
  • 网络Momentum Equation;N-S
  1. 前者用SIMPLE算法求解,其中方程包括连续性方程,动量方程,湍流模型方程和能量守恒方程;

    The former includes continuity equation , momentum equation , turbulence equation and energy equation , and it was solved by SIMPLE scheme .

  2. 采用增广Lagrange乘子法建立抽油杆柱与油管界面动量方程。

    Augmented Lagrange multiplier method is adopted , and momentum equation in the interface between sucker rod and tubing is set up .

  3. 利用这个表达式重新构造动量方程,引入各向异性k方程和ε方程,建立了新的湍流数学模型一各向异性k-ε模型。

    By using of these expressions and introducing anisotropic κ equation and ε equation , an anisotropic κ - ε model has been established .

  4. 采用SIMPLE算法,结合控制容积法的思想,并引入交错网格,对动量方程及压力修正方程进行了离散化处理。其次,完成了三维流场数值模拟程序的编制。

    The momentum functions and fixed pressure functions were discretized using the SIMPLE algorithm and combining with the function of controlled volume . Secondly , the numerical simulation programs of 3D fluid field have been worked out .

  5. karman边界层动量方程中的层流速度分布方程

    On laminar velocity profile equation in Karman boundary layer momentum equation

  6. 考虑到幂律流体的本构关系,结合流动指数的影响,建立了适用于幂律流体的NS动量方程和湍流模型方程。

    Turbulent model of power law fluid is presented according to Power Law fluid constitution equation and the influence of flow exponent .

  7. 对于数值模拟,文中假设采用标准的湍流模型,标准的近壁面函数,SIMPLE算法,且湍流动能、湍流耗散项、动量方程都采用一阶迎风格式离散。

    ε standard turbulent model , standard Wall Function , SIMPLE method are adopted in this numerical simulation , and the Turbulence Kinetic Energy , Turbulence Dissipation Rate , Momentum Equation adopt First Order Upwind difference scheme for discreteness .

  8. 在同一边界条件下,水槽试验所得K值与由动量方程推导客水临界流速与异重流速度比值K,基本一致。

    The ratio K of critical velocity of guest water to travelling velocity of density current obtained from flume test is basically the same as that derived from momentum equation under equal boundary conditions .

  9. 编制了采用四阶Runge-Kutta法的一元凝结流计算程序,并在一元动量方程中引入了滑移因子B,以模拟汽液两相速度差存在时的流动。

    A numerical program for one-dimensional nucleating flow by the fourth order Runge-Kutta scheme is also developed and slip factor B is introduced to simulate the flow when the velocity difference between two phases exists .

  10. 本文依据紊流边界层的动量方程和连续方程,利用流速分布的对数律,推导了陡坡紊流边界层的发展厚度δ和水深h的计算式,并与原型观测资料进行了对比。

    In this paper , starting from the Momentum Integral Equation and Continuity Equation , the formulas about turbulent boundary layer thickness δ and water depth h of a steep channel flow are deduced by making use of logarithmic velocity law .

  11. 采用RNGκ-ε湍流模型闭合雷诺时均动量方程组,数值模拟了某轴流泵内部三维流动。

    The Reynolds time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with RNG turbulent model were studied to simulate the three-dimensional internal flow of an axial-flow pump .

  12. 同时根据连续性方程和动量方程建立描述中间包内流体流动的数学模型,采用FLUENT商业软件进行数值计算。

    The mathematical model , describing the flow phenomena in the tundish , was established according as the continuity equation and momentum equation , meanwhile the FLUENT commercial software was used to calculate .

  13. 本文通过引入非定常流函数,在Levy&Lees坐标下导出了非定常可压边界层的动量方程,并以Box格式将它离散并求解。

    By defining an unsteady flow function , the compressible momentum equation for unsteady boundary layer in the Levy-Lees transformed coordinates is derived . Keller-Box scheme is used to make the equation discrete , which is then solved by a method for tridiagonal block matrix .

  14. 基本方程是以逆变速度为变量的Reynolds时均动量方程和椭圆型压力Poisson方程,并采用标准k-ε湍流模型封闭方程组。

    The fundamental equations are the Reynolds averaged momentum equations with contravariant velocities as the variables and the elliptic pressure Poisson equation with the standard k - ε turbulent model used to close the equations .

  15. 计算中对结构复杂的刷丝部分采用多孔介质处理,用Darcy定律取代动量方程,能量方程采用改进形式,而对其它部分采用简单的矩形网格进行完全N-S求解。

    The brush bristles were taken as a porous material and the Darcy law was used instead of the standard momentum equation . For the rest of computational domain , the N S equations in the original forms were applied .

  16. 动量方程的时间导数采用四步JamesonRunge-Kutta法,空间导数和压力Poisson方程均采用四阶高精度紧致格式。

    The momentum equations are integrated in time using the four-stage explicit Jameson Runge-Kutta algorithm and discretized in space using fourth order accurate compact scheme as well as the pressure Poisson equation .

  17. 本文将非牛顿流体动量方程、能量方程与HB流体的本构方程相结合,推导出了流体在轴向同心环空中的速度及温度分布公式。

    Combining the constitutive equation of Herschel-Bulkley fluid with the momentum equation and the energy equations of non-Newtonian fluid , the velocity and the temperature profiles for the annulus pipe flow of Herschel-Bulkley fluid are obtained .

  18. 并结合非线性上随体Maxwell本构方程,动量方程、连续性方程以及两种流道的边界条件,建立了完整的数学模型。

    The models combined with the constitutive equations for upper convected Maxwell , the momentum equations , the continuity equation and boundary conditions of two channel model , were used to building the complete mathematics model .

  19. 通过引入广义的Darcy定律代替渗流的动量方程,最终得到两个全场求解的控制方程:连续性方程演化的压力方程和能量方程演化的焓方程。

    As using the general Darcy 's law instead of the momentum equation , we get two equations : the pressure equation derived from the continuity equation and the enthalpy equation from the energy equation .

  20. 在电子云中电子的运动特性可以用由连续性方程、动量方程、能量方程、Poisson方程和热传导方程组成的流体方程组来描述。

    In the electron clouds which supported by the Penning discharge the property of motion of electrons can be described by the fluid equations : continuity equation , momentum equation , energy equation , Poisson equation and heat transfer equation .

  21. 在第一个模型中,树脂在边缘通道区域采用标准的二维Navier-Stokes方程描述,而在纤维预制体区域采用考虑惯性项和粘性项的动量方程表达。

    In the first model , the flow behavior in the edge channel is formulated using full two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations , while that in the fiber preform is formulated by momentum equation considering inertia and viscous terms .

  22. 对能量方程以及动量方程源项的加入,辐射项的处理,物性参数的设置采用了UDF编程的方法,对Fluent软件做了二次开发。

    The source of the energy equation and the momentum equations , radiation treatment and the set of the physical properties use the method of programming UDF . It is the secondary development of FLUENT .

  23. 采用有限元法,用ANSYS软件计算并描述了水平式双辊铸轧铝薄带熔池内液态金属流动与传热的NS动量方程、能量方程及κε湍流双方程等。

    By the finite element method , the N-S momentum , energy equations and turbulence κ - ε double equations et. which describe the fluid flow and heat transfer in the pool of the level twin-roll strip casting are computed through utilizing ANSYS software .

  24. 对非线性粘弹性PTT流体,为了降低模拟计算对计算机硬件的要求,并使模拟计算更加稳定,采用了去耦算法,包括拟体力方法和动量方程的椭圆类方程转化方法等。

    For which a couple of decoupled numerical methods , such as pseudo-body force and transformation of momentum equation into the elliptic equation , are used to decrease the capacity of computer memory required for numerical simulation and raise the convergence stability .

  25. 基于RANS方程和两方程湍流模型,采用有限体积法,将入射波波场作为人工的分布源项加入动量方程,提出了适用于VOF方法的源造波-消波技术。

    Based on the RANS equation and k-epsilon model , a numerical wave tank was presented in the frame of FLUENT through modifying the source terms of momentum equations by distributed sources associated with the incoming waves .

  26. 根据多孔介质中流体热对流的连续性方程、动量方程和能量方程使用Boussinesq近似建立了耦合的非线性的块石通风路基温度场有限元计算模型;

    According to the heat transfer equation , the momentum equation , the energy equation about incompressible fluid in porous medium the FEM of the coupling temperature field about Air Cooled Embankment ( ACE ) is established by using Boussinesq approximation .

  27. 控制方程选用二参数高阶Boussinesq方程,并与大山[4]考虑有旋运动的控制方程进行对比,找出后者动量方程中多出的由有旋运动引起的破碎项。

    The governing equation is two-parameter Boussinesq equation and it is compared with the governing equation in consideration of the rotational motion proposed by Da Shan , and find out the breaking terms caused by the rotational motion in his momentum equation .

  28. 基于流体力学的连续方程、动量方程及K-ε湍流模式,利用计算流体力学软件FLUENT,得到了计算模型内部的流场分布规律,并通过对计算结果的分析,改进了这种新模型的某些结构参数。

    Based on the continuity equation , momentum equation and K-s turbulent pattern of hydrodynamics , we obtain the interior flow field distribution regular of the model by use of the computational hydrodynamics software FLUENT . After analyzing the calculational result , we improve some parameters of the new model .

  29. 第二章依据N-S方程,考虑到液、固之间的相间耦合,在基本假设条件下,采用双流体模型,分别建立液、固两相的动量方程,它是固液两相流体的一般方程式;

    In chapter two , according to N-S equation , considering the couple between liquid and solid , the double-fluid model is used to respectively set up momentum equations of two-phase fluids in condition of basic hypothesis , which are general equations of two-phase fluids .

  30. 水池采用动边界造波,自由面由VOF方法来捕捉,在水池后段的动量方程中添加了源项以消除后端壁面的波浪反射。

    Dynamic boundary was used to make waves and free surface to be captured by VOF method . In the posterior segment of the tank , sources term is added into the momentum equation to eliminate the reflection of the end wall .