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piān zhāng
  • chapter;writings;sections and chapters;literary piece
篇章 [piān zhāng]
  • (1) [sections and chapters]∶ 指篇幅与章节。比喻卓越的成绩与贡献

  • 历史的新篇章

  • (2) [writings]∶常指作品

  • 文学篇章

篇章[piān zhāng]
  1. 英语阅读思维过程与篇章处理策略

    The process of reading thinking and the strategy of sections and chapters management

  2. 认知科学的发展给篇章语言学的研究带来了新的活力。

    The development of cognitive science brought new life into sections and chapters linguistics .

  3. 贝多芬的第九交响曲是壮丽的音乐篇章。

    Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony is a glorious piece of music .

  4. 正因这些扣人心弦的篇章才使得他的作品举世闻名。

    It 's just these heart-thrilling chapters that brought his work world renown .

  5. 这个光着脚的孩子几年前还生活在贫困之中,被犯罪分子和暴力所包围,如今却在体育史上书写了新的篇章。

    The barefoot kid who just a few years previously had been living in poverty , surrounded by criminals and violence , had written a new chapter in the history of sports .

  6. 去开启美好的新篇章。

    Go and open a wonderful new chapter .

  7. 人到晚年与伴侣离婚,跨入一段新恋情,这看起来像是翻开了人生的新篇章,但却会给健康带来很大风险。

    It may feel like a new lease of life , but those who divorce in their latter years and move into another relationship are seriously risking their health .

  8. 从TheWestLake及其译文对比英汉翻译的篇章认知

    On Textual Cognition in E-C Translation by Comparison of the Original The West Lake and Its Chinese Version

  9. 对抗H1N1的战斗写下了新的篇章。

    A new chapter of the fight against H1N1 is being written .

  10. 目前LTP集成了包括词法、词义、句法、语义、篇章分析等10项中文处理核心技术。

    Current LTP has integrated ten key Chinese processing modules on morphology , word sense , syntax , and document analysis .

  11. 根据系统的模块划分,作者在第四、第五两章中对PLC上位机监控系统中各模块的具体设计与实现进行了详细说明,这两章也是本文的核心篇章。

    Based on the partition of system modules , Chap. 4 and Chap. 5 discuss each module of the computer monitoring system in detail . These two chapters are also the most important parts of the whole thesis .

  12. 然后,根据自然语言理解篇章分析模型,设计实现了基于领域的汉语NLU篇章分析系统。

    Third , the Domain NLU discourse model is designed and realized according to the model .

  13. 这篇章的附录探讨我们可以用在MC2设计上的一些构思。

    This appendix explores some ideas we could use in the design of MC2 .

  14. Hoey提出,词汇衔接是语篇中最重要的一种衔接纽带,对篇章内各种语义关系的形成具有决定性作用。

    According to Hoey , lexical cohesion is the most important cohesive device and plays a decisive role in the establishment of various semantic relations in text .

  15. 通过分析英文书面广告探索MichaelHoey篇章模式理论的可应用性(问题解决型、目标达到型、机会获得型和欲望实现型)。

    It aims to explore the applicability of Michael Hoey 's view on textual patterns ( the Problem-Solution pattern , the Goal-Achievement pattern , the Opportunity-Taking pattern , and the Desire Arousal-Fulfillment pattern ) through analyzing some written advertisements in English .

  16. 随着语言学的发展,尤其是功能语法和篇章语言学的出现,人们愈发意识到照应关系的重要性,Halliday(1976)把名词的省略甚至是超越句段的语义关系称之为照应关系。

    Along with the development of linguistics , especially with the appearance of functional grammar and discourse linguistics , more people have been aware of the importance of anaphora . Halliday ( 1976 ) even regards the ellipses of nouns beyond the boundary of sentences as anaphoric .

  17. 本文采用定性分析的方法,结合语用学的合作原则,面子理论与礼貌原则,从词汇、句法和篇章等三个层面探讨You-attitude在坏消息商务信函中的应用。

    This thesis , by employing the Cooperative Principle , Face Theory and Politeness Principle of pragmatics , discusses the applications of " you-attitude " in the writing of bad-news business letters at lexical , syntactical and textual levels .

  18. 研究了篇章级空间关系抽取技术。

    The extraction of spatial relationships in text level is studied .

  19. 浅谈斯坦贝克《愤怒的葡萄》中的插入篇章

    On the Parenthetical Writing in Steinbeck 's the Grapes of Wrath

  20. 我冲动地等候着我人生的新篇章。

    I 'm eagerly awaiting this new chapter of my life .

  21. 不同的篇章、体裁在直译与意译的趋向程度上往往有所不同。

    Different discourses or styles tends to focus on different stresses .

  22. 龙发人用辛勤写下辉煌篇章!

    Longfa people score up the brilliant canto with their diligence .

  23. 汉维篇章逻辑衔接关系对比研究

    Contrastive Research of Logic Cohesive Relationship in Chinese and Uyghur Texts

  24. 建构篇章以传递信息为目的。

    The purpose of developing a text is to convey messages .

  25. 第三节是汉维篇章逻辑衔接的对比研究,论述了逻辑衔接的作用和种类。

    Part 3 is about the purposes and classification of logic cohesion .

  26. 汉英篇章连接对比分析及辩证研究

    A Contrastive Analysis and Dialectic Study of Chinese and English Textual Conjunction

  27. 外资银行:探求在华业务发展新篇章

    Foreign Banks : Exploring a new way of Business Development

  28. 共指是自然语言篇章和对话中普遍存在的现象。

    Coreference is a ubiquitous natural language phenomenon in discourse and dialog .

  29. 篇章民族文化伴随意义初探

    An Exploration of Connotative Meaning of Ethnic Culture in Text

  30. 《孟子》篇章类比喻研究

    A study of the metaphor used in " Mencius "