
  • 网络Rotational stiffness
  1. 提出了拉压异性多弹簧柱脚模型以考虑外露式柱脚的弹性转动刚度,并将其引入单层轻型门式钢刚架的分析。

    A multi-spring model with compression-only and tension-only member is presented to consider the column base rotational stiffness and it is used to analyze the protal frame .

  2. 平板柱脚的转动刚度和柱的计算长度

    Rotational Stiffness of Plated Column Base and Effective Length of Columns

  3. 基于ANSYS的异型铝合金构件嵌合联接转动刚度的初步研究

    Study on Rotational Stiffness of Aluminum Alloy Components Connection Joint Based on ANSYS

  4. PAROS给出的柔性铰链绕z轴的转动刚度(柔度)计算公式相比,提出了更为简洁、精确的转动刚度计算公式,使其有利于柔性铰链的设计和分析。

    This will be propitious to the design and analysis of flexure hinges .

  5. 本文利用ANSYS非线性有限元分析方法,对K型搭接节点约束下桁架受压支杆端部节点转动刚度及杆件计算长度系数进行了大规模参数分析。

    In this paper , an extensive parametric research on the rotational stiffness and the effective length factor of compression brace of the truss restrained by overlap K joint is carried out by an ANSYS nonlinear finite element analysis .

  6. 根据半刚性连接梁柱连接处变形协调而且具有有限转动刚度的特点,使用通用有限元分析程序ANSYS中的弹簧阻尼单元解决了半刚性连接的模拟。

    It is well known at the semi-rigid connections location not only the beam and column have the same displacement but also the joints have finite rotation stiffness , ANSYS program was used to simulate the semi-rigid connections .

  7. 方钢管相贯节点转动刚度研究

    Studies on the Rigidity of Rotation for Rectangular Hollow Section joints

  8. 盾构法隧道管片接头转动刚度的理论研究

    Theoretical study of rotating stiffness of joint in shield tunnel segments

  9. 半刚性组合节点初始转动刚度计算

    Initial rotation stiffness calculation of semi - rigid composite joints

  10. 三种形状柔性铰链转动刚度的计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis of rotational stiffness for three types of flexure hinges

  11. 梁柱端板连接节点初始转动刚度计算模型

    Calculation model of initial rotational stiffness of Steel Beam-to-Column bolted end-plate connections

  12. 以此为基础,提出了半刚性组合节点和纯钢节点的初始转动刚度计算公式。

    Upon this basis , the calculating formulas of initial rotation stiffness are presented .

  13. 连续梁的杆端转动刚度及其在力矩分配法中的应用

    Bar - end Rotation Stiffness of Continuous Beam and its Application in Moment Distribution Method

  14. 连续梁转动刚度及弯矩传递系数研究

    Study on the Rotational Rigidity and Carry - over Factor of Moment of Continuous Beam

  15. 对半刚性结点转动刚度的确定采用迭代法。

    In the determination of rotational stiffness at the semi-rigid nodes , iterative technique is used .

  16. 箝位机构柔性铰链的转动刚度计算及其设计参数选择研究

    Study on the Turning-Rigidity calculations of symmetrical flexure hinge for clamping mechanism and its design parameter choice

  17. 因此有必要对半刚性钢-混凝土组合节点受弯承载力、转动刚度和转动能力进行全面的研究。

    Thus it is necessary to study moment resistance , rotation stiffness and rotation capacity of the joints .

  18. 以力学公式和微积分为基础,推导出了双曲余弦柔性铰链的转动刚度及其系数表达式。

    Based on theory of mechanics and calculus , deduces the expression for calculating the rotational stiffness and coefficient of cosh-flexure hinge .

  19. 动力特性测试结果表明:随着节点转动刚度的减小,框架自振周期延长。

    Dynamic characteristics tests show that the natural vibration period of steel frame can be prolonged with the reducing of connection rotation stiffness .

  20. 计算半刚性连续框架柱的有效长度系数时,必须先确定梁柱连续转动刚度。

    When the effective length factor of columns for semi-rigid composite frames is calculated , the connection rotation stiffness should be determined firstly .

  21. 设置柱腹板、端板加劲肋和柱腹板补强板可较大的提高节点的初始转动刚度和承载能力。

    Intercalating the rib stiffeners of web 、 end-plate and reinforcement plate will greatly enhance carrying capacity of connections and initial connection stiffness .

  22. 首先利用分解法建立了梁柱螺栓端板连接节点的力学模型,然后基于梁板理论给出了节点初始转动刚度的解析公式。

    Based on the beam and plate theory , an analytical model to describe the initial stiffness of end-plate steel connections is presented .

  23. 半刚性连接钢框架是指框架梁柱节点的转动刚度不能达到理想刚接的要求,但是可以传递部分弯矩的一种特殊结构型式。

    The semi-rigid connection frame means that the rigidity of connection is not so rigid that it can transfer partially moment to column .

  24. 接下来会有一个关于Y轴转动刚度的计画给航空器好让仰角就可以很容易被控制。

    Then the plan is to give the spacecraft some rotational stiffness about the Y axis so the elevation angle can be controlled easily .

  25. 在钢-混凝土组合框架设计的弹性分析和使用阶段的计算时,需要确定节点的初始转动刚度。

    In the design of the steel-concrete composite frames , initial rotation stiffness needs to be determined , for elastic analysis and serviceability calculation .

  26. 然而,空间结构中的很多节点都是半刚性节点,所谓半刚性节点就是节点具有一定的转动刚度,是介于刚接节点和铰接节点之间的一种节点体系。

    While , many joints in the spatial structure belong to semi-rigid joints , whose rotary stiffness is between the rigid ones and the pin ones .

  27. 根据微分误差模型,建立了机床刚度矩阵,得出了机床位置刚度和转动刚度的分布情况,着重讨论了铰链刚度对机床刚度的影响。

    The differential error model was used to develop the machine tool stiffness matrix . The solution gave contour plots of the position stiffness and the rotation stiffness .

  28. 在此基础上,通过对钢框架侧移刚度和半刚接梁单元转动刚度的修正,提出了半刚接钢框架内力和层间位移的简化计算方法。

    The calculation methods of the internal forces and the story deflection of these frames were proposed by revising its horizontal rigidity and the rotation rigidity of beam elements .

  29. 本文提出了计算无侧移框架梁柱连接转动刚度的简化方法:用梁线理论和弯矩-转角曲线确定切线连接刚度。

    A simple method was proposed to calculate the connection rotation stiffness for non-sway semi-rigid composite frames : using beam line theory and moment rotation curve to determine tangent connection stiffness .

  30. 其次,分析了各因素对节点转动刚度的影响规律,发现端板厚度、柱腹板厚度对节点刚度的影响最敏感。

    In addition , it is found that the thickness of end-plate and column-web is most sensitive to stiffness after analyzing the influence regularity of various factors on the stiffness of connections .