
zhuǎn rànɡ dìnɡ jià
  • transfer pricing
  1. 我国在加入WTO后,跨国关联企业转让定价逃避我国税收的问题也更加突出。

    Many multinational affiliated enterprises evade tax by transfer pricing .

  2. 接着分析了转让定价税务调整的方法,在对传统调整方法比较的基础上着重介绍了一种新的调整方法&预约定价协议(APA)。

    Based on analyzing traditional transfer pricing adjusting methods , it emphasizes a new adjusting method , advanced pricing agreement ( APA ) .

  3. 除了OECD原来规定的传统方法以外,又陆续出现了很多无形资产转让定价调整的新方法,各有利弊和适用的条件。

    Besides the traditional methods that fixed by OECD originally , new methods are put forward successively .

  4. 加入WTO后,进一步加强中国转让定价税制这一反避税问题的研究,防范外商投资企业利用转让定价进行避税已显得越来越重要。

    With China entry into WTO , it is becoming more important for China to do more study on tax evasion , which aims at preventing the foreign-investment enterprises from evading tax .

  5. TOT项目融资中国有资产转让定价的博弈分析

    How to Fix the Price of the National Assets , the Game Theory in the TOT Project Finance

  6. 我国加入WTO以来,外资在更广泛的领域进入了中国,但是跨国公司利用转让定价逃避我国税收的问题也就更加突出。

    Since our country joined WTO , the foreign capitals have entered China in more extensive field , but it is just more outstanding that the transnational corporation utilizes transfer pricing to escape the tax revenue of our country .

  7. 引入OECD和美国关于无形资产转让定价的部分立法,以供后文为我国提出立法建议参考。

    Then it introduces the tax law concerning on intangible assets transfer pricing in the USA and regions ruled by OECD partly in order to be used for references .

  8. 最后,选取了NL激光半导体公司作为案例研究,分析了NL公司的经营状况,未来发展战略以及转让定价管理的现状。

    Finally , we select NL laser semiconductor as a case study . Describe its operation , development strategies and current situation of transfer pricing management .

  9. 加强转让定价税收管理营造公平的税收环境

    Enhancing Tax Administration on Transfer Pricing for a Fair Tax Environment

  10. 建立内地和香港的转让定价调整的协调机制。

    To establish the system of negotiation on adjustment of transfer-pricing .

  11. 第五章,中国转让定价税制的实证研究。

    Chapter V is an empirical study of transfer pricing taxation .

  12. 公允价值在国有股权转让定价中的应用

    Application of Fair Value in the Transfer of State-owned Enterprise Equity

  13. 二叉树模型在技术转让定价中的应用研究

    Application of the Binary Tree Model into Price-making of Transferred Technology

  14. 转让定价税制发展趋势研究

    Studies on the Development Trend of the Law System for Transfer Pricing

  15. 中外转让定价税制比较转让定价税制的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Transfer Pricing Tax System between China and Foreign Countries

  16. 浅议如何完善中国的转让定价税制

    How to Perfect the Transfer - Pricing Tax of China

  17. 上市公司非流通股协议转让定价问题研究

    Research on the Pricing Problem of Non-tradable Stock Transfer of Listed Company

  18. 预约转让定价;完全信息动态博弈模型;

    Advance Pricing Agreement ; Dynamic game of complete information ;

  19. 浅论跨国经营中的转让定价及其防范

    On the Price - setting of Transfer in Transnational Management and Countermeasures

  20. 我国转让定价税制法律问题研究

    The Analysis of Legal Theory of Our Country 's Transfer-Pricing Tax System

  21. 转让定价不仅引起国际资本的不正常流动,而且对税收产生重大影响。

    It brings the deviant flow of international capital and affects revenue .

  22. 论跨国公司转让定价的产生及其影响

    On Transfer Pricing and Its Effect in the Multinational Corporations

  23. 关于转让定价税务管理的国际协调问题

    The Internation Coordination on the Tax Management of Transfer Pricing

  24. 国际转让定价相关问题的分析

    Analysis of the Relevant Problem of the Fixed Price of World Transfers

  25. 跨国公司利用转让定价进行国际避税的对策研究

    Research on the Anti-Tax Avoidance by MNC 's Transfer Pricing

  26. 试析关联企业转让定价的税务筹划

    An Analysis on the Tax Planning of Transfer Price in Related Enterprises

  27. 我国关联交易转让定价问题思考

    On the Transfer Pricing Regulation of Related Transaction in China and the Problems

  28. 第三部分是对转让定价存在性的分析。

    The third part is the analysis of the existence of transfer pricing .

  29. 我国跨国公司转让定价税制的分析及政策建议

    Analysis and Political Suggestions on Transfer Pricing in China

  30. 反避税中转让定价方法研究

    A Research on Transfer Pricing Method in Tax Anti-avoidance