
  1. 如果伯明翰的生产线崩溃,而修理所需的零配件在名古屋怎么办?

    What if production lines started to fail in Birmingham and the components to fix them were in Nagoya ?

  2. 应在建筑物内保存供电梯的正常维护及修理所用的足量备件。

    A supply of spare parts sufficient for the normal maintenance and repair of the elevator shall be stored in the building .

  3. 经过近三十年的发展,从一个小的修理所,发展成为华南地区位列前茅的企业。

    After developed for nearly thirty years , S was developed from a small amendment institute to a leading company in south China region .

  4. 基于HLA/RTI的团级维修器材仓库系统,由指挥中心、修理所、仓库、作战连队4个联邦成员组成。

    Regiment-level maintenance material warehouse simulation system based on HLA / RTI is composed of four federate : command center , repair shop , warehouse , and company .

  5. 博莱博士称,在血液中心停止提供资助后,人道协会从3月6日开始承担食物及修理所需的费用,但护理员都是在免费工作。

    He said the humane society has been paying for food and repairs since March 6 , when funding from the blood center stopped , but that caretakers are working for free .

  6. 额外停留期间消耗的燃料、物料,应作为共同海损,但为进行不属于共同海损的修理所消耗的燃料、物料除外。

    Fuel and stores consumed during the extra period of detention shall be admitted as general average , except such fuel and stores as are consumed in effecting repairs not allowable in general average .

  7. 维修手册可向您提供修理汽车所需的图表和说明。

    A workshop manual gives diagrams and instructions for repairing your car .

  8. 从对现代汽车新技术的介绍入手,详细分析了当前汽车修理行业所面临的几大挑战以及应对的措施,探讨了汽修专业教育存在的问题。

    From the modern automobile technology , this paper analyses the challenges and motheds of the industry of auto repair , discuss the existing problems of the vocational education of auto repair .

  9. 他过去有因抑郁症而入院的病史,他努力应对着2011年女友提出与他分手的事实。但他要求女友补偿他为修理公寓所作的努力。

    He had been hospitalised in the past for depression , and struggled to cope whenhis girlfriend broke off their relationship in 2011 . He demanded compensationfor work he had carried out in their apartment .

  10. 由于QUAMER经销商以外的任何人所作的错误修理或调整所造成的故障。

    Failures due to the incorrect repair or regulation by persons rather than QUAMER distributors ;

  11. 利用两个典型的修理实例对所建的力学分析模型进行了验证,结果表明:该模型计算结果准确可靠,适合于工程应用。

    According to analyzing two typical repairing cases , the model is proved correct and reliable , and suitable for the analysis of the repaired structures .

  12. 金钱,作为价值标准,能把许多不同的开支项目,比如各种汽车、大修理费和所买的其他所有的商品和劳务费用,加到一起,总共花了多少钱。

    As a standard of value , money allows the addition of values of many different items as automobiles , repairs , and all other goods and services .

  13. 在未来的空间站工程中必须掌握航天员出舱活动技术,航天员出舱活动技术是大型空间站组装必须掌握的技术,也是空间站修理、维护所必须掌握的技术。

    Astronaut extravehicular activity technology is a must in the future space station project , and also a must technology in the assembly of large space station , repair and maintenance of space station .

  14. 但我也只做到使这艘战舰不能伤害我,它可以到最近的海港修理好它所受到的损伤,并不很困难。

    All the same , I was content simply to put the frigate in a condition where it could do me no harm ; it won 't have any difficulty getting repairs at the nearest port .

  15. 苏教授指出,在汽车售后市场上,可能涉嫌违法的行为包括独家供货、独家采购、更换零件价格过高以及对修理、保养所需提供的技术信息进行限制等。

    In the after-sales car market , suspected conduct includes exclusive supply , exclusive purchase and excessive pricing of replacement parts , as well as restrictions on the supply of technical information needed for repair and maintenance , she said .

  16. 惠普还承诺考虑对用户修理问题笔记本电脑所产生的费用予以补偿。

    HP also promised to look into reimbursements for costs incurred through repairs of faulty laptops .

  17. 不论我们的工作是卖电脑、治疗疾病、教导年轻人、写书、建造房屋、耕种食物或修理机器,我们所做的事能大大地提高别人的生活。

    Whether we are working to sell computers , heal diseases , teach young people , write a book , build a house , grow food , or repair a machine , what we do can greatly enhance the lives of others .

  18. 对海上固定平台受损构件的原因作了分析,提出了海上平台受损构件修理的特点、原则和选择修理方案时所应考虑的因素。

    The reasons for the damage of members on offshore fixed platform are analyzed . The characteristics , the principles of repair of the damaged members and the factors to be considered in selecting the repair program are presented .