOAP client to get the current stock value of a holding in a given customer portfolio .

  23. 论文先介绍了SSL协议和中间人攻击的原理,然后重点分析SSL协议在握手阶段基于X。

    The paper first introduces SSL protocol and man-in-the-middle attack , then analyses the problem of distrust in the handshake of SSL protocol , discusses the restriction of trust negotiation based on X.

  24. 我国的合格境外机构投资者(QFII)制度客观上确立了以QFII为证券中间人的跨境证券间接持有的法律关系。

    The legal relationship of indirectly held securities held with QFII as intermediaries has been established as a matter of fact under legal system of QFII in China .

  25. 所述方案支持用户自由更改口令且无需表格,可以防止ID窃取、猜测攻击、中间人攻击、拒绝服务攻击等。

    Our scheme allows the users to choose and change their passwords freely , and do not maintain any verifier table . The scheme is secure against ID-theft , and can resist guessing attacks , insider attacks , the reply attacks .

  26. 509数字证书的信任协商不足问题,再结合ARP重定向欺骗,具体分析了SSL中间人攻击的实现原理和过程,最后给出一些防范SSL中间人攻击的建议。

    509 digital certificate , and makes a concrete analysis of the principle of ssl man-in-the-middle attack based on arp redirection . Finally , the paper gives some suggestions on how to prevent the attack .

  27. 通过给硬件固化唯一不可更改的标识,在Supplicant端建立AP信息记录表等,中间人攻击可以有效地被避免。

    Through solidifying the unique ID of hardware that cannot be changed , and establishing the AP information record table in the supplicant , the man-in-middle attack can be avoided efficiently .

  28. 在承认在美国向中间人支付报酬问题上撒谎和在英国实施会计违规操作之后,BAE被裁定支付4.5亿美元罚款。

    BAE was ordered to pay $ 450m in fines after pleading guilty in the US to lying about its payments to middlemen and in the UK to accounting irregularities .

  29. ClareLockport密切参与了该项目的制定过程。她说,给社区提供分批赠款保证了不使用管理费用高昂的“中间人”来管理项目。

    Clare Lockhart , who was closely involved in setting up the program , says giving the communities block grants ensures there 's no " middle men " with expensive overheads administering the projects .

  30. 但是,文中通过对两个认证协议的分析,指出了BAN逻辑在对中间人攻击和口令猜测攻击的安全协议分析中存在的缺陷,并对被分析的认证协议进行了改进。

    But through analyzing two authentication protocols , BAN logic defect in protocol analysis about man-in-the-middle attack and key guessing attack was pointed out , and the improved protocol against a man-in-the-middle attack and one against key guessing attack are given in the paper .