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shǒu yù
  • defend
守御 [shǒu yù]
  • [defend] 防守;防御

  • 我们被迫转入守御战

  • 若街亭有兵守御,即当按兵不行。--《三国演义》

  • 史公以 凤庐道奉檄守御。-- 清. 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》

  1. 随着西北边疆的逐步扩展及屯田军事性质的不断加强,屯田与守御最终在西域地区合而为一。

    With the growing expansion of Northwest Territory and the enhancement of garrisoning troops , the two systems finally united as one .

  2. 火器的应用使边军战斗力有所提高,守御能力增强,但火器应用并没有改变明王朝北部边防被动的局面。

    It is true that the disposition and use of the firearm strengthened fighting capacity and defense capabilities . However , it didnt change the passive situation there .

  3. 这些技术的交互影响使用为提高城池守御能力做出了重要贡献,同时也反映了当时人们对自然界的利用和改变之深入程度。

    The interaction of these technologies made an important contribution to improving the ability of the city at defense , and also reflected the depth of the people using and changing the nature .