
  1. 采用错误插值法检查转抄数据的复核质量

    Quality checking of copied geophysical and geochemical data by using error interpolation

  2. 由于信息是随着时间不断变化的,所以仓库数据要按照不同的分类经常不断地汇总、统计,往往要做许多重复登记和转抄。

    Because of the information with the time changing , so data warehouse according to the different classification often continue to collect , statistics , often to do many repeated registration and copying .

  3. 在学生时代,上课抄黑板,非戴眼镜不可;因为她所认识的男同学,都够不上借笔记转抄的交情。

    In her student days , when she was copying from the blackboard in class , she had to wear glasses , because among her classmates there was no one she knew well enough from whom she could borrow a notebook to copy .