
  1. 中国黄河流域粮食产出规模效率及结构优化策略研究

    Grain Production Scale Efficiency and the Optimizing Strategy in Yellow River Basin

  2. 中国黄河三角洲的草地

    The Grassland in the Yellow River Delta of China

  3. 根据新的研究,严重的污染令中国黄河有三分之一的水不能使用。

    Severe pollution has made one-third of China 's Yellow river unusable , according to new research .

  4. 论文是关于中国黄河流域中游原始建筑可能性的探索。

    This article discusses the possible of the primitive architecture in the middle reaches of Yellow River .

  5. 韩国西部的河流已经被中国黄河的污水严重污染了。

    The Western Sea of Korea has suffered from The Hwang Ho ( the longest China 's river ) polluted by sewage .

  6. 以洛阳为中心的黄河南北地区是中国黄河流域农业文明的起源地。

    Centering on Luoyang , the southern and northern areas along Yellow River are the origin of agriculture culture of Yellow River drainage area .

  7. 河南省的大部分地区自古至今都是我国主要的农业区,以洛阳为中心的大河南北地区是中国黄河流域农业文明的起源地。

    The most places of Henan are principal agricultural area since ancient times , the place around Luoyang city along the banks of Yellow River is the birthplace of Chinese agricultural civilization .

  8. 千百年来,面塑艺术在中国黄河流域特别是山西村落中流传甚广,是红白喜事、传统节庆祭祀、馈赠的珍贵艺术品。

    For thousands of years , the art of dough modeling is widespread in the Yellow River basin in China especially in Shanxi village . It is the precious works of art of the Sacrifice or gift in weddings and funerals , traditional festivals .

  9. 在中国,黄河是仅次于长江的最长的河。

    The Yellow River is the longest in China next to the Yangtse River .

  10. 中国北极黄河站首次科学考察队冰川考察

    Glaciological Investigation during the First Scientific Expedition of Chinese Arctic Yellow River Station , 2004

  11. 中国古代黄河流域水权制度变迁(上)

    Evolution of water right system of Yellow River basin in ancient China ( Vol. 1 );

  12. 中国-黄河;埃及-尼罗河;印度-恒河;米索不达米亚-底格拉斯河&幼发拉底河。

    China-Yellow River ( Huanghe ); Egypt-River Nile ; India-River Ganges ; Mesopotamia-River Tigris and River Euphrates .

  13. 龙山文化是一种以中国的黄河中游和下游为中心的新石器时代晚期文化。

    Longshan culture was a late Neolithic culture centered around the central and lower Yellow River in China .

  14. 尼泊尔、中亚、中国(黄河)和印度(恒河)的河流污染严重。

    Rivers of Nepal , Central Asia , China ( Yellow River ) and India ( Ganges ) are highly polluted .

  15. 一场名为“穿越黄河”的魔术表演在中国湖北黄河边举行。

    A magic show entitled " Crossing the Yangtze River , a Magic Night at Yellow Crane Tower " has been staged along the Yangtze River in central China 's Hubei province .

  16. 世界上的许多河流,包括美国的科罗拉多河、中国的黄河和流经西班牙及葡萄牙两国的塔霍河,都在遭受类似的困境。

    Many of the world 's rivers , including the Colorado in America , China 's Yellow river and the Tagus , which flows through Spain and Portugal , are suffering a similar plight .

  17. 1/3的河流出现了流量变化,而其中的大多数包括西非的尼日尔河、南亚的恒河以及中国的黄河水量都变少了。

    A third of these had registered a change in flow and most of them including the Niger in West Africa , the Ganges in South Asia and the Yellow River in China were dryer .

  18. 中国长江、黄河流域的水分收支与水分循环

    The Water Budget and Water Cycle over the Yangtze River Basin and the Yellow River Basin

  19. 仰韶文化是在中国广泛存在黄河中部的一种新石器文化。

    The Yangshao culture was a Neolithic culture that existed extensively along the central Yellow River in China .

  20. 试论野生水牛、四不像鹿和中国鼍在黄河中下游的绝迹

    Discussion on the vanishing of the wild buffalo , David deer and Chinese alligator in the middle-lower reaches of Yellow River

  21. 山东省是中华民族文化发祥地之一,位于中国东部沿海,黄河下游。

    Located in the eastern coast of China down the Yellow River , Shandong Province is one of the birthplaces of Chinese culture .

  22. 河南省人民胜利渠是新中国成立后在黄河中下游兴建的第一座大型引黄灌溉工程。

    The People 's Victory Channel of Henan province is the first big irrigation project through water diversion from the lower Yellow River constructed after the new China established .

  23. 本文利用考古、文献以及实地调查等资料,论述了全新世中期及其以前,野生水牛、四不像鹿和中国鼍都以黄河中下游地区为起源和栖息地。

    It indicated that during the midterm Eocene epoch or before the wild buffalo , david deer and Chinese alligator originated from the middle lower reaches of Yellow River .

  24. 窑洞主要分布于中国西北部、黄河中上游黄土高原以及山间黄土盆地两大地貌区,地跨甘肃、陕西、山西、河南、河北等省。

    Mainly distributed in caves , the Yellow River in northwestern loess plateau and upper-middle loess basin area , ground across gansu , shaanxi , shanxi , henan , hebei province .

  25. 新中国建立之后,黄河的综合治理取得显著成效,河神的面孔不断模糊,其传统功能也显得效用甚微。

    After the constitution of new China , the comprehensive management aiming at the Yellow River have achieved remarkable effect , disasters during the drainage area are decreased , and the image of The River God Worship become illegibility , whose traditional function also seems to have little utility .