
  1. 论文通过对《颜氏家训》篇卷结构与主要内容的分析介绍,提炼出融合其中的丰富的儒学思想传统。

    Based on the introduction of Yan family instructions , this paper refines the fusion of Confucianism .

  2. 以清代陈澧《引书法示端溪书院诸生》为例,阐述了引文应按规范,即杜绝抄袭,当引雅书,注明篇卷,核对引文,标出创获及尊重前人。

    Some citation norms are expounded , such as avoiding plagiarism , citing professional books , annotating volume and chapter , checking citations , highlighting transcends and respecting predecessors .

  3. 篇、卷、册和中国古代书籍制度的变迁

    Articles , Books and volumes and the Changes of the Chinese Ancient Book System

  4. 他共有日记文八篇十一卷,是南宋的日记文大家。

    He has 8 chapters and 11 volumes of diary text as the master in diary journal in Southern Song Dynasty .

  5. 而篇、卷、册作为这三个不同阶段的书籍计数单位,则从一个侧面透示了其演进的轨迹,体现了各自的特点。

    Being as the enumerative units of book in three different stages , bamboo script , roll and volume reveal their track of evolution from one side and incarnate their own features .

  6. 是研究人的生理学、病理学、诊断学、治疗原则和药物学的医学巨著。《黄帝内经》包括《素问》八十一篇和《灵枢》八十一篇,各九卷。

    It focuses on the study of hu-man beings physiology , pathology , diagnostics , principles of treatment and phar-maceutics . The work is comprised of two parts , i.e.Suwen arid Lingshu , each be-ing divided int0 9 volumes and further 81 chapters respectively .