
  1. 你可以花一天时间,一项一项地看这些数字,正如《中国时事报》做的一样。

    You can spend the day poring through the numbers , as China Real Time did .

  2. 全城最自由的出版物要算美国新闻处的新闻简报,它转载美国报刊文章,其中有些是评论中国时事的文章。

    The most liberal publication in the city was the news bulletin put out by the United States Information Service which reprinted articles from American newspapers , some of them about China .

  3. 杨锐和他的批评者们所点出的第三个问题就是互联网,特别是微博在中国的时事讨论上以及最终在政策问题上扮演的巨大角色。

    The third issue highlighted by Mr Yang and his detractors is the huge role that the Internet-and especially microblogs-are playing in Chinese discourse , and ultimately in government policy .

  4. 要实现中国最新锐的时事生活周刊的定位,《新周刊》的专题策划势必要经历一个长期、艰难的过程。

    To realize its localization as the Chinese most sharp event and life style periodical , its schemes of special topics have to go through a hard and long process .