
  • 网络conservation equation
  1. 运用SIMPLE算法编制了求解数学模型的程序,对模型中的质量、动量、能量和溶质等守恒方程联立求解。

    The model used the SIMPLE algorithm to simultaneously solve the quality , momentum , energy , and species conservation equations .

  2. 基于守恒方程组,建立了喷口电弧与PTFE蒸气相互作用的数学模型,并用该模型对SF6自能膨胀式断路器的开断过程进行数值模拟。

    The mathematical model of the interaction between nozzle arc axed PTFE vapour is established based conservation equations . The interruption of an SF_6 auto-expansion circuit breaker is simulated numerically with this model .

  3. 前者用SIMPLE算法求解,其中方程包括连续性方程,动量方程,湍流模型方程和能量守恒方程;

    The former includes continuity equation , momentum equation , turbulence equation and energy equation , and it was solved by SIMPLE scheme .

  4. 本文从流体力学基本守恒方程出发,标准的k-ε湍流双微分方程模型模拟湍流流动,用用SIMPLE算法求解偏微分方程,对双流股平行射流德士古气化炉冷态流场进行了数值模拟计算。

    Numerical study of cold flow-field in a Texaco gasifier with parallel twin jet flow is presented . The Navier-Stockes equations incorporating a standard k - ε turbulence two-equation model were solved using SIMPLE algorithm .

  5. 通过能量守恒方程计算注入到氧化层中的平均电子能量,根据计算出的电子能量可以解释SHE注入和FN隧穿注入的根本不同。

    The average electron energy injected into oxide can be calculated by using the energy-conservation equation .

  6. 通过对所收集的实验数据进行计算分析,在总结分析已有FRP约束混凝土本构关系模型基础上,根据能量守恒方程推导出FRP约束混凝土轴压柱极限强度公式。

    It is derived formula for ultimate strength for FRP confined concrete columns under axial compression based on energy conservation equation .

  7. 因此,对两相流中自由面处理方法的研究是我们结合N-S方程和质量守恒方程解决这类问题的前提所在。

    In that , interface tracking method with N-S equation and continuous equation models must be researched .

  8. 本文利用Jacobi逼近方法,建立求解双曲型守恒方程的半离散拟谱格式,并给出误差估计式。

    By using the Jacobi approximation for the hyperbolic conservative equation , a semi-discrete pseudospectral scheme and the error estimation are given .

  9. 首先介绍了采用Lagrange有限元离散连续介质力学守恒方程的基本思想和计算步骤。

    First , the basic idea of the discretization method of conservation equations in continuum mechanics with Lagrange Finite Element Method and the flowchart of computations are described .

  10. 一维双曲守恒方程组的Taylor-Galerkin有限元方法

    A taylor-galerkin finite element method for one-dimensional hyperbolic system of conservational laws

  11. 结合质量、动量、能量守恒方程及κ-ε模型、壁面函数法等理论,利用FLUENT软件模拟了系统运行时湖水水温的分布情况。

    Combined with mass , momentum , energy conservation equation and κ - ε model , wall function method theory , we simulated the distribution of water temperature by using FLUENT .

  12. 它包括由质量守恒方程、动量守恒方程和能量守恒方程构成的Euler方程组以及由星体本身的密度分布决定的自引力势能所满足的Poisson方程。

    It contains Euler equations for conservation of mass , momentum and energy , and Poisson equation through which the gravitational potential is determined by the density distribution of the gas itself .

  13. 但是双曲守恒方程也是一类特殊的方程,尤其是在非线性的情况下,即使初值有充分的光滑性,Cauchy问题的解也可能不连续。

    But they are also special ones , especially the case of nonlinear , the solutions of Cauchy problem may fail to be continuous even if the initial data are smooth .

  14. 在交错网格上耦合求解Navier-Stokes方程与能量守恒方程,采用levelset法跟踪与模拟气液界面的运动与变形,并对levelset函数的再初期化、质量守恒等问题进行了较深入的研究。

    The Navier-Stokes equations coupled with the energy conservation equation are solved on a staggered grid , and the level set method is used to predict the surface deformation of the droplet . The re-initialization and the mass conservation for the level set function have also been studied .

  15. 由爱因斯坦方程和能动张量守恒方程得到Brane宇宙标度因子的演化规律。

    Then got the evolution of the Brane world scale factor from the Einstein equation and the energy-momentum conservation equation .

  16. 根据能量守恒方程,同时考虑了电极材料的熔解和气化特性,建立了电极烧蚀过程的一维简化数学模型,并采用时域有限差分法(FDTD)进行了数值求解。

    According to energy conservation equation and fusion and evaporation characteristics of electrode materials , a simplified one-dimension mathematical model was made and numerically solved by means of FDTD ( finite - Difference Time-Domain ) .

  17. 基于连续性方程、动量守恒方程、K方程、??方程,建立了数据机房中气流的仿真模拟控制方程,借助CFD仿真软件对机房热环境进行数值模拟计算。

    The simulation governing equation of air flow in the data center was established based on the continuity equation , momentum conservation equation , K equation and ?? equation , then we can simulate the thermal environment by using CFD simulation software .

  18. 采用一种基于无结构网格的有限体积法,求解质量、动量、能量平均守恒方程和平均状态方程,为联合PDF的输运模型方程的求解提供其所需的平均速度场和平均密度场;

    A finite volume scheme based on unstructured mesh is used to solve the Reynolds averaged Euler equations and the mean equation of state , and provides mean density and mean velocity for the PDF equations ;

  19. 通过对表面张力的分析,引入了连续表面力(CSF)模型,并将表面张力转化成体积力加入到流体的动量守恒方程中。

    On the basis of the analysis of surface tension , a continuum surface force ( CSF ) model is also imported which interprets surface tension as a volume force and adds it into the momentum conservation equation .

  20. 二维对流扩散方程的控制体有限元法数值模拟化学污染物的质量守恒方程采用依赖于时间的对流扩散方程的隐式特征线Galerkin方法进行离散和求解,其中污染物的浓度作为基本未知量。

    The mass balance equation governing the chemical pollutants is discretized and solved by using the implicit characteristic Galerkin method for time-dependent convection-diffusion equations , in which the pollutant concentration is taken as the primary variable .

  21. 本文基于能量守恒方程,给出利用现有重力场模型标定CHAMP卫星加速度数据的基本原理和数学模型;

    In this paper , the basic principle and mathematical model using known Earth gravity field model to calibrate the CHAMP accelerometry data are given based on the energy balance method .

  22. 本文对现有的光滑粒子动力学方法进行了综述,介绍了该方法的理论基础、连续介质守恒方程、方法稳定性的改善等,重点阐述了边界条件的处理,并给出了SPH方法的算例。

    In this paper , the fundamental theory of SPH , the conservation equation of continuum mechanics , and the improvement of stability are introduced . Then boundary condition is emphasized .

  23. 采用HFC-134A作为制冷工质,以两流体数值模型为基础,建立抛物线型守恒方程作为编程计算的基本方程。

    The parabolic two-phase flow conservation equations are presented using HFC-134A as the refrigerant . Also described is the IPSA algorithm , important in modeling non-equilibrium effects .

  24. 在已有的高压孔隙度渗透率测量仪上,根据Darcy定律、状态方程和质量守恒方程,研究了一种气体介质渗透率瞬态测量和计算方法。

    Using the Porosity and Permeability Meter under high pressure , based on Darcy law , state equation and equation of continuity , a gas transit measurement and calculation method of permeability on rock has been studied .

  25. 应用含组分守恒方程的质量平均Navierstokes方程和BL代数湍流模型,数值模拟了后台阶构型燃烧室在采用台阶上游支板引射和壁面垂直引射燃料时的内部流场。

    The internal flow fields of supersonic combustion ramjet ( scramjet ) combustion chamber with strut or normal wall injectors are simulated numerically by using the Favre-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the Baldwin-Lomax algebraic turbulence model .

  26. 在双面加热的垂直环形窄缝通道内,对向上流动环状流的临界热流密度(CHF)进行理论研究,以质量、动量和能量守恒方程为基础建立数学物理模型。

    In the vertical narrow annular channel with bilateral heating , the critical heat flux of annular upward flow was studied . A mathematical model on the base of the mass , momentum and energy conversation equations was developed .

  27. 应用基于时域分步算法的Taylor-Galerkin方法,对控制成型充填过程的守恒方程建立了弱形式。

    The Taylor-Galerkin scheme based on the fractional-step algorithm is employed to obtain the weak forms of the conservation equations governing the filling process .

  28. 通过耦合求解凝固过程质量、动量、能量和溶质守恒方程,对Fe-C二元合金凝固过程中的流动、传热、传质现象进行了数值模拟。

    The fluid flow , heat and mass transfer phenomena in solidification of Fe-C alloys are numerically simulated by simultaneously solving the coupled macroscopic mass , momentum , energy , and species conservation equations .

  29. 引入移动边界积分的莱布尼兹公式建立了边界可移动控制体的守恒方程,解决了以往在蒸汽发生器(SG)仿真过程中跷跷板(See-Saw)效应的影响。

    The conservation equations of moving boundary control volume are established by introducing Leibnitz formula of moving boundary integration in this paper , influence of see-saw effect in steam generator simulation is eliminated simultaneously .

  30. 管外用比较严格的柱坐标系下能量守恒方程加以描述,得到一个积分-微分方程组,然后在一定的简化条件下,用Monte-Carlo法及差分法求解此积分-微分方程组。

    An energy-conservation model using cylindrical coordinates in the form of integral and differential equations is used for describing the radiative and convective heat transfer in a combustion chamber . The Monte Carlo method and the difference method are used for solving the energy equation .