
dòng gāng dù
  • dynamic stiffness
动刚度[dòng gāng dù]
  1. 如何提高机床结构的动刚度

    How to improve structural dynamic stiffness of machine tools

  2. 结果表明,囊式空气弹簧隔振器的动刚度与充气气压基本成线性关系,与振动频率也基本是线性关系。

    Experimental and analysis results show that , the dynamic stiffness shows linearity relation with inner gas pressure , and also with the vibration frequency .

  3. 建立了基于悬置元件怠速工况下动刚度的发动机悬置系统MATLAB力学模型。

    A mechanics model for engine mount system is established with MATLAB based on dynamic stiffness of engine mounts in idle condition .

  4. 基于ANSYS的电磁轴承支承刚度优化主动磁力轴承非线性动刚度特性研究

    Optimization Design of Active Magnetic Bearing Stiffness Based on ANSYS Study on the nonlinear dynamic rigidity characteristics of the initiative magnetic bearings

  5. 针对补偿负刚度后的静电轴承一转子系统模型,讨论了PID控制参数与动刚度特性的关系,为根据刚度指标确定控制参数提供了理论依据。

    The relationships between dynamic stiffness properties and PID parameters of active electrostatic bearing and rotor systems based on a stiffness compensated model are investigated .

  6. Nastran进行频率响应计算,再由所得位移曲线求出相应的动刚度曲线。

    Nastran software to compute the displacement response at different frequencies , finally the dynamic stiffness curve is calculated based on the displacement responses .

  7. 基于BP-Network的机械结合面法向动刚度模拟方法的研究

    Research on the modeling method of the normal dynamic stiffness of mechanical joints on BP network

  8. 采用阻抗匹配法进行分析,导出各子系统的动刚度表达式,对X型直升机传动系统扭转振动特性进行分析计算,并与原型机进行比较。

    In this paper , the dynamic stiffness matching method is used for analyses by which the expressions for dynamic stiffness of subsystems are deduced . The torsional vibration characteristics of transmission system for revised type helicopter are analyzed and compared to the results of the original helicopter .

  9. 分析了SSI体系中软土地基对上部结构动力特性的影响,指出了在土、结构相对动刚度比足够小时,软基SSI体系的基本动力特性:一阶模态化趋势;

    The results indicate that , when the dynamic stiffness ratio of soil to structure is small enough , the SSI system tends to show the fundamental dynamic property of the first mode of vibration .

  10. 在高频(8Hz)左右时,振幅、频率的变化对动刚度的改变已不明显。

    In the high-frequency ( 8Hz ) around , the change of amplitude and frequency on the dynamic stiffness of air spring is not obvious .

  11. 论用动刚度计算单桩承载力的不确定性

    On the Impropriety of Computing Pile Bearing Capacity by Dynamic Rigidity

  12. 汽轮发电机转子的支承动刚度与临界转速问题

    Problems of Support Dynamic Stiffnesses and Critical Speeds for Turbogenerator Rotor

  13. 杆元素和梁元素的动刚度矩阵

    The Dynamic Stiffness Matrixes of the Bar Element and Beam Element

  14. 用等效动刚度系数法预测挠性转子的残余振动

    Equivalent Dynamic Stiffness Factor Method Calculating Residual Vibration of Flexible Rotors

  15. 弹性联轴器动刚度测试系统研究

    Research on the system of measuring kinetic stiffness of elastic coupling

  16. 静压空气轴承的动刚度和阻尼分析

    Analysis on Dynamic Rigidity and Damping of External Pressurized Air Bearing

  17. 轴承座动刚度偏低的振动特征与诊断处理

    Vibration characteristics and diagnosis of lowish dynamic stiffness of bearing pedestal

  18. 带承台单桩动刚度的试验研究

    Experimental study on dynamic stiffness of single pile with cushion cap

  19. 带附加气室空气弹簧动刚度的线性化模型研究

    Linearized model for dynamic stiffness of air spring with auxiliary chamber

  20. 动刚度和动力触探在强夯地基检测中的应用

    Application of dynamic rigidity and dynamic penetration to consolidated foundation test

  21. 直六纵向飞行操纵系统动刚度计算

    Dynamic stiffness calculation of Z-6 helicopter longitudinal flight control system

  22. 铁路碎石道床动刚度与阻尼的试验研究

    Study on dynamic stiffness and damp measurement of railway crushed stone ballast

  23. 主动磁力轴承非线性动刚度特性研究

    Study on the nonlinear dynamic rigidity characteristics of the initiative magnetic bearings

  24. 某型航空发动机后支承动刚度的有限元计算

    Finite element computation of an aero-engine rear support dynamic stiffness

  25. 转子的多自由度支承系统动刚度研究

    Dynamic Stiffness in Multi-degree of Freedom Support System of Rotor

  26. 机床动刚度模型实验研究

    Investigation on Dynamic Stiffness of Machine Tools with Model Experiments

  27. 先将结构分为若干子系统,用有限元法计算各子系统的动刚度。

    Then the dynamic stiffness of each subsystem is calculated by FEM .

  28. 直升机操纵系统动刚度的计算方法

    The methods for calculating dynamic stiffness of helicopter control system

  29. 某舰尾轴架结构动刚度的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Dynamic Stiffness of Shaft Brackets for a Vessel

  30. 轨道用隔振器静动刚度测试

    Measurement of static and dynamic stiffness of vibration isolator used for rail