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  1. 荷瑞修则面对国王坐下来,准备好好仔细观察他。

    Horatio sat facing the king in order to watch him carefully .

  2. 一般罗马天主教神父不是教团成员,但修道士则是。

    Ordinary Roman Catholic priests are not members of the regular clergy , but monks are .

  3. 而对仁爱与慈悲的修持则是十分实际而容易实现的方法。

    The practice of loving kindness and compassion is very practical and easy to accomplish .

  4. 他在六个月以来所遭遇到的一切已把他引回到那位主教的德化中了,珂赛特动以赤子之心,修院则感以悯人之德。

    All that had entered into his life for the last six months had led him back towards the Bishop 's holy injunctions ; Cosette through love , the convent through humility .

  5. 国家与国家间如能修睦和好,则无战争发生。

    If there were amity between nations , there would be no wars .